单选题—I called you yesterday evening, but you were not in.—Sorry, I ______ in the shop with my mother.AamBwill beCwasDhave been

—I called you yesterday evening, but you were not in.—Sorry, I ______ in the shop with my mother.



will be




have been


考查动词的时态。句意:——昨晚我给你打电话了,但是你不在。——对不起,我当时正和我妈买东西呢。由“yesterday evening”可知应用一般过去时,故选C。


Student A:I feel sick.Student B:______Student A:I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache. A: I'm sorry to hear that.B: How are you feeling now?C: How long have you been sick?D: Do you have a temperature?

--- Do you know our company at all?--- No, it’s the first time______here. A.I had beenB.I am comingC.I wasD.I have been

--I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn't recognize her voice.--Oh, it _________my aunt Jean.A. must beB. must have beenC. might beD. can have been

A: Where()you last week? B: I()in Alabama. A、were/wereB、was/isC、were/wasD、was/were

--Will you go to the movie with us tonight?--I'm sorry. I have not made up my _____ yet.A. heartB. brainC. mindD. head

This () your first composition, I'll ask you to write a short one.A、isB、will beC、wasD、being

Had it been possible I would have come to see you, but I ____ so busy then. A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be

—That’s a beautiful dress you have on! — _________________. A.Oh,thanks.I got it yesterday.B.Sorry,it’s too cheap.C.Oh,no.You can have it too.D.Yes,see you later.

Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I ________ late yesterday. A. should beB. would beC. will have beenD. would have been

---I have got a pain in my neck. ---_______.A、Yes, I agreeB、Yes, you are quite rightC、I’m sorry to hear thatD、I’m feeling sick

If I ________ you, I would not do it.A、amB、wasC、have beenD、were

Mary: Oh, you are wearing a beautiful dress!Helen: ___________A、Oh,thanks.I got it yesterday.B、Sorry,it's too cheap.C、You can have it.D、See you later.

Philip: Hello! Is that you, Tom?Tom: Yes, (56)Philip: I can't believe I (57) you at last. And what have you been doing?Tom: Yeah, I haven't been home a lot lately. And I've had a lot of work and social engagements. Oh,Philip, (58) to London?Philip: I just came back about a week ago, I (59) by phone several times, but you were not in.Tom: Sorry, Sorry. Did you have a nice holiday, then?Philip: Lovely. I went to Scotland and traveled around.Tom: (60) ! I need a holiday indeed.Philip: Well, I suppose so.Tom: Oh , somebody's at the door. I have to go. And I have to say " good-bye'. Nice talking to you.Philip: Same here, bye-bye.56.A. when did you get backB. What a surprise I gotC. How I admire youD. I am TomE. got hold ofF. got throughG. this is TomH. tried to contact you

根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。教师教授了“过去进行时”这一语法内容,根据这一语法内容进行了如下练习活动。Activity 1T: Hi, what were you doing at $ p.m. yesterday?S1: I was doing my homework.T: Good. Ask the student behind you the same question.S1: What were you doing at 8 p.m. yesterday?$2: I was watching TV. What were you doing at 8 p.m. yesterday?$3: I was cleaning my room. What were you doing at $ p.m. yesterday?Activity 2T: Now let's see who has the best memory. I was cooking at 6 o'clock yesterday evening.What about you?S1: I was having dinner.T: Tell your partner like this: Ms. Zhang was cooking at 6 o'clock yesterday evening. I washaving dinner.S1: Ms. Zhang was cooking at 6 o'clock yesterday evening. I was having dinner.$2: Ms. Zhang was cooking at 6 o'clock yesterday evening. S1 was having dinner. I wasdoing some shopping.$3: ...根据所设计的练习,回答下面三个问题。(1)该教师设计的两个活动属于什么类型的语法操练活动?请简要说明。(6分)(2)该设计中存在什么问题?(12分)(3)针对存在的问题提出合理的建议。(12分)

―――I feel sick,doctor.――____.―――I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache.A.How long have you been sick?B.I'm sorry to hear thaC.How are you feeling now?D.Do you have a fever?

Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()A、Excuse me,my friend sent me a flowerB、Fine,I never go to birthday partiesC、Well,I don’t like birthday partiesD、Sorry,but my wife had a car accident

-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -()A、I don’t knowB、Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsC、No, I can’t

Can you help clean the window?()A、I'd like thatB、Sure, go aheadC、Sorry, but I have to meet my uncleD、It's none of my business

单选题______ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.AIf I realized BHad I realized CI realized that DAs I realized

单选题-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -()AI don’t knowBSorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsCNo, I can’t

单选题I could have called you yesterday, but I ______ your telephone number.Adidn’t haveBwon’t haveChadn’t hadDwouldn’t have

单选题_____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions.AIf I realizedBHad I realizedCI realized thatDAs I realized

单选题______ my husband and I ______ down the road yesterday evening, we heard a woman scream.ASince; had walkedBWhile; have walkedCAs; were walkingDWhen; are walking

单选题—I thought you were going to call on me last night.  —Sorry, I would have, ______Abut I had to finish my homeworkBbut 1 would call you as soon as possibleCI thought you were thereDyou would have taken me there

单选题Jane: Hi Tim!  Tim: Jane!  Jane: How are you?  Tim: Fine.  Jane: ______ Have you been here long?  Tim: I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. ______  Jane: I got here a few days ago.ALovely weather, isn’t it? ; I’m worn out.BAnd you? ; I came here with Sue.CI’d been wondering when I’d run into you. ; How about you?DHow time flies! ; I’ve been longing to see you for weeks.

单选题Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department. Can I help you?  Phone caller: ______ I left it on the Margate Mermaid when we cross from Olsten yesterday morning.AI want you help me find my lost camera.BI wonder if you have a camera of mine.CDo you think if you have a camera of mine?DI doubt if you could help me find my lost camera.

单选题—______ you come with me to Lang Lang’s piano concert this evening?—I’d love to, but I have to study for my math test.AShouldBMayCMustDCan