单选题Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A${requestURI}B${request.URI}C${request.getURI}D${request.requestURI}E${requestScope.requestURI}F${pageContext.request.requestURI}

Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()













解析: 暂无解析


JSP EL表达式的语法为( )A、!JSP expressionB、@{JSP expression}C、${JSP expression}D、#{JSP expression}

Taboo is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.()

哪一个网元会把用户地址添加到Request-URI中,从而找到被叫()。 A、P-CSCFB、I-CSCFC、S-CSCFD、HSS

ServletAforwardedarequesttoservletBusingtheforwardmethodofRequestDispatcher.WhatattributeinB’srequestobjectcontainstheURIoftheoriginalrequestreceivedbyservletA?() A.REQUEST_URIB.javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC.javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE.javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

WhichELexpressionevaluatestotherequestURI?() A.${requestURI}B.${request.URI}C.${request.getURI}D.${request.requestURI}E.${requestScope.requestURI}F.${pageContext.request.requestURI}

Which CLI command do you use to determine which files are cleanup candidates?() A. request system storage cleanup candidatesB. request system services storage candidatesC. request system services candidate cleanupD. request system storage cleanup dry-run


JSP表达式语言可用于在网页上生成动态内容并代替JSP脚本元素,JSP表达式语言的语法是()。   A、 {EL expression}B、 ${EL expression}C、 @{EL expression}D、 {EL expression}

Given: 11.% 12.request.setAttribute("vals", new String[]{"1","2","3","4"}); 13.request.setAttribute("index", "2"); 14.% 15.%-- insert code here --% Which three EL expressions, inserted at line 15,are valid and evaluate to "3"?()A、${vals.2}B、${vals["2"]}C、${vals.index}D、${vals[index]}E、${vals}[index]F、${vals[vals[index-1]]}

Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()A、REQUEST_URIB、javax.servlet.forward.request_uriC、javax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URID、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriE、javax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

If the policies shown below evaluate as described, which action will occur for the listed policy expression?() Policy A=True Policy B=True Policy C=True Policy D=False Policy Expression: !(AB)||CA、The policy evaluates to True (an).B、The policy evaluates to True because of c.C、The policy evaluates to False because of c.D、The policy evaluates to False because of !(ab).

Which CLI command do you use to determine which files are cleanup candidates?()A、request system storage cleanup candidatesB、request system services storage candidatesC、request system services candidate cleanupD、request system storage cleanup dry-run

Given a web application in which the cookie userName is expected to contain the name of the user. Which EL expression evaluates to that user name?()A、${userName}B、${cookie.userName}C、${cookie.user.name}D、${cookies.userName[0]}

JAVA EE中,JSP表达式语言的语法是()。A、{EL expression}B、${EL expression}C、{EL expression}

Given a web application in which the request parameter product ID contains a product identifier.Which two EL expressions evaluate the value of the product ID?()A、 ${product ID}B、 ${param.productID}C、 ${params.productID}D、 ${params.productID[1]}E、 ${paramvalues.productID}F、 ${paramValues.productID[0]}G、 ${pageContext.request.productID}

A developer wants too use EL to invoke a function using S{my:bloof(“foof”)}. Which is always true?()A、 The method invoked by this function must be statie.B、 The function class must implement the Function interface.C、 The expression is NOT a valid EL expression for invoking a function.D、 The function must be declared in a web.xml file using the  element.E、 The function class must have a method with the signature:Void bloof (java.lang.Strings)

Which retrieves all cookies sent in a given HttpSErvletRequest request?()A、 request.getCookies()B、 request.getAttributes()C、 request.getSession ().getCookies()D、 request.getSession (). GetAttributes()

Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A、${requestURI}B、${request.URI}C、${request.getURI}D、${request.requestURI}E、${requestScope.requestURI}F、${pageContext.request.requestURI}

Which command gracefully shuts down the Junos OS?()A、request system rebootB、request system logoutC、request system haltD、restart gracefully

单选题A developer wants too use EL to invoke a function using S{my:bloof(“foof”)}. Which is always true?()A The method invoked by this function must be statie.B The function class must implement the Function interface.C The expression is NOT a valid EL expression for invoking a function.D The function must be declared in a web.xml file using the  element.E The function class must have a method with the signature:Void bloof (java.lang.Strings)

单选题If the policies shown below evaluate as described, which action will occur for the listed policy expression?() Policy A=True Policy B=True Policy C=True Policy D=False Policy Expression: !(AB)||CAThe policy evaluates to True (an).BThe policy evaluates to True because of c.CThe policy evaluates to False because of c.DThe policy evaluates to False because of !(ab).

单选题JSP表达式语言可用于在网页上生成动态内容并代替JSP脚本元素,JSP表达式语言的语法是()。A {EL expression}B ${EL expression}C @{EL expression}D {EL expression}

单选题Which retrieves all cookies sent in a given HttpSErvletRequest request?()A request.getCookies()B request.getAttributes()C request.getSession ().getCookies()D request.getSession (). GetAttributes()

单选题Which EL expression evaluates to the request URI?()A${requestURI}B${request.URI}C${request.getURI}D${request.requestURI}E${requestScope.requestURI}F${pageContext.request.requestURI}

单选题Servlet A forwarded a request to servlet B using the forward method of RequestDispatcher. What attributein B’s request object contains the URI of the original request received by servlet A?()AREQUEST_URIBjavax.servlet.forward.request_uriCjavax.servlet.forward.REQUEST_URIDjavax.servlet.request_dispatcher.request_uriEjavax.servlet.request_dispatcher.REQUEST_URI

多选题Given a web application in which the request parameter product ID contains a product identifier.Which two EL expressions evaluate the value of the product ID?()A${product ID}B${param.productID}C${params.productID}D${params.productID[1]}E${paramvalues.productID}F${paramValues.productID[0]}G${pageContext.request.productID}

单选题Given a web application in which the cookie userName is expected to contain the name of the user. Which EL expression evaluates to that user name?()A${userName}B${cookie.userName}C${cookie.user.name}D${cookies.userName[0]}

单选题JAVA EE中,JSP表达式语言的语法是()。A{EL expression}B${EL expression}C{EL expression}