单选题After repair, the voyage trial of the M-E should be done ()Aafter the mooring trial has passedBbefore the mooring trialCunder the surveyors supervisionDafter repair

After repair, the voyage trial of the M-E should be done ()

after the mooring trial has passed


before the mooring trial


under the surveyors supervision


after repair


解析: 暂无解析


Although a ship usually has repair in a shipyard, ________ is also necessaryA.the general repair on boardB.the voyage repairC.the annual repairD.the dock repair

After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ____ later proved a new continent. A、 whereB、 whichC、whatD、that

ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: _______________. A. before-class planning and after-class planningB. before-class preparation and after-class feedbackC. before-class planning and after-class reflectionD. macro planning and micro planning

Repair of vital machinery and services on a ship should be accomplished ______.A.after control of fire, flooding, and structural repairsB.immediatelyC.after control of fire, but before control of floodingD.after stability is restored

What is NOT true about overhaul repair?( ) A.Overhaul repair is a major repair.B.Overhaul repair is carried out in a dock.C.Overhaul repair is carried out once a year.D.Overhaul repair is done for the purpose of rating.

Uncleared crew curios remaining on board during a domestic coastwise voyage after returning from foreign should be ______.A.listed in the Official LogbookB.cleared prior to the next foreign voyageC.noted in the Traveling Curio ManifestD.retained under locked security by the owner

No damage of any kind ______ aids to navigation or navigation facilities.A.should be done toB.should not be done toC.must be done withD.must not be done with

共用题干Clinical Trials1. Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people to use.Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different population,such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.2. It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help.It is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they have exhausted standard treatment options .Other people participate in trials because they want to contribute to the ad-vancement of medical knowledge.3. The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies involving new medical treatments.4. People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens during the trial ,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with participating. Paragraph 2______A: Are clinical trials safe?B: What are clinical trials?C: What should people know before participating in a clinical trial?D: Who should consider clinical trials and why?E: Where are clinical trials conducted?F: Why are clinical trials done?

()refers to the repair during the voyage.A、Voyage repairB、Annual repairC、Periodical repairD、Survey check

()refers to the repair the ship every year.A、Voyage repairB、Annual repairC、Periodical repairD、Survey check

Which of the following should be done before and after a service or repair is performed on a server?()A、 DefragB、 IPCONFIG /releaseC、 Firmware updateD、 Baseline

单选题After repair, the voyage trial of the M-E should be done ()Aafter the mooring trial has passedBbefore the mooring trialCunder the surveyors supervisionDafter repair

单选题Which of the following procedures should be carried out to permit the use of a crosshead engine with an inoperable after-cooler?()ABypass the after-cooler to operate at speedBRun at reduced speed until the cooler can be repaired or renewedCSwitch to diesel fuel and run at full speedDNothing need to be done due to the low heating value of heavy fuel

单选题Who is responsible for the voyage plan?()AThe person who has done the planningBThe masterCThe navigation officerDThe owner

单选题()refers to the repair during the voyage.AVoyage repairBAnnual repairCPeriodical repairDSurvey check

单选题A user is unsatisfied with the quality of the repair that another technician has completed on their PC. Which of the following should be done to help the user?()AAgree with the user’s complaintsBClarify the user’s statementsCMinimize the user’s criticismDShadow the other technician on the next repair

单选题When the dock is refilled with water after docking repair, the first work which should be done by engineers is ()Aigniting boilerBreleasing air in sea water systemCstarting generatorDcut off shore power

单选题When anchoring in open anchorage, chief engineer should consult with captain ()Aif the ship must be stand byBif M-E should be stoppedCif keep-watching as in voyageDif the ship must anchor two anchors

单选题When carrying out mooring trial, if the M√Ecan’t start normally, you should ()Atake a further inspection in the voyageBcheck and repair, then retrialCdo as the surveyor’s requirementDretrial

单选题According to the regulation of the voyage trial on new ship,()is one of the trial items of the UMS ship bridge control.Astarting and direction changing trialBcancelling accelerating function trialClowest stable speed trialDcontinuous running trial

单选题When carrying out the voyage trial, the M-E is not necessary to take()trial.AstartingBrunningCrunning-inDdirection changing

单选题After arrived at the port, if it is necessary to lift the piston out and inspect the M-E temporarily, the chief engineer should report the situation to the(), and the operation could be performed only after having the approvement of relevant department.Amaritime safety administrationBship survey bureauCcompany managerDcaptain

单选题Uncleared crew curios remaining on board during a domestic coastwise voyage after returning from foreign should be().Alisted in the Official LogbookBcleared prior to the next foreign voyageCnoted in the Traveling Curio ManifestDretained under locked security by the owner

单选题The scavenge port inspection should be carried out(), to obtain the most reliable result with regard to the effectiveness and sufficiency of the cylinder lubrication and the combustion cycle (complete or incomplete).Aat the first stop after a long voyage egby anchoring if possibleBat the first stop after arrival at harborCat the first stop after low load runningDat the first stop after passing river or canal passage

单选题To ensure the quality of dock repair, C/E should know very well ()Athe repair standard of main docking repair itemBthe special tool for repair itemCthe skill of repairerDthe status of docking repair equipment

单选题Which is false about engine trials?()Aengine trails should be done after finishing the operation of turning the engine with the turning gear and starting the engine on air brieflyBin the operation of engine trails, the main engine should be running in low-speedCAs to the ship equipment with twin main engine, engine trials should be done with one engine ahead and another engine astern at the same timeDthe order “engine trials” should be given by the bridge

单选题Which of the following should be done before and after a service or repair is performed on a server?()A DefragB IPCONFIG /releaseC Firmware updateD Baseline

单选题After an explosion,repair of emergency machinery and services should be accomplished().Aafter control of fire,flooding,and structural repairsBimmediately,before the emergency is under controlCafter control of fire,but before control of floodingDafter stability is restored