单选题Rents in Britain are quite low.ARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

Rents in Britain are quite low.





Doesn’t say.


从第一段第一句提到的with the high cost of living, particularly in terms of rent or buying property可以看出英国的房租还是相当高的。故该题题干表述错误。


Parts were ordered only as needed, keeping () and overhead low. A、inventoryB、sacrificeC、drippingD、clear-cut

Though the job requires a great deal of effort, the _______ is quite low. A. interviewB. salaryC. talentD. function

We can learn from the passage that .A. many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain policeB. 300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every yearC. 25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety testsD. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law

Comparing British railway with those of Europe, the author thinks[A] trains in Britain can run at 100 mph at least.[B] Britain should build more express lines.[ C] rails in Britain need further privatization.[D] British railway is left a long way behind.

The rents here are not_____to the students living on grants. A、comfortableB、accessibleC、availableD、affordable

When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with _______ students.A、quite a fewB、only a fewC、fewD、a few quite

To many people' s surprise,the twin sisters have _______ in common in personalities.A、very littleB、very fewC、quite manyD、quite much

It is said that() boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. A、very littleB、quite a fewC、quite a bitD、quite a little

The discount houses were first established in that period of time ________ people‘s purchasing power was low. A. which B. that C. when D. where

—Are you feeling______?—Yes, I'm fine now.A. any wellB. any betterC. quite goodD. quite better

What’s the main idea ofthis passage?( ) A.Theresa May makes financial commitment to EU for the transition period. B.EU won’t talk to Britain unless Britain makes concessions. C.Britain insists on leaving EU without any agreement. D.Theresa May seeks to unlock Brexit talks in her speech.

There’s a stalemate between EU and Britain after Brexit because( ) A.the two sides have not reached an agreement on conditions of Britain’s orderly exit B.British people are divided on the issue of Brexit C.Britain refuses to fill the financial hole of the EU D.EU does not want Britain to exit from it

The two main islands of the British Isles are( ). A.Great Britain and Northern Ireland B.Great Britain and Northern Scotland C.Great Britain and Southern Wales D.Great Britain and Southern England

Theresa May s speech mentioned the following things except( ) A.the rights of EU’s citizens will be protected in Britain after the divorce B.a good trade relation between Britain and the EU is in line with the interests of both sides C.Britain would be willing to continue to fulfill the commitment they have made during the period of membership D.Britain will provide 20 billion euros to EU during the transition period

The two large islands that make up the British Isles are().AScotland and IrelandBBritain and ScotlandCGreat Britain and Northern IrelandDGreat Britain and Ireland

The two large islands that make up the British Isles are().A、Scotland and IrelandB、Britain and ScotlandC、Great Britain and Northern IrelandD、Great Britain and Ireland

Why is it that Britain today imports more clothing than it exports?()A、British clothing is of poor quality.B、Britain does not grow cotton.C、Many countries with lower costs can produce clothing more cheaply than the British can.D、Britain has a highly developed transportation system.

Which of the following is not true of Britain.s agriculture?()A、British farming is highly mechanized.B、Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C、British farming is very efficient.D、Britain.s agriculture can produce enough food for its people

The pressure of the hose is too low.()A、压载水压力太低。B、水龙压力太低。C、水龙压力太高。D、压载水压力太高。

Britain is basically an exporter of()

The capital of England and of Great Britain is()

单选题Rents in Britain are quite low.ARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

单选题The pressure of the hose is too low.()A压载水压力太低。B水龙压力太低。C水龙压力太高。D压载水压力太高。

问答题For a glimpse of the future of advertising, the place to look appears to be Britain. The country is a “test bed” according to Mr. Schmidt, Chief Executive of Google. Why Britain? The country has several factors in its favor. For a start, the British online advertising market is “exploding”, said Mr. Schmidt. The internet accounts for 14% of companies’ total spending on advertising in Britain, compared with about 50% worldwide. Expenditure on internet advertising in America is similar to that in Britain, but Britain’s growth rates are slightly higher.

单选题La sémantique est la discipline scientifique qui traite des, ce qui renvoie vers l’extralinguistique, sur l’expérience humaine.AmotsBsignifiantsCsignifiésDréférents

单选题The derrick is too low. ()it, please.ALowerBHighCTopDAdjust

单选题The two large islands that make up the British Isles are().AScotland and IrelandBBritain and ScotlandCGreat Britain and Northern IrelandDGreat Britain and Ireland

单选题______ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.ABefore BUntilCFromDSince