Both Mary and Ellen,as well as Jan,_______studying Chinese History.A.areB.isC.are being

Both Mary and Ellen,as well as Jan,_______studying Chinese History.

C.are being being




As more and more Chinese people buy cars, much more oil will ____. A、consumedB、consumingC、be consumedD、being consumed

Mary insisted () being present at all the interviews with the foreign company. A、withB、onC、inD、at

In order to pass the college entrance examination, I spent every day studying()in my room. A、lockedB、lockingC、being lockedD、to lock

Daydreaming is highly______(benefit)to your physical and mental well-being.

We are all __ being a Chinese. A. proud toB. proud forC. proud of

I’m sure all will go well as().A. being plannedB. plannedC. having plannedD. planning

Chinese food is usually served in small portions which don’t require () with a knife or fork. A.cuttingB.being be cut

Mary got to the station in a hurry only _____ that the last train had gone. A: tellB: having been toldC: being toldD: to be told

Being specialized () the export of Chinese Arts and Crafts goods,we express our desire to trade with you in this line.A、ofB、onC、atD、in

We are responsible() the care and well-being of patients. A、forB、toC、withD、about

The population of the world ____ still ____ now.A.has; grown; growing C.will; grow; grown

________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A.Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or

我们以是中国人而骄傲。We are__________ __________ being Chinese.

31. The book is very interesting. It is well worth_______.A. readingB. to readC. being be read

共用题干第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love. Thanks to Joyce's suggestion,Mary Ellen gotA:an opportunity to work as a nurse.B: the same surgical procedure as her sister.C: a timely check and treatment for breast cancer.D:a chance to work for the Breast Cancer Program.

共用题干第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love.After talking with Dr. Walker,Joyce decidedA: to get a second opinion elsewhere.B: not to see any other doctors.C: to give up treatment.D: not to trust him.

共用题干第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love. What did Mary Ellen do for her cancer-stricken sister?A: She recommended Dr. Walker.B:She kept her from being disturbed.C: She asked her a lot of questions.D: She comforted her as much as she could.


It is reported that many a new house___________ at present in the disaster area in Gansu province.A.are being built being builtC.was built D.were built

Once environmental damage( ),it takes many years for the system to recover. A.has done to do C.does done

The fifth-generation computers,with artificial intelligence,( )and perfected now. A.developed B.have developed C.are being developed D.will have been developed

In which two cases would you use an outer join? ()A、The tables being joined have NOT NULL columns.B、The tables being joined have only matched data.C、The columns being joined have NULL values.D、The tables being joined have only unmatched data.E、The tables being joined have both matched and unmatched data.F、Only when the tables have a primary key/foreign key relationship.

单选题Tropic tides are caused by the().AMoon being at its maximum declinationBMoon crossing the equatorCSun and Moon both being near 0°declinationDMoon being at perigee

单选题If one of the bilge system manifold valves does not properly seat, the ()Abilge well connected to that valve, plus the second bilge well being pumped will be completely emptiedBbilge system will lose vacuum and prevent the other bilges from being pumped outCbilge well aft connected to that valve will siphon its contents to the forward bilge wellsDdischarge pressure will be too high

单选题During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well being.Athe U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well beingBthe U.S. enjoying more than any other time in its history peace and economic well beingCmore peace and economic well being was enjoyed by the U.S. than any other timeDeconomic peace and well being was enjoyed by the U.S. more so than any other ~ time in the country’s historyEthe U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any other time in its history

多选题In which two cases would you use an outer join? ()AThe tables being joined have NOT NULL columns.BThe tables being joined have only matched data.CThe columns being joined have NULL values.DThe tables being joined have only unmatched data.EThe tables being joined have both matched and unmatched data.FOnly when the tables have a primary key-foreign key relationship.

单选题Being as he is a perfect gentleman, Tommy is well known for his polite behavior even around strangers.ABeing as he is a perfect gentlemanBAlthough he is a perfect gentlemanCBeing a gentleman perfectlyDA perfect gentlemanEIn being a perfect gentleman