Langston Hughes was noted for his()Atrue description of urban Blacks in poetryBunconventional portrayal of HarlemCsinging of black AmericaDNone of the above

Langston Hughes was noted for his()

Atrue description of urban Blacks in poetry

Bunconventional portrayal of Harlem

Csinging of black America

DNone of the above



Why does the author say that his car becomes the extension of his personality?A. Driving can show his real self.B. Driving can show the other part of his personality.C. Driving can bring out his character.D. His carembodies his temper.

He was very much disappointed because () went to his wedding party. his friendsB.all no his friendsC.none his friendsD.none of his friends

His first attempt failed,(). A、his second attenpt did eitherB、so did his second attenptC、# neither did his second attenptD、so his second attenpt did

Langston Hughes is often entitled “New England Poet”.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

30. Mike can't mend _______ .A. his kiteB. his shoes and kiteC. his chairD. his door

Gilbert Arenas was born on January 6, 1982 in Tampa, Florida. His father played college football at the University of Miami. In 1984, the pair moved to Los Angeles, California where Gilbert's father was an actor in commercials and soap operas.When Gilbert was about 11, he started playing basketball. By the time Gilbert was 14, he was already the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School in Van Nuys, California. He decided to wear the number "0" because people told him he would get "zero playing time". After his sophomore year, Gilbert decided to enter the NBA draft. Many coaches thought that Gilbert was not ready. As a result, he was drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors. Gilbert worked hard at Golden State, despite the fact his coach kept him on the bench for much of the season. When he finally got his chance, Gilbert averaged 14 points and 5 assists per game as the Warriors point guard.After a successful individual year for Gilbert, it was time to test the NBA's free-agent market. Much to the disappointment of Warriors fans, Gilbert signed a 6-year, 65 million dollar deal with the Washington Wizards in 2003. Not surprisingly, he became an instant star with the Wizards. Fans loved to watch him race up the court, dish-off passes, and make difficult shots and lay ups. Although the Wizards only won 27 games his first year in Washington, Gilbert led them with 19.6 points per game. Gilbert, along with teammates Larry Hughes and Antawn Jamison, led the Wizards to the NBA playoffs during his second year. The highlight of the decade for the Wizards was their post-season victory against the Chicago Bulls in the NBA playoffs.16. What did Gilbert's father do for a living in California?.A. He was an artist.B. He was a basketball player.C. He was an actor.D. He was a football player.17. When did Gilbert become the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School?A. When he was 11.B. In 1984.C. When he was 14.D. As a junior in high school.18. Why was Gilbert drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors?A. Because many coaches thought that he was not ready.B. Because the Golden State Warriors liked him very much.C. Because his family has moved to the Golden State.D. Because his performance is disappointing in the season.19. Which of the following players did NOT help the Wizards make the playoffs in Gilbert's second year?A. Gilbert Arenas.B. Gold State Warriors.C. Antawn Jamison.D. Larry Hughes.20. Which of the following words best describes Gilbert Arenas as described by the passage?A. Overrated.B. Hard-working.C. Talented.D. Both B and C.

eli whitney was noted for inventing the cotton gin and developing the system of mass production of weapons with interchangeable parts. ()

Young Langston at last got up because____.(Salvation) A. he knew lying was the best way to be savedB. he wanted to be saved though he hadn’t seen GodC. he took the advice of the minister who was prayingD. he wanted to follow Westley’s example

Langston attended a special meeting ____.(Salvation) A. Together with many other hardened sinnersB. To become a member of the churchC. Because he was regarded as a young sinnerD. Because he had broken religious laws

The manager got angry just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A: lost his moodB:lost his temperC: lost his mindD:lost his passion

The dog has always been considered man′s best friend.Always noted for being particularly?faithful in watching over children,he also has his place by the fireside,in the cow pasture,on the?sheep range(放牧区),and beside the hunter in forest.He is easy to train,works hard,and often?performs astonishing feats.And in the frozen polar regions he was once the principal motive power,before being lately displaced by the plane and helicopter.Because he howls or whines in the presence of impending death,the dog was once thought to?have supernatural powers and believed to be capable of seeing gods and ghosts invisible to men.Actually,the.basis for these beliefs lies in the hound′s sensibility to people′s feelings and his superior?hearing ability and sense of smell,which enable him to detect signs hidden from human observation.His record of saving lives is outstanding,for he often gives warning of fire and other dangers not noticed by his master.The dog′s major contribution,however,has been to medical research.Both his diet and his?structure are comparable to those of the human being,and so he has been the subject Of countless?demonstrations and experiments.Open-heart surgery has been made possible largely because of the?dog.But his sacrifice has repaid his own species as well by safeguarding it from rabies(狂犬病),distemper,and other diseases.The dog has always been noted for__________.A.protecting childrenB.assisting shepherdsC.helping huntersD.herding cattle

