单选题_____AGlad to meet you.BI’m not sure.CGo ahead.DNo, thanks.
Glad to meet you.
I’m not sure.
Go ahead.
No, thanks.
本题考查交际用语。题目中问的是“史密斯教授,我能问您几个问题吗?”“go ahead”在这里表示“请讲”,其他都不符合。C是正确的答案。
【录音原文】Professor Smith, may I ask you a few questions?
本题考查交际用语。题目中问的是“史密斯教授,我能问您几个问题吗?”“go ahead”在这里表示“请讲”,其他都不符合。C是正确的答案。
【录音原文】Professor Smith, may I ask you a few questions?
单选题The policeman stopped the driver and found that he _____ alcohol.AdrinksBhas drankCis drinkingDhad drunk
单选题The increase in sales of professional hair-care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to their skin.A专业护发产品的增加表明消费者既关心护发,也关心护肤。B专业护发产品销量的增加表明消费者既重视护肤,也重视护发。C随着美发行业的发展,消费者越来越重视美发和护肤。
单选题_____AIt is seriously polluted.BThe air is very clear.CThere are few cars and factories.DIt remains what it was ten years ago.
单选题Only when we had finished all the work _____ that it was too late to take a bus home.Adid we realizeBwill we realizeCwe did realizeDwe will realize
单选题Air France carries out its Frequency Plus _____.Athrough its reduced ticket pricesBthrough its extensive network of partnersCby providing convenient flight schedulesDby offering excellent services on board
单选题I don’t doubt _____ the stock market will recover from the economic crisis.AifBwhatCthatDwhich
填空题What is required of the applicants in terms of social image?They must enjoy a ____ social image.
单选题According to the second paragraph, co-operation skills _____.Arequire special qualities and abilitiesBare learned while working in a teamCneed exceptional mental abilitiesDare quite complicated to learn
单选题The company’s vehicles are equipped with _____.Aup-to-date video playersBthe latest computer systemsCa new model of card readerDan automatic quoting machine
单选题There are three colors in the British flag, _____ red, white and blue.ArarelyBnamelyCreallyDnaturally
单选题It is important that we _____ the task ahead of time.Awill fishBfinishedCfinishDshall finish
单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.Ateenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White HouseBforeigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White HouseCseparate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitorsDsecurity is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours
单选题_____AInterviewer and interviewee.BEmployer and employee.CManager and secretary.DSeller and buyer.
单选题There was a heavy fog this morning,so none of the planes could _____.Aget throughBtake offCpull outDbreak away
单选题This advertisement aims to _____.Aimprove the relationship between companiesBstress the important role of art in educationCattract MOCA members to the programsDraise funds for museums of modern art
单选题The policeman kept his eyes _____ on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s foot-prints.AfixedBfixingCbeing fixedDto fix
单选题_____AUpstairs.BDownstairs.CRight behind the woman.DAcross the bus stop.