单选题A 68=year-old man,with chronic cough and sputum production for 17 years,had felt a progressive dyspnea slnce 3 years. His chest X-ray film showed overinflation of lungs and descended diaphragms. The peripheral vasculature of the lungs was diminished. Which dis-ease the patient suffered from most possibly()APulmonaryemphysemaBChronicpulmonaryheartdiseaseCPulmonaryarterialhypertensionDAsthmaEBronchoectasis

A 68=year-old man,with chronic cough and sputum production for 17 years,had felt a progressive dyspnea slnce 3 years. His chest X-ray film showed overinflation of lungs and descended diaphragms. The peripheral vasculature of the lungs was diminished. Which dis-ease the patient suffered from most possibly()











解析: 暂无解析


My four year-old daughter was ____________ on the sofa. (A) slept(B) asleep(C) sleepily(D) sheepish

This story is about a young man. He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he couldn't go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. “I just can't go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion,” said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. I am sure of it.”The next day the man reached the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”The man still looked tired. “Yes,” he said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand, but then I still couldn't fall asleep.”6.The young man couldn’t go to sleep because he had worked too hard and became ill.A.TB.F7.The doctor asked the young man to count numbers while he was lying in bed.A.TB.F8.The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because he wanted to thank the doctor.A.TB.F9.The young man counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea.A.TB.F10.The young man in fact was not able to count numbers.A.TB.F

Today in Hollywood ______.A. more television films are producedB. man-made fighting has completely taken the place of natural lightC. few films are taken for the cinemaD. oil production has become more important than the film industry

Poloxamer 188又名( )A、Pluronic F-87B、Pluronic F-108C、Pluronic F-127D、Pluronic F-68

The old lady has developed a _______ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.A.perpetualB.permanentC.chroniC.D.sustaineD.

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we know.4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger. Nowadays men generally live longer than_________.A: in good healthB: in the pastC: in the wrongD: the old manE: a middle-aged manF: a young man

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we know.4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger. Paragraph 2__________A:New definitions of the old manB:Changing concept of the old manC:Health of the old man D:Happy old man and sad old man E:Limited knowledge of the old man's experiencesF:Contempt for the old man

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1 When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases, retirement planning needs to be changed .This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2 Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old,that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3 Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man .Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that's really about all we know.4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.A man in his mid-60s is now regarded as________.A: in good healthB: in the pastC: in the wrongD: the old manE: a middle-aged manF: a young man

何谓咳嗽变异型哮喘(Cough variant asthma)?

请选出读音不同的选项。( )A.coupleB.motherC.moneyD.cough

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1.When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it is when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(寿命)increases,retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2.Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3.Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that is really about all we know.4.It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most old man think their health is good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.Paragraph 4______A:New Definitions of the Old ManB:Changing Concept of the Old ManC:Health of the Old ManD:Happy Old Man and Sad Old ManE:Limited Knowledge of the Old Man's Experiences F: Contempt for the Old Man

共用题干Old Man Myths and Realities1.When does a middle-aged man become an old man?Officially,of course,it is when we reach retirement age. But, as we all know, this is a fairly blunt(生硬的)method of decision making. As life expectancy(寿命)increases,retirement planning needs to be changed. This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or so ago.2.Sixty-five is the new middle-aged man. These days people are talking about the young-old, that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old. The young-old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old-old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.3.Although men are living longer,there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why. Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety,financial problems,loneliness,etc.,but that is really about all we know.4.It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.In fact,most old man think their health is good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.Nowadays men generally live longer than______.A:in good healthB:in the pastC:in the wrongD:the old manE:a middle-aged man F: a young man

The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a short time. A.perpetual B.permanent C.chronic D.sustained

Chronic suppurative olitis media

慢性盆腔炎(chronic inflammatory disease)

慢性宫颈炎(chronic cervicitis)

慢性肾炎综合征(chronic nephritic syndrome)

A 68=year-old man,with chronic cough and sputum production for 17 years,had felt a progressive dyspnea slnce 3 years. His chest X-ray film showed overinflation of lungs and descended diaphragms. The peripheral vasculature of the lungs was diminished. Which dis-ease the patient suffered from most possibly()A、PulmonaryemphysemaB、ChronicpulmonaryheartdiseaseC、PulmonaryarterialhypertensionD、AsthmaE、Bronchoectasis

Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A、class Man extends Dog{}B、class Man implements Dog{}C、class Man{private BestFriend dog;}D、class Man{private Dog bestFriend;}E、class Man{private Dog;}F、class Man{private BestFriend;}

报警信息“自动返回到逆变器供电(Auto Retransfer Primed )”出现时,控制电路的反映为()。A、Man/Auto选择器被置于“Auto”位置B、Man /Auto选择器被置于“Man”位置C、(D、F、L、S)D、(D、E、F、R)

单选题To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should _____.Aresort to the production mode of our ancestorsBoffer higher wages to the workers and employeesCenable man to fully develop his potentialitiesDtake the fundamental realities for granted

单选题A brand of cough syrup comes with a measuring cup attached so that customers can measure the proper dosage. A consultant has pointed out that this cup is unnecessary, since most customers have measuring cups at home. Since the cups increase the cost of packaging the cough syrup and reduce the total number of units that can be shipped in a standard package, the consultant advises that the company can increase its net revenue on this product (total revenue minus total costs) by selling the cough syrup without the measuring cups.  Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest evidence that the company should not follow the consultant’s advice?AStudies have shown that customers who use cough syrup without a measuring cup frequently take either too little or too much of the medicine, rendering the dosage either ineffective or, in cases of overdose, dangerous.BThe company has included a measuring cup with each bottle of cough syrup for the last 18 years.CStudies have shown that 85 percent of consumers possess at home either a measuring cup, a set of measuring spoons or both.DMany customers neglect to follow the recommended dosage of cough syrup even when the measuring cup is packaged along with the bottle of cough syrup.EShipping the cough syrup bottles without the measuring cups will provide a marginal improvement in the number of cough syrup bottles that can be shipped is a standard package.

单选题An den Fachhochschulen _____Awerden in allen Semestern Arbeitschancen angeboten.Bkann man neben Medizin und Jura noch viele andere Fächer nicht studieren.Cliegt der Schwerpunkt der Fächer im angewandten Gebiet.Dkann man keinen Studienabschluss bekommen.

名词解释题慢性毒性(chronic toxicity)

单选题The old lady has developed a ______ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.AperpetualBpermanentCchronicDsustained

单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship “Man has a best friend who is a Dog”?()A class Man extends Dog { }B class Man implements Dog { }C class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E class Man { private Dog }F class Man { private BestFriend }

单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()Aclass Man extends Dog{}Bclass Man implements Dog{}Cclass Man{private BestFriend dog;}Dclass Man{private Dog bestFriend;}Eclass Man{private Dog;}Fclass Man{private BestFriend;}