






下列史实中最早体现中国共产党决定用革命的武装反抗******武装的策略精神的是( )A.南昌起义 B.秋收起义 C.广州起义 D.平江起义

奉唐太宗之命,将《道德经》翻译成梵文的是(  )A.玄奘B.鉴真C.僧一行D.遣唐使

在法国启蒙思想家中,提到资产阶级"三权分立"学说的思想家是()A.伏尔泰 B.马拉 C.孟德斯鸠 D.卢梭

某类灯泡使用时数在1000小时以上的概率为0.2,三个灯泡在使用1000小时以后最多只有一个坏的概率为( )A.0.008B.0.104C.0.096D.1

D Once upon a time a pair of crows (乌鸦) were continually upset by a cobra.Every year the snake crawled into their nest to eat the young crows before they learned to fly.They asked their clever friend, the jackal (豺) for help, what to do.“Do not despair (绝望),” he told them.“ We cannot stop the cobra by force, as we are not strong enough.We will have to use craft (计谋) to destroy that greedy (贪婪的) beast, just do what I tell you and you will be safe.”The male crow flew obediently (驯从) off to the river where a princess (公主) was bathing, guarded by all her servants.He snatched up the most beautiful necklace left on the shore and flew away just out of reach of the angry servants.Once they were running straight for the cobra’s home, he dashed a head and settled at the window pretending to be lost.The cobra attacked at once.“Stupid crow,” he thought.“He only just manage to escape, but dropped this valuable necklace in his haste.What will his wife say Now I will be the most magnificent cobra in the world.” However, no sooner had he put it on than the servants appeared and killed him to take the precious thing back.That year, the crow’s family grew up healthy and safe.The moral (寓意) of this story is.A.it is foolish to eat young crowB.not to ask the jackal for helpC.it is better to be clever than to make friends with snakesD.not to make friends with snakes
