单选题Cairo is a city of()。ASriLankaBDenmarkCEgyptDIndonesia

Cairo is a city of()。









解析: 暂无解析


New York City is the second largest city of the United States.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

查询city列的值为空的记录,在where子句中的条件应写为()。 A.ity=nullB.city=‘null‘C.city is nullD.city is ‘null‘

设有关系R(CITY,ST,ZIP),其函数依赖集F = {(CITY,ST)? ZIP,ZIP ? CITY },则关系R至多满足A.1NFB.2NFC.3NFD.BCNF


City born and city bred, he always thinks city life is () coutry life.A、superior thanB、inferior thanC、superior toD、inferior to

The life in ________ is much more peaceful than that in ________. A.a big city...the countrysideB.a small town...a small villageC.a big city...a small villageD.the countryside...a big city


El Abbasa (Sweet Water) Canal______from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismaili.A.extendB.extendingC.are extendingD.extends

The great changes of the city astonished every visitor to that city.A:attacked B:surprisedC:attracted D:interested

共用题干The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(65)A:square B: divisionC:centers D:section

共用题干The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(64)A:put out B:lay outC:give out D:hard out

Cairo is a city of()。A、SriLankaB、DenmarkC、EgyptD、Indonesia

查询city列的值为空的记录,在where子句中的条件应写为()。A、ity=nullB、city='null'C、city is nullD、city is 'null'

()is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.A、Point to point truckB、City to city truckC、Domestic intercity truckingD、Domestic transportation

单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?ATo build a structure like the City Hall will cost $2.5 million today.BThe clock tower stands parallel with the center of the City Hall.COld City Hall was once pulled down in the development of the city.DOld City Hall is now a historical site.

单选题After you enter the Ohio River at Cairo,the Map shows that the deepest water under the Illinois Central RR Bridge would be found under which span? ()ARight Descending Bank spanBLeft Descending Bank spanCCenter spanDWater is equal under all spans

单选题What is special about Mindful Travel, Inc.?AIt provides educational experiences.BIt is based in Cairo, Egypt.CIt offers the cheapest tour prices.DIt employs Egyptian guides.

单选题After you enter the Ohio River at Cairo,which span of the Illinois Central RR Bridge would you select to pass under? ()AAny span is navigableBNorthbank or SouthbankCSouthbank span onlyDNorthbank span only

单选题What is the main idea expressed in the passage?AThe uses of a city like Marinnation.BThe inhabitants of a city built in the ocean.CThe construction of an independent city-state.DThe engineering feats needed for building an oceanic city.

单选题The city of _____ is nicknamed “Space City of USA”.ALos AngelesBHoustonCBostonDHonolulu

单选题The best title for the passage might be _____.AAn Ideal Place for ShoppingBA City with the Best ClimateCThe World’s Best City to Live inDThe World’s Most Beautiful City

单选题Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?ANew York City will give financial aid to poor students.BNew York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.CNew York City plans to install metal detectors in all public schools.DNew York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.

单选题_____AYes, I have.BYes, it is.CI like the city.DIt’s a famous city.

单选题Examine the description of the CUSTOMERS table: CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL STREET_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(150) CITY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) STATE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) PROVINCE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) COUNTRY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(12) CUSTOMER_PHONE VARCHAR2(20) The CUSTOMER_ID column is the primary key for the table. Which statement returns the city address and the number of customers in the cities Los Angeles or San Francisco?()ASELECT city_address, COUNT(*) FROM customers WHERE city _ address IN ('Los Angeles','San Fransisco');BSELECT city_address, COUNT (*) FROM customers WHERE city address IN ( 'Los Angeles', 'San Fransisco') GROUP BY city_address;CSELECT city_address, COUNT(customer_id) FROM customers WHERE city_address IN ( 'Los Angeles', 'San Fransisco') GROUP BY city_address, customer_ id;DSELECT city_address, COUNT (customer_id) FROM customers GROUP BY city_ address IN ('Los Angeles','San Fransisco');

问答题Is city A closer to city B than it is to city C?  (1) City C is 197 miles from city A.  (2) City C is 163 miles from city B.

单选题“The city grew outward instead of upward” (Para. 2) means _____.Athe city became more spread out instead of growing tallerBthere were fewer small houses than tall buildingsCrapid development took place in the city centerDmany tall buildings could be found in the city

单选题From the passage we learn that______.AToronto spends lots of money yearly developing the cityBsome local residents showed a great interest in protecting the city's cultural siteCthe City Council of Toronto hasn't paid sufficient attention to the protection of the city's cultureDthe City Hall is still the largest city building in North America today

单选题The Elk City garbage dumps are so full that Elk City has been forced to pay a large sum to Caribou City to accept much of Elk City’s garbage. The Elk City mayor has proposed paying for this garbage relocation by imposing a tax on manufacturing businesses in Elk City. MegaCorp, the largest manufacturing business in the area, protests that this tax is unfair because businesses should not have to pay for a garbage problem that has been created by homeowners.  Which of the following, if true, most weakens MegaCorp’s argument?AMegaCorp already pays more than $10,000 per year in taxes and fees to Elk CityBMegaCorp employs more than 60 percent of the employed residents of Elk City.CA recycling program would address the garbage problem more effectively by reducing the overall quantity of waste.DMegaCorp’s manufacturing processes produce more than 90 percent of the total waste that goes into Elk City’s garbage dumps.ECaribou City is happy to receive the extra garbage because the fees it collects from Elk City have helped to address a shortfall in education funding.