The dog has always been considered man′s best friend.Always noted for being particularly?faithful in watching over children,he also has his place by the fireside,in the cow pasture,on the?sheep range(放牧区),and beside the hunter in forest.He is easy to train,works hard,and often?performs astonishing feats.And in the frozen polar regions he was once the principal motive power,before being lately displaced by the plane and helicopter.Because he howls or whines in the presence of impending death,the dog was once thought to?have supernatural powers and believed to be capable of seeing gods and ghosts invisible to men.Actually,the.basis for these beliefs lies in the hound′s sensibility to people′s feelings and his superior?hearing ability and sense of smell,which enable him to detect signs hidden from human observation.His record of saving lives is outstanding,for he often gives warning of fire and other dangers not noticed by his master.The dog′s major contribution,however,has been to medical research.Both his diet and his?structure are comparable to those of the human being,and so he has been the subject Of countless?demonstrations and experiments.Open-heart surgery has been made possible largely because of the?dog.But his sacrifice has repaid his own species as well by safeguarding it from rabies(狂犬病),distemper,and other diseases.The article does not say whether the scientists′experiments with dogs have__________.A.benefited animals other than dogsB.served manC.helped other dogsD.contributed to medical knowledge

The dog has always been considered man′s best friend.Always noted for being particularly?faithful in watching over children,he also has his place by the fireside,in the cow pasture,on the?sheep range(放牧区),and beside the hunter in forest.He is easy to train,works hard,and often?performs astonishing feats.And in the frozen polar regions he was once the principal motive power,before being lately displaced by the plane and helicopter.Because he howls or whines in the presence of impending death,the dog was once thought to?have supernatural powers and believed to be capable of seeing gods and ghosts invisible to men.Actually,the.basis for these beliefs lies in the hound′s sensibility to people′s feelings and his superior?hearing ability and sense of smell,which enable him to detect signs hidden from human observation.His record of saving lives is outstanding,for he often gives warning of fire and other dangers not noticed by his master.The dog′s major contribution,however,has been to medical research.Both his diet and his?structure are comparable to those of the human being,and so he has been the subject Of countless?demonstrations and experiments.Open-heart surgery has been made possible largely because of the?dog.But his sacrifice has repaid his own species as well by safeguarding it from rabies(狂犬病),distemper,and other diseases.Dogs are similar to human beings in__________.A.sizeB.structureC.temperamentD.appearance

_________A.handsB.his shouldersC.his faceD.his neck

Henry James was most famous for( ) A.his poems B.his plays C.his novels D.his short stories

Inspection and quarantine documents required for import goods include ().A、bills of ladingB、foreign invoiceC、weight noteD、certificate of origin

单选题The author suggests that the “deceptive veil”(Paragraph 2) in Hughes’s poetry obscures _____.Aevidence of his use of oral techniques in his poetryBevidence of his thoughtful deliberation in composing his poemsChis scrupulous concern for representative details in his poetryDhis incorporation of Western European literary techniques in his poetry

单选题From the passage, we learn what Mr. Hughes lacked in his life was_____.AeducationBloveCmoneyDgood looks

单选题Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’ poetry is noted for its _____.Aart for art’s sakeBoriginalityCdidacticismDinnovation

单选题Langston Hughes was noted for his()Atrue description of urban Blacks in poetryBunconventional portrayal of HarlemCsinging of black AmericaDNone of the above

单选题Howard Hughes' parents died_____.Awhen he was 16 years oldBbefore he was 19 years oldCafter he got marriedDafter he moved to California

单选题In listening to a person the important thing is ______.Ato notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyeBto listen to how he pronounces his wordsCto check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureDnot to believe what he says

单选题Known for his temper, impatience, and how easily he can be irritated, Dr. McGee was not well liked by his patients.AKnown for his temper, impatience, and how easily he can be irritatedBKnowing his temper, impatience, and irritabilityCKnown for his temper, impatience, and irritabilityDKnown for his temper, impatience, and irritationEKnown for his temper, for his impatience, and his irritability

单选题Pixwell Corporation’s latest video camera is noted to be far ______ to its first one.AimprovedBexceptionalCsuperiorDincomparable

单选题The author mentions which one of the following as an example of the influence of Black folk culture on Hughes’s poetry?Ahis exploitation of ambiguous and deceptive meaningsBhis strong religious beliefsChis use of naming and enumerationDhis use of first-person narrative

单选题According to the passage, Howard Hughes was not_____.Agood-lookingBwealthyCfriendlyDpowerful

单选题Which of the following about Hughes'father is NOT TRUE?AHe started the Hughes Tool Company.BHe liked to spend money.CHe worked hard.DHe drank alcohol a lot.