1、下面程序的输出结果是()。 def StudentInfo(country='中国',name): print('%s,%s'%(name,country)) StudentInfo('美国','大卫')A.大卫,美国B.美国,大卫C.大卫,中国D.报错

1、下面程序的输出结果是()。 def StudentInfo(country='中国',name): print('%s,%s'%(name,country)) StudentInfo('美国','大卫')







下面程序的输出结果是。defStudentInfoname,country中国prints,sname,countryStudentInfo大卫,美国() A、大卫,美国B、美国,大卫C、大卫,中国D、报错

在窗体上面一个命令按钮(其Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下代码: Option Base 1 Private Sub Coramandl_Click() Dim a s=0 a=Array(1,2,3,4) j=1 For i=4 To 1 Step-1 s=s+a(i)*j j=j*10 Next i Print s End Sub 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,其输出结果是______。A.4221B.1234C.34D.12

请阅读下面的程序classTest/{privatestaticStringname;static/{name="World";System.out.print(name);/}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args)/{System.out.print("Hello");Testtest=newTest();/}/}下列选项中,程序运行结果是()。:A.WorldB.HelloC.World HelloD.Hello World

有以下程序includestruct STU{char name[10];int num;};void f(char*name, intnum){s 有以下程序 #include <string.h> struct STU { char name[10]; int num; }; void f(char *name, int num) { struct STU s[2]={{"SunDan",20044},{"Penghua",20045}}; num=s[0].num; strcpy(name,s[0].name); } main() { struct STU s[2]={{"YangSan",20041},{"LiSiGuo",20042}},*p; p=s[1]; f(p->name,p->num); printf("%s %d\n",p->name,p->num); } 程序运行后的输出结果是A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

有以下程序 struct STU { char name[10]; int num; float TotalScore; }; vold f(struct STU *p) { struct STU s[2]={{"SunDan",20044,550),{"Penghua".20045,537}},*q=s ++p; ++q; *p=*q; } main() { struct SrU s[3]={{"YangSan",20041,703),{"LiSiGuo",20042,580}}; f(s); printf("%s %d %3.of\n",S[1].name,s[1].num,s[1].Totalscore); } 程序运行后的输出结果是A.SunDan 20044 550B.Penghua 20045 537C.USiGuo 20042 580D.SunDan 20041 703

下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?

在窗体上添加一个命令按钮(其Name属性为Command1),然后编写如下代码: Option Base 1 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a s = 0 a = Array(4, 3, 2, 1) j = 1 For i = 4 To 1 Step -1 s = s + a(i)* j j = j * 10 Next i Print s End Sub 运行上面的程序、单击命令按钮,其输出结果是A.4321B.1234C.34D.12

有以下程序: include struct STU (char name[10]; int num; }; 有以下程序: #include <string.h> struct STU (char name[10]; int num; }; void f(char *name, int num) {struct STU s[2]={{"SunDan",20044}.{"Penghua",20045}}; num=s[0].num; strcpy(name,s[0].name); } main() {struct STU s[2]={{"YangSall",20041},{"LiSiGao",20042}},*p;p=s[1]; f(p->name,p->num); printf("%s%d\n",p->name,p->num); } 程序运行后的输出结果是 ______。A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Name{char name[20];public:Name( ){s 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Name{ char name[20]; public: Name( ){strepy(name," ");tout<<'?';} Name(char*fname){strcpy(name,fname);cout<<'?';} }; int main( ){ Name name[3]={Name("张三"),Name("李四")}; return 0; } 运行此程序输出符号“?”的个数是A.0B.1C.2D.3

若有如下程序: main() { char a[3][5] = {"name","age","sex"},n; for(n=0;n<3;n++) printf("%s\n",a[n]);} 则程序执行后的输出结果是( )。A.nameagesexB.nameC.nameD.name agexex ge age sex x sex

请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl。程序中位于每个“//ERROR****found料****之后的一行语句有错误,请加以改正。改正后程序的输出结果应为: Name:Smith Age:21 ID:99999 CourseNum:12 Record:970 注意:只修改每个“//ERROR****found****”下的那一行,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 includeiostream using namespace std; class Studentlnfo { protected: //ERROR********************found**************** char Name; int Age; int ID: int CourseNum; float Record; public: Studentlnfo(char*name,int Age,int ID,int coumeNum,float record); //ERROR ********************found******************** void~Studentlnfo{} float AverageRecord{ return Record/CourseNum; } void showconst{ cout”Name:”Name”Age:”Age”ID:”ID ”CourseNum:”CourseNum”Record:”Recordendl; } }; //ERROR ******************found************** StudentInfo StudentInfo(char*Name,int Age,int ID,int CourseNum,float Record) { Name=name; Age=age; this一ID=ID: CourseNum=courseNum: Record=record; } int main { Studentlnfo st(’’Smith”,21,99999,12,970); st.show; return 0; }

