4倍的英文表达是:four time

4倍的英文表达是:four time

three times


–Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can(B) No, I can’t(C) It’s four thirty(D) It’s Friday

She has stored ______books as I.A. three times as manyB. three times as muchC. four time as manyD. three time as much

It is not feasible to wait four days until the body______(use)to the new time zone.

在通信专业中,TDM的英文全称是(),基带英文通常翻译为()。A.Time Delay Method B.Transmission Delay Method C.Time Division Multiplexing D.Time Dividing MultiplexingA.sideband B.baseband C.dual band D.single band

Once upon a time there was ( ) old man who had ( ) four-year-old grandson. A、the/ theB、an/ anC、an/ aD、A/ a

“按摩”的英文表达是( )。A.massageB.tuinaC.acupunctureD.acupressure

时间分辨率常见的英文表达方式是()。A.time revolutionB.time deviationC.temporal resolutionD.scanning timeE.space resolution

设有如下变量声明Dim timel As Date,为变量time1正确赋值的表达式是A.time1=#11:34:04#B.time1=Format(Time,"yy:mm:dd")C.time1=#"11:34:04"#D.fime1=Format("hh:mm:ss",Time)

RTO(恢复时间目标)的英文全称是什么(). A.Retransmission Time-OutB.Recovery Time ObjectiveC.Recovery Point ObjectiveD.Railway Transportation Office

时量关系的英文表示是A.bioavailabilityB.time-contentration relationshipC.time-effect relationshipD.biological clockE.peak time-concentration

英文词汇Delay time、Dead time、Decay time分别代表()时间。A、寂静、延迟、下降B、下降、寂静、延迟C、延迟、下降、寂静D、延迟、寂静、下降



Companycom has seven days of vmstat data on four p5 590 production LPARs of four processors each. The data shows that all four LPARs have periodic utilizations of 90-95% lasting several minutes in duration. However, the average utilizations of the four LPARs were between 15-30%. The vmstat data shows that the peak utilizations of each LPAR do not occur at the same time. Which of the following should be set up?()A、A shared pool with four capped LPARsB、A shared pool with four uncapped LPARsC、Four dedicated LPARs and use DLPAR to manage resources effectivelyD、The server in SMP mode and use WLM to manage resources effectively

RTO(恢复时间目标)的英文全称是什么().A、Retransmission Time-OutB、Recovery Time ObjectiveC、Recovery Point ObjectiveD、Railway Transportation Office



再见的英文是()A、Good bye!B、See you!C、Long time no see!D、Yep!

单选题“总统套间”的英文表达是()。ADeluxe RoomBPresidential SuiteCSuite DoubleDRoom

单选题表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a()。AhorseBlionCcowDtiger


问答题When David is twice as old as he is now he will be four times as old as his daughter Jane will be in five years time. If in 1990, four years ago, he was four times as old as his daughter, in what year was she born?


单选题Diesel engine crankshaft deflection readings are generally taken at four crank positionsGood engineering practice requires the deflection gage or indicator to be()Aplaced as near the crankpin axis as possibleBremoved each time the crankshaft is repositionedCleft in place for all four readingsDreset to zero for all four readings

单选题By whom has Michael Morales been spared the second time in twenty-four hours?ABy the courts.BBy the governor.CBy doctors.

单选题This new method not only saves time but also saves energy()operating on two batteries instead of four.AinBbyConDfor

配伍题异型原幼细胞的英文表达方式是()|血小板聚集的英文表达方式是()AANISOBHDWCplatelet clumpsDPCVEBL-ABN

配伍题多角度偏振光散射的英文表达方式是()|红细胞碎片的英文表达方式是()AHFRBMAPSSCGRAN#DRBC FragmentsEVCS