Many investors were drawn to the city by its growing economy.A:fetched B:carriedC:attracted D:pushed

Many investors were drawn to the city by its growing economy.



解析: drawn to:吸引到……来。题干意思为:许多投资者被该城市快速增长的经济所吸引。fetch:拿来; carry:携带;attract:吸引;push:推。经过比较,C选项更为合适。


Which of the following statement is true?A. Mark played an active part in community activities.B. the city councilwoman was responsible for the decrease of life quality.C. people were encouraged to give advice to solve these city problems.D. many people were discouraged by the many problems facing them.

Why is the British bank able to offer its customer a banker's draft drawn in dollar?A.Its US correspondent bank prefers to make the payment.B.It will send dollar in cash by airmail.C.It has a dollar account with another bank in an American city where the beneficiary lives.D.Its customer has a dollar account with it.

It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization oflabor. Moreover, the need to keep records led to the development of writing and arithmetic, and the increased sophistication of urban society gave a new impetus to artistic expression of every kind.When the basis of city life was established in Europe the urban tradition was drawn from the ancient cities of the Middle East, via the civilization of Greece and Rome. We can trace three main phases in the growth of the West European city. The first of these is the medieval phase which extends from the beginning of the 1 lth century A.D. to about 1,500 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third is the modern phase extending from the early 19th century to the present day.Every medieval city began as a small settlement, which grew up round a geographical or cultural focal point. This would be a permanent structure such as a stronghold, a cathedral or a large church. In districts where travel and trade were well established, it might be a market, a river crossing, or a place where two or more trade routes met, in studies of urban geography the oldest part of town is referred to as the nuclear settlement. There are many small towns in Europe where it is still possible to trace the outline of the original nuclear settlement. It is, of course,much more difficult to do this in the case if a large modern city which has grown to many times its original size.It is easier to locate its original nuclear settlement of a small town__________.A.because it began as a small settlementB.because it is less developedC.because of its small sizeD.because of its location

What is true about Imex System Inc.?A.Many of its customers have a high speed connectionB.It was the first Internet service provider in Lofton CityC.The prices of many of its items were recently reducedD.It offers cheaper Internet Service than Interspeed

Nancy Liu amved in Sydney from China as a"skilled immigrant"with an economics degree 14 years ago.With her husband,she set up a business consultancy in the suburb in southem Sydney.However,Liu was only an epitome of thousands of Chinese investors.Since then,Chinese investment has transformed the city:many of its shop signs are now in Chinese.Ms Liu was a forerunner of a new wave of Chinese immigrants to Australia's oldest and biggest city.Hong Kong once supplied most of Australia's Chinese settlers,but over the past few years the pattern has shifted.Now it is the rising middle classes from other places of China who go there,looking for a more relaxed life style.About 4%of Sydney's people were bom in China.Currendy,China has become Australia's biggest trading partner,and its largest source of foreign students.

共用题干The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(65)A:square B: divisionC:centers D:section

共用题干The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(64)A:put out B:lay outC:give out D:hard out

单选题The city of London, ______ repeatedly between 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches.AbombedBto bombCbombingDhaving bombed

单选题When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were _____ by its complicated traffic system.AevokedBbewilderedCdivertedDundermined

单选题Most of the significant improvements in public works were made while Rory was mayor of the city, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer.Acity, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and saferBcity, which both made its inhabitants happier as well as saferCcity and this made their inhabitants happier as well as having more safetyDcity, these improvements made its inhabitants happier and saferEcity; these improvements made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer

单选题Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. (1) in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street was always in the heart of a town. This street was (2) on both sides with many (3) businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. (4),some shops offered (5) .These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe-repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. (6) in the 1950s, a change began to (7) .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street (8) too few parking places were (9) shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces (10) the city limits. Open space is what their car-driving customers needed. And open space is what they got (11) the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centres, or rather malls, (12) as a collection of small new stores (13) crowded city centres. 14 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from (14) areas to outlying malls. And the growing (16) of shopping centres led (17) to the building of bigger and betterstocked stores. (18) the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition to providing the (19) of one stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, (20)benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.请在8处填上正确答案()AwhileByetCthoughDand then

单选题“The city grew outward instead of upward” (Para. 2) means _____.Athe city became more spread out instead of growing tallerBthere were fewer small houses than tall buildingsCrapid development took place in the city centerDmany tall buildings could be found in the city