


解析: 暂无解析



问答题Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view on the issue.


单选题According to the passage, which of the following does the author probably advocate?AA name brand phone company supply mobile phones with high-quality MP3 player.BA Chinese restaurant boasts of genuine Sichuan cuisine.CA western restaurant has best decoration and high-ranking service.DA famous restaurant provides entertainment performance to customers.


单选题It seems that the writer______.Ais interested in the imaginary life formsBis eager to find a different form of lifeCis certain of the existence of a new life formDis critical of the imaginative people

问答题Homeschooling is the practice that one or several families working together to get their kids educated at home by the parents. Nowadays, homeschooling is rapidly growing in popularity in the United States, with the numbers increasing by at least 7 percent every year. There are currently approximately two million children homeschooled throughout the USA. Similarly, homeschooling is becoming a hot topic of debate in China, with a great deal of pros and cons.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  First and foremost, homeschooling offers a great deal of freedom, especially educational freedom. While the basics are certainly covered for all homeschool students, the students have a great deal of freedom over what they specifically learn and when. Students can focus on the subject matter that gets them excited, whether that is history, biology or creative writing. Next, homeschooling offers a great deal of physical freedom. Without the strict schedule of school hours, homework and school trips, families have much more freedom to vacation at odd times, visit museums during the week and other such activities. Additionally, homeschooling offers emotional freedom. Students often experience troubles with bullies, peer pressure, boredom and competition. In a homeschool environment, these factors are eliminated. Students are able to think, dress and act the way that they want, making sure that self-esteem remains intact.  While homeschooling can do a great deal of good, there are also a number of disadvantages. First, there are the time restraints. Whether you work, are a single parent or simply choose a time-intensive schooling method, there is a great deal of factors limiting the time available for homeschooling. Financial restrains are another concern, as a source of income is often lost when the decision is made to homeschool. The closeness of homeschooling may prove too much for some families, as parents often must spend a larger amount of time with their children.  Other disadvantages come from limited social interactions. Firstly, team sports opportunities are limited for most homeschoolers, especially teenagers who want to participate in competitive sports. Secondly, homeschoolers may find themselves limited in outside connection. While family interaction is great, kids should interact with others outside of the family in order to live full and well-developed lives. Lastly, homeschooling is considered unusual, so you may experience negative comments and attitudes as a result of homeschooling.

问答题她问起我的小说,我说讲的都是发生在上海这个后殖民情调花园里的混乱而真实的故事。“有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。”我情真意切地说。那还是在复旦读书时一个读德文的男生爱上我翻译的,他是个优等生,没等毕业就去了柏林留学。  她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。她把一张写有电子信箱,电话,传真,地址的名片递给我,“不要丢,以后我们还会有机会见面的。”她说。

问答题长期以来,科学与艺术之间的关系一直是剃头担子一头热:科学热恋着艺术,艺术却拒科学于千里之外。  许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰。相反,热爱自然科学并且理解工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。  艺术家对自然科学望而生畏,敬而远之,原因之一是里面有一大堆高深的数学公式。其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。

