选出划线字母正确读音 ()1、toy A./ ɔɪ / B. / eɪ / C. / aɪ / ()2、our A. / æ / B. / ʊə / C. / aʊ / ()3、ride A. / ɪ / B. / aɪ / C. /α: / ()4、thought A. /αʊ / B. / ai / C. / ɔ: / ()5、cold A. / ɒ / B. / əʊ / C. / ʊ /

选出划线字母正确读音 ()1、toy A./ ɔɪ / B. / eɪ / C. / aɪ / ()2、our A. / æ / B. / ʊə / C. / aʊ / ()3、ride A. / ɪ / B. / aɪ / C. /α: / ()4、thought A. /αʊ / B. / ai / C. / ɔ: / ()5、cold A. / ɒ / B. / əʊ / C. / ʊ /

out il



下列元音主要是()和辅音结合表示汉语拼音字母的读音。 A.[u]B.[ε]C.[a]D.[e]

在一个请求页式存储系统中,一个程序的页面走向为1,2,1,4,3,2,3,5,1,2,1,3。假定分配给该程序的存储块数为4,则采用FIFO、LRU和LFU页面置换算法时,访问过程中的缺页次数分别为 () 、 () 和 () 。()A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7()A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7()A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

●Configuration and (1)testing are typically good choices for outsourcing. They usually require a large test lab containing many different hardware and software (2)and a staff of several people to manage it. Most small software companies can’t(3)the overhead and expense for maintaining these test labs, so it makes more sense for them to (4) this testing to companies who make it their (5) to perform. configuration and compatibility tests.(1)A. compact B. compatibility C. compare D. comparison(2)A. combarloy B. enquiringly C. warehouse D. combinations(3)A. afford B. consciousness C. imagine D. accord(4)A. insource B. trade C. outsource D. marketing(5)A. business B. distribution C. trade D. reject

___________A. refused B. agreed C. thought

1,1,2,5/2,3(2/5),()。A. 54/5 B. 51/5 C. 41/315 D. 4(5/17)


选出每组中画横线字读音不同的一个(只填序号)。①A.称号B.称职C.职称D.自(称)(  )②A.随和B.温和C.和平D.(和)面(  )③A.劲旅B.劲敌C.一股劲儿D.疾风知(劲)草(  )④A.杂货铺B.平铺直叙C.铺张浪费D.一道残阳(铺)水中(  )

-1,1,-4/3, 2, ( ), 16/3。A. 13/4 B. -16/5 C. -13/4 D. 16/5

A. 2 B. 3 C. 3. 5 D. 4

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 6,( )。A. 11 B. 8 C. 5 D. 4

7,5,3,10,1,( ),( )A. 15、 -4 ;B. 20、 -2;C. 15、 -1;D. 20、 0

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6+-----+30=( )A. 475 B. 465 C. 455 D. 445

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot

1, 2, 2, 3,4,( )。 A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7





问答题Passage 1  Indians always shake (摇)their heads (Example: 0 ) they talk to others. 1 does not have the same meaning 2 “no”. If someone wants to visit India, 3 should know this, 4 it will give him some trouble.  One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired (雇佣) a car and an Indian to drive it. When he 5 the driver to send him to his office, the driver shook his 6 at once. The officer repeated his order, and the driver 7 so again. At last, the officer, of course, got 8 .“ 9 dare you refuse (拒绝) my order?” he shouted. “Drive me to office immediately!”  The driver answered 10 quite a loud voice, too. “Yes, sir!” But he still shook his head at the same time. Suddenly the officer realized that, “No means Yes here!”例:0. A. when      B. on     C. what【答案】A1. A. It       B. She     C. That2. A. for      B. like    C. as3. A. you      B. he     C. they4. A. and      B. but     C. or5. A. wanted     B. told    C. showed6. A. car      B. visitor   C. head7. A. did      B. repeated  C. asked8. A. angry     B. surprised  C. worried9. A. Who      B. Why     C. how10. A. with     B. as     C. on

