Taboo is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.()

Taboo is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.()


The effects 9f rapid travel on the body are actually far______(disturb)than we realize.


( ) from the moon, our earth, with water ( ) seventy percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”. A. Seen…coveredB.Seeing…coveringC.Seen…coveringD.To see…to cover

下面哪些jspaction中允许使用表达式(expression)?() A、jsp:setPropertyname=”name”value=%=expression%B、jsp:includepage=%=expresion%C、jsp:paranname=”name”value=%=expression%D、jsp:getPropertyname=%expression%

These are the best movies I _____. A、seeB、sawC、I have ever seenD、seen


在switch(expression)语句中,expression的数据类型不能是( )。 A.doubleB.char 在switch(expression)语句中,expression的数据类型不能是( )。A.doubleB.charC.byteD.short

It's said that he's looking for a new job, one_________ he can get more free time.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.which

She gets aggressive when she is drunk.A:worriedB:sleepyC:anxiousD:offensive

for重复结构处理计数器控制循环的所有细节。for结构的一般格式如下: for(expression1, expression2, expression3) statement 其中expression1初始化循环控制变量,expression2是循环条件,expression3递增控制变量。