











单选题My son won the first prize in the writing contest!()ACongratulations!BAre you sure of that?CWhat a pity!DIt's terrible.

单选题This incident has()any chance of peace talks.AruledBruled offCruled outDruleover

单选题The boy is eager to () knowledge in different fields.AaccomplishBabsorbCarrangeDapproach

单选题It's not safe()in the street.AplayedBplayCplayingDplays

单选题According to the passage, which procedure is NOT involved in garbage recycling?ASeparating usable products from trash.BProcessing them so that they can be used as more expensive materials.CReturning them to markets as new products.DSplitting them into three categories: hazardous items, combustible waste and noncombustible waste.

单选题– Hello, could I speak to Don please? -()AWho are youBWho’s speakingCAre you Jane

单选题Which of the following is the author’s primary concern regarding the application of the new technology?AThe expansion of the new technology may not bring profits to the companies.BMost people who use the technology will not have a baby as they want.CThe effect of the new technology still needs to be carefully examined.DIncreasing use of the technology may disturb the sex balance in the population.

单选题Our food soon ran()AawayBoverCoutDup


单选题You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of()AfareBchargeCmoneyDpay

单选题I like sports and()my brother.Aso doesBso isCsoDso like

单选题Not always()they want (to)Apeople can do whatBcan people do whatCpeople can not do whatDcan‘t people do what

单选题Do you have any double rooms()this weekend?ApresentBqualifiedCavailableDcapable

单选题Is it OK if I take this seat? Sorry,()Ahere you areBtake itCit's takenDnever mind

单选题()what she would do, she didn't say anything.AAskBAskingCAskedDTo ask

单选题We agree to()the test.Ayou didByour doingCyours doingDyou do

单选题Sally's parents()come and stay with her soonAare goingBare going toCis going to

单选题The population of the earth()increasing fast.AisBareCwereDhave been

单选题() difficulties they may come across, they"ll help one another to overcome them.AWhateverBWheneverCHoweverDWherever

单选题A: How()is the rent? B: It's about 200 pounds a month.AmanyBmuchCmore

单选题I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.() You looked tired last time I saw you.AI hope soBReallyCI'm glad you didDThe sound was nice

单选题How good the news is for you!()AYou are kind to tell meBI'm glad to see thatCIt's kind of you to say soDIt's nice to hear from you

单选题_____ contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a completely agricultural country.AOnBWithCForDBy

单选题Art is subjective in that _____.Aa personal and emotional view of history is presented through itBit can easily rouse our anger or sadness about social problemsCit will find a ready echo in our heartsDboth B and C

单选题She was very concerned()her mother's illness.AaboutBforCwithDon

单选题These desks and chairs()to the children in the mountain villages next week.Aare sentBwill sendChave sentDwill be sent


单选题In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which _____ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.AreclaimBreconcileCrectifyDrelieve