问答题Passage 6  Though every morning I queue(排队) (Example: 0 ) the bus stop very early, I am often 1 for school. The reason is that there are 2 buses for all the people who queue up at the stop, and the buses often arrive there late. 3 the timetable, there should be a bus 4 fifteen minutes, but one often has to wait 5 hour for a bus to arrive.  By the time the bus arrives, 6 so many people in the queue that those near the 7 can’t get on the bus and 8 to wait for another thirty minutes before the 9 bus arrives.  I wish the bus 10 would put more buses on.例:0. A. of          B. at        C. on【答案】B1. A. early        B. late       C. on time2. A. too few       B. quite a few    C. quite a lot3. A. Instead of      B. According to   C. Because of4. A. other        B. another      C. every5. A. half an       B. half a      C. half of6. A. there are      B. they are     C. there have7. A. stop         B. bus        C. end8. A. has         B. have       C. had9. A.last         B. other       C. next10. A. station       B. driver      C. company

问答题Passage 5  Tom and Fred were talking (Example: 0 ) the year 2050.  “What will 1 be like in the year 2050?” asked Tom  “I don’t know,” said Fred. “What do you think?”  “Well, no one knows. But it is 2 to guess,” said Tom. “In the year 2050 everybody will 3 a pocket(袖珍) computer. The computer will give people the 4 to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, 5 . And we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we’ll be able to 6 them at the same time. Machines will do 7 of the work, and people will have more 8 . Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.  “I’m very 9 to hear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I’ll be able to live 10 ,” said Fred. “Won’t that be interesting? Just like a fish.”例:0. A. with        B. about      C. to【答案】B1. A. our home      B. the world    C. a factory2. A. pleased      B. no use     C. interesting3. A. carry       B. bring      C. give4. A. news        B. ways      C. answers5. A. again       B. also      C. too6. A. call        B. see       C. look7. A. lmost       B. many      C. every8. A. work        B. jobs      C. holidays9. A. sorry       B. glad      C. sure10. A. in the sea    B. on land     C. under the ground

问答题Passage 4  If you are writing or studying, it (Example: 0 ) very much difference where the light comes from. People who use books and pens every day 1 to be especially careful about the direction from which the light shines on their work.  A house gets it’s light 2 from daylight through windows 3 is very good to use or from the lamps, but no matter what kind of light it is, the direction it slants(倾斜) towards our books or our work is a matter of great 4 to the eyes.  Take a book, stand with your back toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow falls across the page and makes it bad for your eyes as if you were in a 5 room.  Now turn 6 and face the window. The page is the shadow again, while the bright light is in your 7 . Try standing with your right side towards the window. This is very good for reading, 8 if you were writing, the shadow would 9 the page and trouble you a little.  There is just one other way: stand with your 10 side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing, too.例:0. A. make       B. made       C. makes【答案】C1. A. want       B. have       C. know2. A. either      B. neither     C. none3. A. what       B. who       C. which4. A. sorry       B. illness     C. importance5. A. dark       B. bright      C. small6. A. over       B. around      C. off7. A. eyes       B. face       C. back8. A. but        B. or        C. so9. A. fall down     B. fall into    C. fall across10. A. right       B. left      C. face

问答题Passage 2  What is paper made (Example: 0 )? When we 1 books or newspapers, we seldom stop and think about the things 2 to make them. 3 paper our lives would be very different.  Paper is one of 4 important inventions(发明) of all time. The people in Egypt(埃及) first used a kind of grass-like plant to 5 paper around five 6 years ago. 3000 years later, a Chinese man created a new 7 of paper using pieces of old cloth. Then for several hundred years, people 8 the world had been using this Chinese method to make paper. In 1838, a Canadian man invented a 9 method of paper-making using wood. Today, most of the paper we use is made from 10 .例:0. A. from         B. in        C. of【答案】A1. A. look at       B. read       C. watch2. A. be used       B. used       C. using3. A. For         B. With       C. Without4. A. the most       B. the better    C. the worst5. A. write        B. do        C. make6. A. thousands of     B. thousand     C. thousands7. A. type         B. thing       C. one8. A. all over       B. over       C. from9. A. new         B. old        C. bad10. A. cloth        B. grass       C. wood

