





单选题The author says that in some hot and dry areas it is advisable to _____.Abuild big lakes to store waterBconstruct big pumping stationsCchannel water from nearby rivers to croplandDbuild small and cheap irrigation systems

填空题Holland transported tea to the whole Pacific area in the year 1602.____


填空题A tourism bureau may provide you with maps.____

填空题According to the passage, to slow the process of adaptation is the solution to “hedonic treadmill”.____


填空题Once the monitored alarm is set off, service personnel will phone your home first.____

填空题Once the monitored alarm is set off, service personnel will phone your home first.____

单选题According to the passage parents and coaches should _____.Ahelp children to win every gameBpay more attention to letting children enjoy sportsCenable children to understand the positive aspect of sportsDtrain children to cope with stress


填空题When we combine fake it still you make it and visualization, it can help us succeed quickly.____

问答题Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Changing Criteria for Good Students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

填空题If the other pub regulars make fun of you, it indicates that they like you.____


单选题It can be seen from the passage that the expansion of America’s elderly population _____.Awill provide good job opportunities in many areasBwill impose an unbearable burden on societyCmay lead to nursing home abuse and age discriminationDwill create new field of study in universities

填空题4500 synthetic chemicals can be classified as POPs.____

单选题AIt affects the growth of trees.BIt has been increasing since the Ice Age.CIt is determined by the chemicals in the air.DIt follows a certain cycle.

单选题AYes, because they are faster.BNo, because they cost more.CYes, because they are very good.DNo, because they don’t operate outside the United States.

单选题AA mother with a baby in her arms.BA woman whose bag is hanging in front.CA lone female with a handbag at her right side.DAn old lady carrying a handbag on the left.

单选题ABecause it is very popular to learn Chinese around the world.BBecause the economy in China has developed with rapid speed.CBecause every British company wants to be the best in the world.DBecause the British want to remain competitive in world trade.

单选题The word “spas” (Line 3, Para.1) most probably refers to _____.Asports activitiesBplaces for physical exerciseCrecreation centersDathletic training programs

填空题When you are starving, proteins can also be broken down into amino acids.____


单选题Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because _____.Alocal governments find it easy to manageBrecycling has great appeal for the joblessCrecycling causes little pollutionDother methods are more expensive


单选题AThey were upset.BThey were furious.CThey were surprised.DThey were sad.
