( )a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by providing aworking model of the expected product before actually building it. A.Prototypes B.Object oriented C.StructureD.method D.Iterative methoD.

( )a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by providing aworking model of the expected product before actually building it.

B.Object oriented
D.Iterative methoD.


解析:翻译:原型方法是在早期获得需求后,先建立一个模型,之后再开发产品。A.原型法 B.面向对象法C.结构化法 D.迭代法


Cost of quality is:A . associated with non-conformance to specifications and requirements.B . primarily caused by poor workmanship of workers who are building or manufacturing the product.C . used to determine whether a quality management program is suitable for a given project.D . negligible for most large projects.E . A and B

The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with:A . Proposed salary increases if the project is successfulB . Bonuses for early completion dateC . A promise of future assignmentsD . Well-defined project objectivesE . Linear responsibility charts

89 Cost of quality is:A. associated with non-conformance to specifications and requirements.B. primarily caused by poor workmanship of workers who are building or manufacturing the product. C. used to determine whether a quality management program is suitable for a given project. D. negligible for most large projects.E. A and B

128 The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with:A. Proposed salary increases if the project is successfulB. Bonuses for early completion dateC. A promise of future assignmentsD. Well-defined project objectivesE. Linear responsibility charts

BIM是Building information Model.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

BIM的定义为()。 A、建筑模型B、建筑智慧模型C、Building Information ModelingD、Building Information Model

With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to[A] cover the cost of its publication.[B] subscribe to the journal publishing it.[C] allow other online journals to use it freely.[D] complete the peer-review before submission.

The executive team have to hold an urgent meeting ____ they see the bad market feedback. A before ;B because ;C whether

__________ is actually the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching. A. The learning stageB. The feedback stageC. The teaching stageD. The reflection stage

● Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.(75) is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement, and failing to meet requirements.(75)A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

According to the OSI model, which of the following layers is responsible for providing reliablecommunication?() A.TransportB.NetworkC.SessionD.Data Link

Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance ______ is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement and failing to meet requirements.A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

( ): a method of obtaining early feedback on requirements by providing a working model of the expected product before actually building it.A.PrototypesB.Object orientedC.Structured methodD.Iterative method

资料:People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. In each product area,there are“consumption pioneers”and early adopters. Other individuals adopt new products much later. After a slow start,an increasing number of people adopt the new product.The five-adopter groups have different values. Innovators are venturesome-they try new ideas at risk. Early adopters are guided by respect-they are opinion leaders in their communities and adopt new ideas early but carefully. The early majority are deliberate-although they rarely are leaders,they adopt new ideas before the average person. The late majority skeptical-they adopt an innovation only after a majority of people have tried it. Finally,laggards are tradition bound-they are suspicious of changes and adopt the innovation only when it has become something of a tradition itself.Which group adopts new ideas before the average person?A.Early adoptersB.InnovatorsC.The early majorityD.All above

资料:People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. In each product area,there are“consumption pioneers”and early adopters. Other individuals adopt new products much later. After a slow start,an increasing number of people adopt the new product.The five-adopter groups have different values. Innovators are venturesome-they try new ideas at risk. Early adopters are guided by respect-they are opinion leaders in their communities and adopt new ideas early but carefully. The early majority are deliberate-although they rarely are leaders,they adopt new ideas before the average person. The late majority skeptical-they adopt an innovation only after a majority of people have tried it. Finally,laggards are tradition bound-they are suspicious of changes and adopt the innovation only when it has become something of a tradition itself.What can be implied from the innovators?A.They rely more on their own values and judgment。B.They are reluctant to take risks。C.They are more receptive to familiar things。D.They are more brand loyal。

资料:People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. In each product area,there are“consumption pioneers”and early adopters. Other individuals adopt new products much later. After a slow start,an increasing number of people adopt the new product.The five-adopter groups have different values. Innovators are venturesome-they try new ideas at risk. Early adopters are guided by respect-they are opinion leaders in their communities and adopt new ideas early but carefully. The early majority are deliberate-although they rarely are leaders,they adopt new ideas before the average person. The late majority skeptical-they adopt an innovation only after a majority of people have tried it. Finally,laggards are tradition bound-they are suspicious of changes and adopt the innovation only when it has become something of a tradition itself.What is this excerpt about?A.The consumption pioneersB.How people adopt the new productC.The five-adopter classificationD.The different phases of adopting new ideas

During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) (请作答此空 ) is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Object-oriente development面向对象开发B.Model-driven development模型驱动开发C.RapiD.application development快速应用开发D.Commercial Application package商业套件

During the systems planning phase. a systems analyst conducts a(请作答此空)activity to study the systems request and recommend specific action. After obtaining an authonzation to proceed. the analyst interacts with( ) to gather facts about the problem of opportunity, project scope and constraints, project benefits, and estimated development time and costs. In many cases. thesystems request does not reveal the underying problem, but only a symptom. A popular technique for investigating causesand effects is called ( )The analyst has analyzed the problem or opportunity. defined the project scope and constraints, and performed ( )to evaluate project usability, costs, benefits, and time constraints. The end product of the activity is ( ) .The main content must include an estimate of time .staffing requrements, costs, benefits, and expected results for the next phase of the SDLCA.case studyB.requirements discoveryC.preliminary investigationD.business understanding

Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of( )to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(请作答此空)reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from ( ). All system analysis approaches require some form of( )which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. ( )is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities. A. eXtreme programmingB. model drivenC. reverse engineeringD. agile Method

Which three statements are true about the application of QoS models? ()A、 The DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirements.B、 The DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addresses.C、 The DiffServ model requires RSVP.D、 The best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailE、 The IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirements.F、 The IntServ model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet

建筑信息模型,BIM的全称是()。A、Building Information ModelB、Build Information ModelC、Building Information ModelingD、Building Description Model

以下字段哪些属于亚马逊平台批量上传表格时的必填字段?()A、SKUB、Model NumberC、Product IDD、Brand NameE、Product Tax Code

BIM的全称是()。A、Building Information ManagementB、Building Information ModelingC、Building Infinite ModelingD、Build Information Model

According to the OSI model, which of the following layers is responsible for providing reliablecommunication?()A、TransportB、NetworkC、SessionD、Data Link

Which is true about the web container request processing model?()A、The init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invoked.B、A filter defined for a servlet must always forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.C、Filters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor file.D、If the init method on a filter throws an UnavailableException, then the container will make no further attempt to execute it.

单选题Which is true about the web container request processing model?()AThe init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invoked.BA filter defined for a servlet must always forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.CFilters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor file.DIf the init method on a filter throws an UnavailableException, then the container will make no further attempt to execute it.

多选题Which three statements are true about the application of QoS models? ()AThe DiffServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirements.BThe DiffServ model can be used to deliver QoS based upon IP precedence, or source and destination addresses.CThe DiffServ model requires RSVP.DThe best effort model is suitable for applications such as file transfer and e-mailEThe IntServ model requires applications to signal the network with QoS requirements.FThe IntServ model attempts to deliver a level of service based on the QoS specified by each packet