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问答题The modern Olympic Games are the leading international sporting event nowadays. However, there are constant voices to call for stopping the Olympic Games. The followings are opinions on whether we should abolish the Olympics from different media. Read them carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.http://camilla.com.au/  The Olympic charter’s call for a “peaceful society” and the “preservation of human dignity” is a very noble one, but its means are rather odd. Through fierce athletic competition between nations, individual rivalries between athletes, who, training for 75% of their waking life, probably play a very little role in their society anyway.  The Olympics is an arena for individual achievement: however, if someone is to win a race, others must lose. Emphasis is not placed on athletes improving their personal best but on who wins.  Having many nations come together shows worldwide solidarity, but it is a strange sort of solidarity, nations united by their athletes in Lycra and branded shoes. The cultures of nations are shown by little more than flag waving and the appearance of their mascots.The Guardian  The original “spirit” of the Olympics was supposedly that of sporting competition between amateurs who competed for the honor of doing so, and to test themselves against the best sportspeople from around the world. However, the Olympics has become ever more commercialized, high-jacked by corporations and turned into a giant advertising hoarding. The kinds of moneys and rewards potentially available from excelling on the international stage has served to incentivise not only professionalization, also corruption and cheating. The professed aspirations of the Olympic movement and the grubby reality of the contemporary Olympics are now utterly opposed.The New York Times  Citizens of the host city, often uninterested in the Olympic spectacle, can end up having to foot the bill by paying extra taxes, or having their existing taxes routed away from other services. The construction of Olympic facilities, company investment and the regeneration of areas in host cities can be very disruptive, pricing local residents and shopkeepers out of their areas. Building an Olympic site can necessitate the demolition of homes and historical places. Previous Olympics have shown that Olympic resources, when the games are over, do not always benefit the host city or society. Olympic sites can become ghost towns, so characteristic of the year they were built in as to be aesthetically odd, impractical, inhospitable and unfashionable a decade later.TIME  The athletes competing in the Olympic games have worked hard for years, showing dedication to achieving physical greatness. They keep to a strict diet, and put in hundreds of hours training in a week, all for the honor of competing against the best athletes in the world. Those that are caught cheating are dealt with harshly, which teaches against honesty and dedication to one’s dreams.  Athletes dedicate the best part of their lives to this ideal, by constantly improving their performance. Individual performance stands here for “celebration of collective values”—including that of fair competition. Individual athletes represent whole nations—their competing actualizes transnational togetherness and the search for commonality and global cooperation.  Above all, the Olympic spirit is a beacon of hope. Countless times the games have instilled hope and togetherness in many. In a world of growling animosity, it is encouraging to see a sense of peace and togetherness gather every four years.



问答题Chemistry is the study of the behavior and composition of matter. All foodsare made up of chemical substance which undergoes chemical changes when cooking   1._______in an oven or digested within the body. The cooking of meat and vegetables induce 2._______chemical changes, making it more delicious; similarly the leavening action of   3._______baking powder is a straightforward chemical change, as is the conversion ofstarch into sweet sugars by digestion.  Cookery is a science requiring for a knowledge of chemistry.          4._______This is evident from the variety of cooking products and food additives availableas cooking oils, fats, colorings, sweeteners, tenderizers, flavorings, scream-ing agents, preservatives, etc. Each is carefully prepared before painstaking   5._______research.  It is therefore essential for trained cookers to understand          6._______chemical science in order to appreciate the chemistry nature of foods        7._______and the changes achieving on cooking. Homeworkers should also            8._______know cleansing agents and textiles used in the home and how the latter       9._______responds to the effects of heat, light, water, and chemical cleansing agents.   10._______

单选题INTERVIEW 1  Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.   Now listen to the interview. Juliet became a taxi driver becauseAshe owned a car.Bshe drove well.Cshe liked drivers’ uniforms.Dit was her childhood dream.


单选题For a child the first element in his learning by imitation is______.Athe need to find an authorityBthe need to find a way to achieve the desired resultCthe need for more affection from his parentsDthe desire to meet the standards of his social group


单选题ANeither good nor bad.BBright.CDisappointing.DGloomy.

单选题AFar from secondary school.BLess spare time.CNo nursery school nearby.DMore people in the area.




单选题According to the passage, Mediterranean diet _____.Acan’t control the blood sugar unless combined with exercise.Bis better than the low-fat diet in treating diabetes.Cinvolves more carbohydrates than the low-fat diet.Dcan completely replace diabetes drugs.


问答题Why is the first episode of “Six Feet Under” mentioned in the first paragraph?

单选题The sentence in the sixth paragraph “You don’t get it, and you never will” implies that _____.Athe teenagers think that their parents will never understand themBit’s teenagers’ excuse to disguise their vulnerability of being under custodyCthe generation gap cannot be shortened despite their parents’ effortsDthe parents do not necessarily force into the world of their children




单选题The users did all of the following funny things EXCEPT______.Afailing to switch on the computer.Bregarding the keyboard as a remote control.Cspending much time looking for a key.Dwashing the keys individually with soap.


单选题Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship _____.Aamong doctorsBamong managersCbetween doctors and managersDbetween doctors and patients


单选题The vehicle sales were greatly cut down becauseAthe car manufacturers were concerned about the American economy.Bthe market’s performance was found to be the worst in 50 years.Cthe prices of fuel rose to a level which was last seen in the 1950s.Dthe fuel prices were so high and the economy was facing a depression.


问答题Culture refers to the social heritage of a people—the learnedpatterns for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize apopulation or society, include the expression of these patterns        (1) ______in material things. Culture is compose of nonmaterial culture         (2) _______—abstract creations like values, beliefs, customs and institutionalarrangements—and material culture—physical object like            (3) _______cooking pots, computers and bathtubs. In sum, culture reflectsboth the ideas we share or everything we make. In ordinary           (4) _______speech, a person of culture is the individual can speak another         (5) _______language—the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,          (6) _______literature, philosophy, or history. But to sociologists, to behuman is to be cultured, because of culture is the common           (7) _______world of experience we share with other members of our group.  Culture is essentially to our humanness. It provides a kind of map     (8) _______for relating to others. Consider how you find your way about sociallife. How do you know how to act in a classroom, or a departmentstore, or toward a person who smiles or laugh at you? Your culture       (9) _______supplies you by broad, standardized, ready-made answers for          (10) _______dealing with each of these situations. Therefore, if we know aperson’s culture, we can understand and even predict a gooddeal of his behavior.