设有如下程序: #include'string.h" main() { static char s1[20],s2[20]; scanf("%s",s1);scanf("%s",s2); if(strcmp(s1,s2)) printf("@"); else printf("$"); printf("%d\n",strlen(strcat(s1,s2))); } 如果从键盘上输入name1<回车>name2<回车>,则程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.$9B.@11C.$10D.@10

下面程序运行后输出结果是( )。 For I=1 to 2 S=1 For j=0 to I-1 S=S+S*I Next j Print S Next IA.1 1B.0 2C.2 9D.6 9

以下程序的输出结果是______。includestruct stu{int num; char name[10]; int age;};v 以下程序的输出结果是______。#include<stdio.h>struct stu{ int num; char name[10]; int age;};void fun(struct stu*p){ printf("%s\n",(*p).name);}main(){ struct stu students[3]={ {9801,"Zhang",20}, { 9802,"Wang",19}, { 9803,"Zhao",18} }; fun(students+2);}A.ZhangB.ZhaoC.WangD.18

有以下程序:includeinclude struct STU {char name[10];int hum;};void f( 有以下程序:#include <stdio.h>#include <strine.h> struct STU { char name[10]; int hum;};void f(char * name,iht num){ struct STU s[2] = {{ "SunDan" ,20044} , {" Penghua" ,20045}}; num= s[0]. nnm; strepy(name,s[0], name);}main( ){ struct STU s[2] = {{"YangSan" ,20041 }, { "LiSiGao" ,20042}}, * P; p = s[1]; f(p->name,p->hum); printf("% s %d \n" ,p-> name,p->num);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

以下程序输出什么?"""x=1"""whilex:print(x) A.运行结果显示NameError:name'x'isnotdefinedB.运行结果无限循环输出1C.它等价于下面的程序#x=1whilex:print(x)D.它等价于下面的程序whilex:print(x)

下面程序段的输出结果是【 】。p = 0s = 0Dop = p + 2s = s + pLoop While p<11Print “s=”; s

For the new country to survive,( )for its people to enjoy prosperity,new economic policies will be required.A.to name a fewB.let aloneC.not to speakD.let’s say

执行以下代码后,下面哪些描述是正确的() public  class  Student{  private String name = “Jema”;  public void setName(String name){  this.name = name;  }  public String getName(){  return this.name;  }  public static void main(String[] args){  Student s;  System.out.println(s.getName()); } }A、输出nullB、第10行编译报错C、第11行编译报错D、输出Jema

You executed the following code:   SQL CERATE TABLE COUNTRY   (COUNTRY_ID CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT COUNTRY_ID_nn NOT NULL,   COUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(20),   CURRENCY_NAME VARCHAR2(20),   CONSTRAINT COUNTRY_ID_PK PRIMARY KEY (COUNTRY_ID))   ORGANIZATION INDEX;   Which types of tables will be created automatically?()A、 journal tableB、 clustered tableC、 mapping tableD、 partitioned table

单选题You executed the following code:   SQL CERATE TABLE COUNTRY   (COUNTRY_ID CHAR(2) CONSTRAINT COUNTRY_ID_nn NOT NULL,   COUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(20),   CURRENCY_NAME VARCHAR2(20),   CONSTRAINT COUNTRY_ID_PK PRIMARY KEY (COUNTRY_ID))   ORGANIZATION INDEX;   Which types of tables will be created automatically?()A journal tableB clustered tableC mapping tableD partitioned table

单选题有以下程序:#includemain(){ charname[10]={'S','T','R'}; name[2]='#'; name[6]=0; printf(%s,name);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AST#BSTR#CSTR#0DSTR0

单选题有如下程序:#include main(){ char name[10] = {'S','T','R','I','N','G'}; name[3]='E'; name[5]=0; printf(%s,name);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。ASTRENGBSTRIEGCSTRENDSTREN0

单选题有以下程序#include #include struct S{ char name[10];};void change(struct S *data, int value){ strcpy(data-name, #); value = 6;}main(){ struct S input;  int num = 3; strcpy(input.name, OK); change(input, num); printf(%s,%d, input.name, num);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AOK,6B#,6COK,3D#,3

单选题有以下程序:#include #include struct S{ char name[10];};main(){ struct S s1,s2; strcpy(s1.name,12345); strcpy(s2.name,ABC); s1=s2; printf(%s,s1.name);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AABC12BABC45C12345DABC

单选题有以下程序:#include #include typedef struct{ char name[10]; char sex; int age;}STU;void fun(STU *t){ strcpy((*t).name,Tong); (*t).age++;}main(){ STU s[2] = {Hua, 'm', 18, Qin, 'f', 19}; fun(s+1); printf(%s,%d,%s,%d, s[0].name, s[0].age, s[1].name, s[1].age);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。AHua,18,Tong,20BHua,18,Qin,19CTong,19,Qin,19DHua,19,Tong,19

单选题有以下程序:#include #include struct S{ char name[10];};main(){ struct S s1,s2; strcpy(s1.name,XXX); strcpy(s2.name,=); s1=s2; printf(%s,s1.name);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A=BXXXC=XXDX=

单选题For the new country to survive,()for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be requiredAto name a fewBlet aloneCnot to speakDlet's say