




单选题We can learn from the Kimberly case that _____.Achildren are more than just personal possessions of their parentsBthe biological link between parent and child should be emphasizedCfoster homes bring children more pain and suffering than careDbiological parents shouldn’t claim custody fights after their child is adopted

单选题ATo declare new ways of collecting tax.BTo entertain those who had made great contributions to the government.CTo collect money from the persons invited.DTo reward outstanding tax collectors.

单选题AThe causes are obvious.BThe causes are very complicated.CThe causes are familiar.DThe causes are not well understood.

填空题The city Prague is the capital city of Czech Republic.____

填空题Holland transported tea to the whole Pacific area in the year 1602.____

填空题The Sun has closely relation to create wind.____

填空题Adult literacy programs are sponsored by public libraries.____



填空题Halloween is on October 31st.____

填空题Around the turn of the century, there was a vast rainforest in Rwanda reduced its original size by deforestation and refugee resettlement.____


问答题Practice 2  有个担心他的苗(sprout)长不大就去把苗拔高一点的宋国人,他很累地回家,告诉他家里的人说:“今天我可累坏啦!我刚才帮助苗长高了!”他的儿子跑到田里去看苗,苗都已经枯了。  天下不帮助苗长的人少得很啊。认为没有好处就放弃它的人是不替苗除掉野草的人;帮助苗长高的人是把苗拔高一点儿的人。揠苗这种做法不仅没有好处,反而还害了它。

填空题In order to make white paper and card, the makers will add bleach.____

填空题Animal welfare was a low-rated trust factor partly because consumers were reluctant to pay extra money for “animal friendly” products.____



问答题Practice 4  当红电视选秀节目“超级女声”(Super Girl)对许多中国人来说是一个独特的文化体验,到过亚洲的游客也一定早就知道卡拉OK(karaoke)在亚洲的重要性,中国也不例外。唱歌一直是无数中国人最热衷的娱乐方式。随着今年五月第三届比赛的启动,“超级女声”依然是中国最多人收看的电视节目,这个节目也给了喜爱唱歌的女性一个梦想成真的机会。

问答题Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Spending on Campus. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

单选题ABecause they have a driving license.BBecause they have received special training.CBecause the traffic conditions in London are good.DBecause the traffic system of the city is not very complex.

单选题By saying “... but the impact of a degree washes out after five years” (Line 3, Para.3), the author means _____.Amost MBA programs fail to provide, students with a solid foundationBan MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positionsCMBA programs will not be as popular in five years’ time as they are nowDin five years people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got

问答题Practice 7  中美贸易之所以能迅速发展,根本原因在于两国经济具有极大的互补性。这种互补性,很大程度上来自两国经济资源条件、经济结构以及消费水平存在着很大的差异。中国是最大的发展中国家,市场广阔,发展迅速,劳动力成本低,但资金短缺、科技和管理相对落后。美国是最大的发达国家,经济总量大,资本充足,科技发达,但劳动力成本高。这种差异性和互补性(interlocking qualities),将在今后长期存在,在经济全球化的大背景下显得更加突出。


填空题Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials.____

单选题The first paragraph tells us that a new product is _____.Anot easily accepted by the publicBoften inferior to old ones at firstCoften more expensive than old onesDusually introduced to satisfy different tastes

填空题The man sitting next to the author in the class could not open the right screen because of his typing mistakes.____

填空题Animal welfare was a low-rated trust factor partly because consumers were reluctant to pay extra money for “animal friendly” products.____
