he longest river in Canada is().Athe MackenzieBthe St.LawrenceCthe SevernDthe Yukon

he longest river in Canada is().

Athe Mackenzie

Bthe St.Lawrence

Cthe Severn

Dthe Yukon



He ________to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James River was deep enough to be used by large boats. A. appointedB. assignedC. pointedD. was appointed

Which river is()longest,the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi? A.aB.the

The Changjiang River is ___ river in China. A.very laongB.longerC.longestD.the longest

He walked()south()the river and stopped for a rest. A、as far,asB、so much,asC、so,asD、such,as

He has to go to Canada for the next ____ of his training. A、stepB、standC、pointD、stage

When he moved to Canada, the children () to the change very well.A、adequateB、adaptedC、adaptedD、adepted

The river ________ to the east. It is the second longest river in the country. A.runsB.is runningC.runD.ran

The Changjiang River is one of ______ in the world.A、the longest riverB、longest riversC、the longest riversD、longer rivers

Xin'an River is ______ longest river in ______ Huangshan . A、the,/B、a,/C、an,/D、/,/

The river,which is__________the Yangtze River,is the longest river in China.A.named afterB.known forC.known asD.called for

Jack was a good swimmer;he___________swim across the river.A.wouldB.mightC.shouldD.was able to

The longest river in Britain is ( ). A.the Mersey B.the Sevem C.the Thames D.the Clyde

The longest river in New Zealand is()Athe Clutha RiverBthe WanganuiCthe RangitataDthe Waikato

The longest river in Canada is()Athe MackenzieBthe St.LawrenceCthe SevernDthe Yukon

he longest river in Canada is().A、the MackenzieB、the St.LawrenceC、the SevernD、the Yukon

The longest river in Canada is()A、the MackenzieB、the St.LawrenceC、the SevernD、the Yukon

某种轮胎的广告语He laughs best who runs longest是套用了英语谚语He laughs best who laughs last。

The longest river in New Zealand is()A、the Clutha RiverB、the WanganuiC、the RangitataD、the Waikato

判断题某种轮胎的广告语He laughs best who runs longest是套用了英语谚语He laughs best who laughs last。A对B错

单选题______Yellow River is known to be______second longest river in China.AThe; theB/; /CThe;/D/; the

单选题The river () to the east. It is the second longest river in the country.ArunsBis runningCrunDran

单选题The longest river in New Zealand is()Athe Clutha RiverBthe WanganuiCthe RangitataDthe Waikato

单选题he longest river in Canada is().Athe MackenzieBthe St.LawrenceCthe SevernDthe Yukon

单选题The longest river in Canada is()Athe MackenzieBthe St.LawrenceCthe SevernDthe Yukon

单选题_____ is the longest river in Canada.AThe Murray RiverBThe Mackenzie RiverCThe St.LawrenceDThe Clutha River

单选题A mountain chain in the eastern United States, extending from the valley of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada, to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama, is _____.AAppalachian MountainsBRocky MountainsCHimalayan MountainsDGreen Mountains

单选题He sent()from Canada.Aher a cardBto her a cardCcard to herDto her card