单选题The vertical angle between the horizontal and the magnetic line of force is the().AelevationBmagnetic angleCvertical angleDdip

The vertical angle between the horizontal and the magnetic line of force is the().



magnetic angle


vertical angle




解析: 暂无解析


Horizontal equity vs.vertical equity横向平等与纵向平等

On a crane, the boom indicator tells the operator what angle the boom angle is compared to the ______.A.vertical positionB.horizontal positionC.boom stop angleD.minimum radius angle

This passage implies that ______.A) horizontal faults are more dangerous than vertical faultsB) vertical faults are more dangerous than horizontal faultsC) earthquakes may occur around fault areasD) California will break into pieces by an eventual earthquake

The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of ______.A.the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizonB.index errorC.parallaxD.terrestrial refraction

Permanent magnetism is caused by ______.A.operation of electrical equipment and generators on board shipB.the earth's magnetic field affecting the ship's hard iron during constructionC.the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the horizontal soft ironD.the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the vertical soft iron

With a given load on the cargo hook,tension in a single span topping lift ______.A.increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal increasesB.is at a maximum when the boom is at a 45° angle to the horizontalC.increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreasesD.decreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreases

With a given load on the cargo hook,the thrust on a cargo boom ______.A.increases as the angle to the horizontal increasesB.increases as the angle to the horizontal decreasesC.is greatest at an angle of 45° and decreases as the boom is raised or loweredD.is least at an angle of 45° and increases as the boom is raised or lowered

A single vertical magnet placed underneath the compass in the binnacle is used to compensate for ______.A.The horizontal component of the permanent magnetismB.Deviation caused by the vessel's inclination from the verticalC.Induced magnetism in the horizontal soft ironD.Induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron

______is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron ore.A.Angle of lollB.Angle of inclinationC.Angle of reposeD.Angle of list

Deviation is the angle between the ______.A.true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB.true meridian and the magnetic meridianC.magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardD.axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian

For a vessel inclined by the wind, multiplying the buoyant force by the horizontal distance between the lines of action of the buoyant and gravity forces gives the ______.A.righting momentB.longitudinal momentC.transverse momentD.vertical moment

Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the ______.A.geographic pole and the magnetic poleB.lubber’s line and true northC.horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD.compass heading and the magnetic heading


单选题The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth’s total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the().Anorth magnetic poleBsouth magnetic poleCmagnetic prime vertical meridianDmagnetic equator

单选题The vertical distance between G and M is used as a measure of().Astability at all angles of inclinationBinitial stabilityCstability at angles less than the limit of positive stabilityDstability at angles less than the downflooding angle

单选题Deviation is the angle between the().Atrue meridian and the axis of the compass cardBtrue meridian and the magnetic meridianCmagnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardDaxis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian

单选题The horizontal angle between the magnetic meridian and the north-south line of the magnetic compass is().AdeviationBvariationCcompass errorDdip

单选题The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of ().Athe angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizonBindex errorCparallaxDterrestrial refraction

单选题Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the().Ageographic pole and the magnetic poleBlubber's line and true northChorizontal and the magnetic line of forceDcompass heading and the magnetic heading

单选题The holding power of an anchor is the().Amaximum sustained vertical load an anchor will resist before draggingBmaximum sustained horizontal load an anchor will resist before draggingCmaximum sustained vertical load an anchor will resist before the mooring line breaksDmaximum sustained horizontal load an anchor will resist before the mooring line breaks

单选题The Flinders bar on a magnetic compass compensates for the().Ainduced magnetism in vertical soft ironBinduced magnetism in horizontal soft ironCpermanent magnetism in ship's steelDvessel's inclination from the vertical

单选题()is used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.AThe marine sextantBThechronometerCThe magnetic compassDThe gyrocompass

单选题With a given load on the cargo hook,the thrust on a cargo boom().Aincreases as the angle to the horizontal increasesBincreases as the angle to the horizontal decreasesCis greatest at an angle of 45° and decreases as the boom is raised or loweredDis least at an angle of 45° and increases as the boom is raised or lowered

单选题With a given load on the cargo hook,tension in a single span topping lift().Aincreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal increasesBis at a maximum when the boom is at a 45° angle to the horizontalCincreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreasesDdecreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreases

单选题Permanent magnetism is caused by().Aoperation of electrical equipment and generators on board shipBthe earth's magnetic field affecting the ship's hard iron during constructionCthe horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the horizontal soft ironDthe vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acting on the vertical soft iron

单选题A single vertical magnet placed underneath the compass in the binnacle is used to compensate for().Athe horizontal component of the permanent magnetismBdeviation caused by the vessel's inclination from the verticalCinduced magnetism in the horizontal soft ironDinduced magnetism in the vertical soft iron

单选题At the magnetic equator there is no induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron because().Athe lines of force cross the equator on a 0°-180°alignmentBthe quadrantal error is 0°Cthere is no vertical component of the Earth's magnetic fieldDthe intercardinal headings have less than 1°