







Our skin color depends to a large extent on how much sunshine we get.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

We usually don’t judge race from the color of the skin() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The following except ( ) are the ones that you will notice as you continue to heal. () A、changes in the appearance of your skin at the surgical siteB、changes in the temperature of your skin around your incisionsC、changes in the feeling of your skin at the surgical siteD、changes in the color of your skin around your incisions


It is a process during ______ the body releases water to cool the skin.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. that

According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _________ a woman.A. thanB. suchC. soD. as

I think there are real dangers from___surgery. A、beautyB、cosmeticC、faceD、skin

Patients should be warned that camphor oil can ________ the skin. A、botherB、disturbC、irritateD、insult

We drove to the station at full speed and caught the train by_____. A、skin of our teethB、the salt of the earthC、a lion in the wayD、a piece of cake

请教bb霜的问题 BB霜好用吗?missha和skin79哪款好?2011年skin79bb霜怎么样?防伪款的吗?skin79官网地址(韩国)是哪个?

The primary barrier of a bulk carrier is formed by ______.A.the single skin side shell and the inner bottomB.deck strips,hatch covers and coamingsC.the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheadsD.the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings

If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact, you should IMMEDIATELY ______.A.administer oxygenB.treat victim for shockC.flush skin and eyes with waterD.give victim stimulant

共用题干Daisy Williams admits genes play some role in the way she looks,but believes diet is an important factor."It doesn't matter how good the genes are if you don't eat properly and take care of your-self,"she says."If you want to look good,get plenty of rest,exercise every day,eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables and quit worrying."Nowhere do the signs of aging manifest themselves more clearly than in the condition of the skin. When your weight fluctuates(波动),the skin stretches with each up cycle , but it may not completely shrink back to its original size in the down cycle. As a result,the skin may sag(松弛下垂).Zinc and vitamin A are important for normal,healthy skin.Zinc helps the skin repair itself, and vitamin A aids in keeping skin supple,preventing dryness and helping shed dead cells.Good sources of zinc are beef,eggs and seafood,while many dark-green leafy vegetables are rich in beta carotene(胡萝卜素), which the body converts to vitamin A.Vitamin C helps improve the blood supply to the skin and aids in forming collagen(胶原). Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices,cauliflower,snow peas,red and green peppers,broccoli,white and sweet potatoes, tomatoes,watermelon,and honeydew melon.How food is prepared matters too.The longer vegetables cook,the greater the loss of vitamins. Don't soak vegetables when washing them,since water-soluble vitamins such as C will be lost.Good general nutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy,youthful appearance.And the key to good general nutrition is balance.Proteins should make up roughly 10 percent of your daily calorie intake;no more than 30 percent should come from fats;and the remaining calories should come mostly from complex carbohydrates(碳水化合物).When one gains weight,the skin becomes loose.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin. The underlined word“deity”in the third paragraph refers to________.A: something mysteriousB: the skin cancerC: the sunD:over-exposure to the sun

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin. The last paragraph of the passage mainly discusses_______.A: the treatment of the skin cancerB: the prevention of the skin cancerC: the parts of the body where cancer is most likely to developD: the lotions that work best in fighting against the skin cancer

皮下蒂皮瓣(subcutaneous pedicle skin flap)

局部皮瓣(local skin flap)

皮瓣(skin flap)

SKIN FOOD://顶级覆盆子系列的功效?

单选题What are symptom(s) of a ruptured appendix?()ADilated pupils and shallow breathingBDiarrhea and frequent urinationCMuscle tenseness in almost the entire abdomenDExtreme sweating and reddening skin

单选题Symptoms of heat stroke are().Acold and moist skin,high body temperatureBcold and dry skin,low body temperatureChot and moist skin,high body temperatureDhot and dry skin,high body temperature

单选题It is not necessary to declare()in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.Afever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysBfever attended with glandular swellingCacute skin rashDglycosuria

单选题The earth minerals found within the thermalwaters of the hot springs are known to ______ and revitalize the skin.AingratiateBinvigorateCexculpateDenervateEdebilitate

名词解释题局部皮瓣(local skin flap)

问答题Rub this oil into your skin and your headache will soon disappear! Have a try!

单选题If a crew member is exposed to phenol by way of skin or eye contact,you should IMMEDIATELY().Aadminister oxygenBtreat victim for shockCflush skin and eyes with waterDgive victim stimulant

单选题What are the symptoms of sun stroke?()ATemperature falls below normal,pulse is rapid and feeble,skin is cold and clammyBTemperature is high,pulse is strong and rapid,skin is hot and dryCTemperature is high,pulse is slow and feeble,skin is clammyDTemperature falls below normal,pulse is rapid,skin is clammy

单选题The primary barrier of a bulk carrier is formed by().Athe single skin side shell and the inner bottomBdeck strips,hatch covers and coamingsCthe vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheadsDthe single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings