The telephone line is()busy at the moment.AfairBquiteCwellDquiet

The telephone line is()busy at the moment.

A fair

B quite

C well

D quiet



I’m afraid Mr. White isn’t available at the moment. Can I ______?

The telephone line is_____busy at the moment. A.fairB.quiteC.wellD.quiet

●Which one of these statements about connecting to the Internet is true? (68) .(68) A.The Internet can only be used to link computers with same operating systemB.The Internet can be used to connect computers with different ISPC.You must have a telephone line to connect to the InternetD.You must have a modem to connect to the Internet

Some of the _____ solutions will support these requirements better at the moment. A property ;B prosperity ;C proprietary

I'm sorry, he must be out in the library at the moment. (翻译)

―It is a ____________ moment.‖ he told journalists. A.historianB.historicalC.historyD.historic

You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that is hosted by a Windows Forms Application.The ServiceHost instance is created in the Form Constructor.You need to ensure that the service is not blocked while the UI thread is busy.What should you do?()A. Decorate the service implementation class with the following line of code [ServiceBehavior(UseSyncronizationContext = false)]B. Decorate the service implementation class with the following line of code [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]C. Call the Invoke method of the form and supply a delegate.D. Call the BeginInvoke method of the form and supply a delegate.

I’m very busy, so I can’t ________ that problem with you for the moment. A.discussB.quarrelC.answerD.explain

Which one of these statements about connecting to the Internet is true?(68).A.The Internet can only be used to link computers with same operating systemB.The Internet can be used to connect computers with different ISPC.You must have a telephone line to connect to the InternetD.You must have a modem to connect to the Internet

The kids are kept( )tidying up the desk. A、busy withB、busying withC、busy inD、to busy in

●(72) is a device that allows a computer to transmit information over a telephone line.(72) A.DiskB.ModemC.PrinterD.Display

In line with the passage, if you don't like to write a letter, it's simply because ______.A. you are lazy enoughB. you are busy enoughC. you haven't found the advantages of lettersD. you can't afford too many letters

In multipoint networks , there are tree persistence methods when a station finds a channel the 1-persistent method,after the station finds the line idle,it sends its frame immediately.this method has the ( ) chance of collision because two or more stations may find the line (请作答此空) and send their frames immediately. In the nonpersistent method , a station that has a frame to send ( ) the line . If the line is idle , it sends immediately If the line is not idle , it waits a ( ) amount of time and then senses the line again.The nonpersistent approach ( ) the chance of collision because it is unlikely that two or more stations will wait the same amount of time and retry to send simultaneously The p-persistent approach combines the advantages of the other two strategies . It reduces the chance of collision and improves efficiency.A.idleB.busyC.usefulD.unusable

我们的大副现在很忙。()A、Our third officer is busy with his work.B、Our second officer is busy with his work.C、Our captain is busy with his work.D、Our chief officer is busy with his work.

“电话新装”在英文中的写法是“()”。A、local telephone removalB、local telephoneC、local telephone installationD、telephone

查找yuangong表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码()A、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[8,6]%0*’B、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’(8,6)*0%’C、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0%’D、SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0*’

衡量排队机处理性能的指标BHCA是什么所写()。A、Busy High Call AbilityB、Busy High Call AttemptC、Busy Hour Call AbilityD、Busy Hour Call Attempt

What will significantly degrade DSL performance, regardless of DSL rate or line length? ()A、Microliters installed between a telephone and shared lineB、POTS splitters at the subscriber’s end of the DSL lineC、POTS splitters at the telco COD、None of the other alternatives apply

What is the minimum connection required for Call Home on an IBM System Storage DS8000?()A、ISDN connectionB、Analog telephone lineC、Ethernet internet connectionD、Both an analog telephone line and an ethernet connection

You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that is hosted by a Windows Forms Application.The ServiceHost instance is created in the Form Constructor.You need to ensure that the service is not blocked while the UI thread is busy. What should you do?()A、Decorate the service implementation class with the following line of code [ServiceBehavior(UseSyncronizationContext = false)]B、Decorate the service implementation class with the following line of code [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]C、Call the Invoke method of the form and supply a delegate.D、Call the BeginInvoke method of the form and supply a delegate.

单选题The telephone line is()busy at the moment.AfairBquiteCwellDquiet

单选题Because our work is very busy, so we need to relax at midday.AWe are very busy,BOur work being busy,COur work so very busy,DBecause our work so very busy,

单选题A: I’d like to speak to the manager, please.  B: ______AWho are you?BThanks for calling.CHold the line, please. I’ll see if he is around.DYes, but the line is busy now.

单选题You execute the following command in your Certkiller .com production database to change the width of the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table: ALTER TABLE customers  MODIFY (cust_nameVARCHAR2 (40)) /  When you execute the command, it displays the following error message:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified  What could be the reason for the error message?()AThe database instance is not available.BThe ALTER TABLE command does not have WAIT optionCThe table or a row in the table is currently locked by another user session.DThe database instance is busy processing other user sessions commands.EThe CUSTOMERS table has no long running query active at the time when this request is made.FThe server process executing the ALTER TABLE command is busy with another command execution

单选题_____AShe should repair the telephone herself.BShe can turn to Mike for help.CHe knows nothing about telephone.DHe will call the telephone company.

单选题我们船长现在很忙。()AOur captain is busy with his work.BOur chief officer is busy with his work.COur captain is very busy now.DOur third officer is busy with his work.

单选题You are making a telephone call ship-to-shore using the VHF-FM service.You can tell that the working channel is busy if you hear().ASpeechBSignaling tonesCA busy signalDAll of the above