单选题It is very important for a sailor to ()a safety patrol.AhasBhadChaveDhaving

It is very important for a sailor to ()a safety patrol.









解析: 暂无解析


A boy rushed into the police headquarters and demanded to see“ ()very important”. A、somebodyB、someone

A fad () a very short time and is not very important. A.go onB.supportsC.lastsD.uses

Tax,______ can be used in public services, is very important to our country. A.whichB.thatC.what

Encouraging the elderly people to participate()games is very important.A. atB. inC. with

Which of the following is implied in the passage?A.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to provide adequate capital for their operation.B.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to ensure banks to operate with adequate capital.C.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to put additional restrictions on the banks' operations.D.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to concentrate on risks.

VIP是以下哪组词的翻译A. Very important placeB. Very interesting personC. Very important personD. Very interesting place

____ is very important in daily life. AHonestyBThe honestyCAn honestyDHonest

______ play a very important part in hydraulic systems by preventing interaction between different parts of the hydraulic circuit.A.MotorsB.Check valvesC.Safety valvesD.Reducing valves

Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety?A.Light ListB.Notice to MarinersC.Coast PilotD.Sailing Directions

The "urgent" priority should be used for messages ______.A.concerning the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)B.detailing important navigational warningsC.containing information concerning the safety of a mobile unit or personD.concerning on-scene communications

When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears“SECURITE”spoken three times he can expect to receive a message concerning ______.A.The safety of navigation or important meteorological warningsB.The safety of a vessel or a person is in jeopardyC.A vessel in need of immediate assistanceD.A coast station traffic list

Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for ______.A.discharging planningB.safety inspectionC.entry reportD.provision order

VVIP是英文“Very Very Important People”的缩写,它的含义为“非常非常重要的客人”或“异常重要人士”。 ()

VIP是以下哪组词的翻译。()A、Very important placeB、Very interesting personC、Very important personD、Very interesting place


The sailor working aloft should wear ().A、safety capB、life jacketC、safety harnessD、clothes

It is very important for every sailor ()the characteristics of the ropes so that they can be for right jobs.A、knowingB、knowC、to knowD、knew

It is very important for a sailor to have a safety patrol.()A、对于水手来说进行消防巡视很重要。B、对于水手来说进行安全巡视很重要。C、对于海员来说进行消防巡视很重要。D、对于海员来说进行安全巡视很重要。

Insurance is very important to logistics because of the potential hazards and dangers in the process,such as().A、fireandtheftB、unqualifiedproductsC、techniqueproblemD、andevennaturaldisasters

单选题It is very important for a sailor to have a safety patrol.()A对于水手来说进行消防巡视很重要。B对于水手来说进行安全巡视很重要。C对于海员来说进行消防巡视很重要。D对于海员来说进行安全巡视很重要。

单选题It is very important for a sailor to ()a safety patrol.AhasBhadChaveDhaving

单选题As a duty sailor, you ()maintain a safety patrol.AmustBshouldCcanDneed

单选题It is very important to()(操舵)well.AoperateBsteerCrepairDadjust

单选题Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety().ALight ListBNotice to MarinersCCoast PilotDSailing Directions

单选题()you have said is very important to us.AWhatBThatCWhose

问答题Critics of the ban say cell phones are important safety devices for kids during an emergency.

单选题The “urgent” priority should be used for messages().Aconcerning the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)Bdetailing important navigational warningsCcontaining information concerning the safety of a mobile unit or personDconcerning on-scene communications

单选题It is very important for every sailor ()the characteristics of the ropes so that they can be for right jobs.AknowingBknowCto knowDknew