名词解释题穿透点(breakthrough point)
穿透点(breakthrough point)
The important thing is that this is a major breakthrough. “breakthrough” here means an important development or achievement. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。
下面程序的输出结果是()。include using namespace std;class point {public:point(in 下面程序的输出结果是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class point { public: point(int px=10,int py=10){ x=px;y=py;} getpx( ) { return x;} getpy( ) { return y;} private: int x,y; }; void main(voiD) { point p,q(15,15); cout<<"p点的坐标是:"<<p. getpx( )<<" ,"; cout<<p. getpy( )<<endl; cout<<"q点的坐标是:"<<q. getpx( )<<" ,"; cout<<q. getpy( ); }A.p点的坐标是:10,10 q点的坐标是:15,15B.p点的坐标是:0,0 q点的坐标是:15,15C.p点的坐标是:0,0 q点的坐标是:0,0D.p点的坐标是:10,10 q点的坐标是:10,10
阅读以下说明和C代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在的对应栏内。【说明】在一个简化的绘图程序中,支持的图形种类有点(point)和圆(circle),在设计过程中采用面向对象思想,认为所有的点和圆都是一种图形(shape),并定义了类型shape t、 point t和circle t分别表示基本图形、点和圆,并且点和圆具有基本图形的所有特征。【C代码】typedef enum { point,circle } shape type; /* 程序中的两种图形:点和圆 */typedef struct { /* 基本的图形类型 */shape_type type; /* 图形中类标识:点或者圆*/void (*destroy) (); /* 销毁图形操作的函数指针*/void (*draw) (); /* 绘制图形操作的函数指针*/} shape_t;typedef struct { shape_t common; int x; iht y; } point_t; /* 定义点类型, x, y为点坐标*/void destroyPoint (point_t* this) { free (this); printf ("Point destoryed!\n"); } ) /* 销毁点对象*/void drawPoint(point_t* this) { printf("P(%d,%d)", this-x, this-y); }/* 绘制点对象*/shape_t* createPoint (va_list* ap) (/* 创建点对象,并设置其属性*/point_t* p_point;if ( (p_point= (point_t*)malloc (sizeof (point_t)) ) ==NULL) returnNULL;p_point->common, type = point; p_point-common, destroy = destroyPoint;p_point->common.draw = drawPoint;p_point->x = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置点的横坐标*/p_point->y = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置点的纵坐标*/return (shape_t*)p_ooint; /*返回点对象指针*/}typedef struct { /*定义圆类型*/shape_t common;point_t 4center; /*圆心点*/int radius; /*圆半径*/} circle_t;void destroyCircle(circle_t* this){free((1)); free(this); printf("Circle destoryed!\n");}void drawCircle(circle_t* this) {print f ("C (");(2).draw(this->center); /*绘制圆心*/printf(",%d) ", this->radius);}shape_t* createCircle(va_list4 ap) { /*创建一个圆,并设置其属性*/circle_t4 p circle;if ((p_circle = (circle_t4)malloc (sizeof (circle_t)) ) ==NULL ) return NULL;p_circle->common.type = circle; p_circle->common.destroy = destroyCircle;p_circle->common.draw = drawCircle;(3) = createPoint(ap); /* 设置圆心*/p_circle->radius = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置圆半径*/return p_circle;}shape_t* createShape(shape_type st, "') { /* 创建某一种具体的图形*/va_list ap; /*可变参数列表*/&nbs
控制路径的两种不同属性的节点是()。 A.Smooth Point(平滑曲线点)B.Corner Point(角点)C.Compounded Point(复合式控制点)D.Vector Point(向量式控制点)
The important thing is that this is a major breakthrough. “breakthrough” here means an important development or achievement.A对B错
The important thing is that this is a major breakthrough. “breakthrough” here means an important development or achievement.
J-26 航路不使用此导航设施或报告点。()A、Airway J-26 utilize the navigation or reported point.B、Airway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reporting point.C、Airway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reported point.D、Airway J-26 does not utilize the navigation or reporting point.
判断题The important thing is that this is a major breakthrough. “breakthrough” here means an important development or achievement.A对B错
多选题控制路径的两种不同属性的节点是:()ASmooth Point(平滑曲线点)BCorner Point(角点)CComponded POint(复合式控制点)DVector Point(向量式控制点)
单选题The sentence “we are at the point in time where the personal computer was in the late’70s” in para. 4 suggests which of the following?AThe greatest breakthrough of computer technology was in the late’ 70s.BA great change in renewable energy technology will occur quite soon.CThe “green power” program and the development of personal computer are of equal significance.DSolar energy will replace all other energies in about ten years’ time.
名词解释题穿透曲线(breakthrough curve)