问答题Passage 1  We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become used to suddenly disappears (1)______, for example, the neatly-dressed woman I (2)______ to see—or look at—on my way to work each morning.  For three years, no matter (3)______ the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 a. m. On (4)______ days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime (5)______ out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.(6)______ , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I (7)______ all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how (8)______ I expected to see her each morning. You might say I (9)______ her.  “Did she have an accident? Something (10)______?” I thought to myself about her (11)______ . Now that she was gone, I felt I had (12)______ her. I began to realize that part of our (13)______ life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar (14)______: the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who (15)______ walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are (16)______ markers in our lives. They add weight to our (17)______ of places and belongings. Think about it.(18)______, while walking to work, we mark where we are by (19)______ a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though (20)______, person?1. A. Make      B. Take      C. Give       D. Have2. A. happened    B. wanted     C. used       D. tried3. A. what      B. how       C. which       D. when4. A. sunny      B. rainy      C. cloudy      D. snowy5. A. took      B. brought     C. carried      D. turned6. A. Clearly     B. Particularly  C. Luckily      D. Especially7. A. believed    B. expressed    C. remembered    D. wondered8. A. long      B. often      C. soon       D. much9. A. respected    B. missed     C. praised      D. admired10. A. better     B. worse      C. more       D. less11. A. disappearance B. appearance   C. misfortune    D. fortune12. A. forgotten   B. lost      C. known       D. hurt13. A. happy     B. enjoyable    C. frequent     D. daily14. A. friends    B. strangers    C. tourists     D. guests15. A. regularly   B. actually    C. hardly      D. probably16. A. common     B. pleasant    C. important     D. faithful17. A. choice     B. knowledge    C. decision     D. sense18. A. Because    B. If       C. Although     D. However19. A. keeping    B. changing    C. passing      D. mentioning20. A. unnamed    B. unforgettable  C. unbelievable   D. unreal

问答题Passage 2  For centuries, the nature of the brain was shrouded in mystery. Aristotle is said to have 1 it was a cold sponge, whose main task was to 2 the blood. Later, Leonardo da Vinci 3 the brain as a curious void filled by three tiny bulbous structures 4 in a straight line. 5 the eyeball.  Not all early theories were quite so misguided, 6 . From the first studies 7 language deficits, it was 8 that the brain played some direct part in language use. In 1836, an 9 French country doctor, Max Dax, claimed that, in forty aphasic patients he had seen, 10 of language ability always 11 with damage to the left half of the brain. Thirty years later, this claim was 12 proved by the French surgeon Paul Broca. He had studied aphasic 13 in patients who were found to have brain damage 14 the left frontal lobe. Broca was struck by the contrast with right hemisphere damage, 15 seemed to have little effect on speech. The area Broca isolated and the aphasia associated with it now 16 his name, “Broca’s Aphasia”.  Ten years after Broca’s 17 , Karl Wernicke, a young researcher in Germany, made another startling 18 , which ultimately 19 him to propose not just a new language area but an overall theory of 20 language is handled in the brain.1. A. invented   B. imagined    C. thought     D. speculated2. A. cool     B. warm      C. filter     D. purify3. A. analyzed   B. arranged    C. represented   D. disclosed4. A. paralleled  B. arranged    C. allocated    D. dispatched5. A. above     B. under      C. beneath     D. behind6. A. anyhow    B. however     C. consequently   D. notwithstanding7. A. on      B. to       C. at       D. with8. A. proposed   B. explored    C. suspended    D. suspected9. A. anonymous   B. eloquent    C. obscure     D. intelligent10. A. defect    B. loss      C. failure     D. descent11. A. correlated  B. cooperated   C. responded    D. involved12. A. drastically B. dramatically  C. simultaneously D. enthusiastically13. A. reactions  B. reflections   C. phenomena    D. symptoms14. A. to      B. in       C. on       D. of15. A. it      B. that      C. which      D. what16. A. flare    B. wear      C. share      D. bear17. A. achievement B. discovery    C. research    D. contribution18. A. hypothesis  B. illustration  C. breakthrough  D. penetration19. A. set     B. bet       C. let       D. led20. A. how     B. where      C. why       D. when