单选题I am pleased to take()to exchange views with you.Athis opportunityBa chanceCthis timeDaperiod

I am pleased to take()to exchange views with you.

this opportunity


a chance


this time




解析: 暂无解析


–Let me introduce myself. I’m Philip.–(). A、What a pleasure.B、It’s my pleasure.C、I’m very pleased.D、Pleased to meet you.

–Would you like to take a look?–()! A、With pleasureB、No, I wouldn’tC、No, pleaseD、Here you are

I can't say how pleased I am to have you ( )me. A.withB.companyC.accompanyD.companion

-- Can I help you with the bag?-- _____A. No, thank you. I can take it myself.B. Thank you.C. Sorry, you can't.D. No, I am all right.

It' s getting dark. I'm afraid I must be off now.OK.()A. Take it easy.B. Go slowly.C. See you.

A: Let me introduce myself. I'm Green. B: Pleased to meet you.()

I am working now. I can't go with you.()

I am very pleased to be a member of the _______. A. houseB. householdC. Home

John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing. Rose: ( ). Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.A. Hello, Linda! How are you?B. Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.C. Good evening, Linda.

I am optimistic about the next round of talk in the Middle East.A:joyful B:hopefulC:happy D:pleased

Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()Athank youBnot at allCthanksDlet it alone

I am going to visit you. Can you tell me the()of your house?AdirectionBlocationCplaceDvenue

I am pleased to take()to exchange views with you.Athis opportunityBa chanceCthis timeDaperiod

May I move your bag a little and take this seat?()A、I don't mindB、It doesn't matterC、You do it pleaseD、Go ahead

I am going to()the meal, I insist.A、payB、pay forC、buyD、take

Good evening, Professor Hardy. Good evening, John. Come in, please. Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you. No,()A、thank youB、not at allC、thanksD、let it alone

How are you going on with your English?()A、I am very well.B、I am going to the library.C、I am going to take College English Test Band Four.D、That's a good question

Let me introduce myself. I am Tom.()A、What a pleasureB、It's pleasureC、I'm very pleasedD、Pleased to meet you

I am going to visit you. Can you tell me the()of your house?A、directionB、locationC、placeD、venue

Happy birthday to you!()A、Happy birthday to you!B、I am very glad.C、That's all right.D、Thank you.

当受到外宾的赞扬时,最不恰当的回答为()。A、I am flattered.(这使我很高兴)B、Thank you.(谢谢)C、No,I am far from that.(不,差得远呢)

英文I’m pleased to meet you.译成中文是()。A、见到您很高兴B、没关系C、您好D、不客气

单选题Conversation between two strangers at a party.  Chester: Hello, I am Brian Chester. Let me get you some more to drink.  Jackson: Not at the moment, thank you. ______AHow do you do?BHow are you?CI am Andrew Jackson.DI am glad to meet you.

单选题I’ll the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you.()Amake upBfigure outCcarry out

单选题I am afraid that you have to alter your()views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.AindifferentBdistressingCoptimisticDpessimistic

单选题I am pleased to take()to exchange views with you.Athis opportunityBa chanceCthis timeDaperiod

单选题英文I’m pleased to meet you.译成中文是()。A见到您很高兴B没关系C您好D不客气

单选题Elizabeth (Treading on someone’s foot): ______ .I hope I haven't hurt you.  Jordan: It is all right.AOh, I am sorry.BOh, I am regretful.COh, excuse me.DOh, forgive me.