单选题The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens.AmanagementBmagnificenceCmagnetismDmagnification

The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens.











progressive addition lenses,single vision lensens, bifocal lenses 三个词的正确解释依次为:渐进镜、双光镜、单光镜。()此题为判断题(对,错)。

单句理解听力原文:For one full year when the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest yield the same dollar amount.(1)A.If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.B.If the time period of the loan is the same, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.C.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are of the same dollar amount.D.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are not of the same dollar amount.

单句理解听力原文:More common for lending transactions today is compound interest.(1)A.Lending covenants now are often made at compound interest.B.Lending transactions now are often made at compound interest.C.Lending decisions now are often made at compound interest.D.Lending proposals now are often made at compound interest.

inclusion compound

Microsoft's COM is a software(146)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation for higher-level software services, like those provided by OLE. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components, a way for components to dynamically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and a mechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely.OLE is a compound(147)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(148)with one application and link or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects retain their original format and(149)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is built into the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems. A(150)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc.A.architectureB.protocolC.procedureD.structure

Microsoffs COM is a software(66)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components, a way for components to dynamically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and a mechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely.OLE is a compound(67)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(68)with one application and link or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects retain their original format and(69)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is built into the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems. A(70)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc.A.architectureB.protocolC.procedureD.structure

The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.A对B错

A compound is the combination of only two words.A对B错

plastic scleral lenses翻译成中文为()

A compound is the combination of only two words.

The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.


复合杂合子(compound heterozygote)

复合控制(compound control)

高能化合物(high energy compound)

Microsoft's COM is a software(1)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation for higher-level software services, like those provided by OLE. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components,a way for components to dynarmically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and amechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely. OLE is a compound(2)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(3)with one application and link or embed them in a second application.Embedded objects retain their original format and(4)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is builtinto the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems.A(5)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc.空白(3)处应选择()A、tableB、eventcC、objectsD、function

先导化合物(lead compound)

名词解释题scanning tunnel microscope;STM(扫描隧道显微镜)

名词解释题荧光显微镜(fluorescence microscope)

名词解释题明视野显微镜(bright—field microscope)

单选题Which of the following is NOT a compound word? _____ALandladyBGreenhouseCUpliftDUnacceptable

名词解释题phase-contrast microscope(相差显微镜)

单选题The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens.AmanagementBmagnificenceCmagnetismDmagnification

名词解释题复合先露(Compound Presentation)

判断题A compound is the combination of only two words.A对B错

名词解释题聚焦扫描激光显微镜(confocal scanning laser microscope,CSLM)

单选题What is the best way to revise sentence 4 (reproduced below)?Safe but not boring, a good combination.A(As it is now)BSafe but not boring. A good combination.CIt’s safe but not boring, which is a good combination.DIt’s safe but not boring; therefore it was a good combination.ESafe but not boring and a good combination.

判断题The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.A对B错