判断句子中划线的介词使用是否恰当 It's disgusting to hear him boasting on his new car.

判断句子中划线的介词使用是否恰当 It's disgusting to hear him boasting on his new car.

因为 时间的问题,我就不多说了。


BPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across

Bob asked his mother to buy new shoes for him.hut she refused. ( )

The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a () yesterday. A.shoes shopB.shoe shopC.shoes’s shopD.shoe’s

Although he failed in his attempts, his mother’s __ drove him on to continue his efforts. A.motivationB.encouragementC.intentionD.compulsion

Belle's father is off to the fair to show his new invention.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

“What’s made George so upset?” “_________the key to his car.” A.LosingB.LoseC.LostD.To lose

I broke Tom's teacup yesterday, so I had to buy him _______. A.a new oneB.an new oneC.the new oneD.one new

–– How is your brother these days?–– He hasn’t been too well recently.–– ______What’s the matter?–– I think he ’s been overworking.A: It ’ll be pleased to hear you ask after him.B: That ’s not too bad.C: I ’m sorry to hear that.D: I ’ te ll him what you said.

His father always encourages him ____. something new.

His father’s death gives him a whole new ______ on life.A、motivationB、perspectiveC、impactD、impression

-How's your brother these days?-He hasn't been too well just recently.-________. What's the matter?-I think he's been overworking.A、It'll be pleased to hear you ask after himB、That's not too badC、I'm sorry to hear thatD、I'll tell him what you said

It’s time someone made him aware of the effects of his actions.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

25. Zhao Hai’s classmates help him with his_______A.ChineseB.JapaneseC.EnglishD.French

根据下面资料,回答That year, in the local school, there was a new math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the stupidest child that anyone had ever seen. It made no difference how quickly or how slowly they tried explaining numbers to him; he would always end up saying something enormously stupid. Like two plus two was five, seven times three was twenty-seven, or a triangle had thirty comers, etc. Before this boy arrived, math lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great fun. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would listen to the pieces of nonsense spouted by the new kid, and they would have to correct his mistakes. Whenever the new teacher asked questions, the stupid kid would stand up but made the wrong answers, the other students all wanted to be the first to find his mistakes, and then think up the most original ways to explain them. To do this they used all kinds of stuff: sweets, playing cards, oranges, paper planes, etc. It didn′t seem like any of this bothered the new kid. However, little Lewis was sure that it was bound to make him feel sad inside. Lewis was sure he would see him crying. So, one day, he decided to follow the new kid home after school. On leaving school, the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he waited for a while, until someone came along to meet him. It was the new teacher! The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and off they went, hand in hand. Following from a distance, Lewis could hear they were talking about math. What does the underlined word "this" in the third paragraph refer to?A.To find the new kid' s mistakes.B.To think up the most original ways to explain.C.To use all kinds of stuff.D.To follow him home after school.

It′ s so nice to hear from him again, ___________. we last met more than 30 years agoA.what' moreB.that' s to sayC.in other wordsD.believe it or not

His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.A: forgottenB: failedC: deletedD: left

His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.A:forgotten B:failed C:deleted D:left

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin(小木屋).The man shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin.Sarah,the young woman,got down from the wagon,opened wide her arms and heldthe boy close."Hello,Abe Lincoln,"she said."I think we′ll be good friends."The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once.She washed Abe and hissister and tidied(弄整齐)their hair.And that night she threw away the boy′s mattress(床垫)of leaves and gave him a soft mattress and enough blankets to keephim warm at night.Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe.She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes.Maybe,if she hadn′t come to the cabin,he wouldn′t have lived to be a man.When Abe′s father told him not to go to school any more and help on the farm,Sarah took Abe′s part against his father.Abe would rather read than eat,and when hisfather told him to stop,Sarah said,"Let the boy read."In 1830 the day came when Abe would leave home to work in New Salem.For the last time she had taken Abe′s part against his father.For the last time she had kept the cabin quiet so that Abe could read.More than twenty years later,when Abe,who had then become famous,was going to make a speech in a nearby town,Sarah went there just to watch him.In the crowd she tried to make herself small,but he saw her,and in front of everybody,got out of his carriage and went overand put his arms around her and kissed her.Yes,that was her Abe."Heloved me truly,"she said later.If Sarah hadn′t come to the cabin,A.Abe's father wouldn't have told him not to go to schoolB.Abe wouldn't have helped his father on the farmC.Abe wouldn't have had so much time to readD.Abe's father wouldn't have told him to stop reading

A young woman rode with her new husband in a wagon(四轮马车).They came to a log cabin(小木屋).The man shouted and a little boy came running out of the cabin.Sarah,the young woman,got down from the wagon,opened wide her arms and heldthe boy close."Hello,Abe Lincoln,"she said."I think we′ll be good friends."The new mother with the smiling face went to work at once.She washed Abe and hissister and tidied(弄整齐)their hair.And that night she threw away the boy′s mattress(床垫)of leaves and gave him a soft mattress and enough blankets to keephim warm at night.Sarah wove cloth and made new shirts for Abe.She made him new deerskin trousers and even deerskin shoes.Maybe,if she hadn′t come to the cabin,he wouldn′t have lived to be a man.When Abe′s father told him not to go to school any more and help on the farm,Sarah took Abe′s part against his father.Abe would rather read than eat,and when hisfather told him to stop,Sarah said,"Let the boy read."In 1830 the day came when Abe would leave home to work in New Salem.For the last time she had taken Abe′s part against his father.For the last time she had kept the cabin quiet so that Abe could read.More than twenty years later,when Abe,who had then become famous,was going to make a speech in a nearby town,Sarah went there just to watch him.In the crowd she tried to make herself small,but he saw her,and in front of everybody,got out of his carriage and went overand put his arms around her and kissed her.Yes,that was her Abe."Heloved me truly,"she said later.Which of the following is not true?A.The young woman in the wagon was Abe's new mother.B.The man in the wagon was Abe's new father.C.The little boy was the young woman's new son.D.The little boy running out of the cabin was Abe.

My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.()AHow careless he was!BI'm sorry to hear that.CThat's too bad.DI'm bad to hear that.

My brother fell off his bike and hurt himself.()A、How careless he was!B、I'm sorry to hear that.C、That's too bad.D、I'm bad to hear that.

单选题_____ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.AHeardBHaving heardCHearDTo hear

单选题He lost his key. It made him ______ in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.Ato stayBstayedCstaysDstay

单选题How did Billy’s mother help him?ABy teaching him how to drawBBy asking teachers for adviceCBy describing everything to himDBy sending him to his dream school

单选题Tom's father, as well as his mother, ask him to stay in New York for a few more days.Aas well asBaskCto stayDa few more

单选题Ray: Have you met the new boss yet? David: No, tell me—what’s he like? Ray: Well, I met him this morning and my first impression was very positive. _______, and I hear he’s got a great sense of humor. David: That’s great!AHe came across as very pleasant BHe has a large officeCHe seems very unfriendly DHe’s not very sharp

单选题What does Mr. Saunders request the company do?AReplace his new water heaterBRemove a late charge from his billCRegister him for equalized paymentsDGive him a discount on next month’s bill

单选题Maybe it’s interesting to hear that ______ his books were so good. He gave public readings of his stories that were very popular. His stories first appeared in a magazine, in parts.AwhatBhowCwhenDwhy