单选题When the manager pointed out that the error was in the clerk's own handwriting, he curled _____ and admitted his fault.AoutBawayCdownDup

When the manager pointed out that the error was in the clerk's own handwriting, he curled _____ and admitted his fault.









curl up蜷缩。


Give the following java class:public class Example{public static void main(String args[]){int x[] = new int[15];System.out.println(x[5]);}}Which statement is corrected?() A.When compile, some error will occur.B.When run, some error will occur.C.Output is zero.D.Output is null.

The basic problem of journalists as pointed out by the writer lies in their _______ .A working attitudeB conventional lifestyle.C world outlookD educational background

Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right. , please?Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.A. What day is it todayB. What's the numberC. What's the date todayD. What's the time now

已知如下代码: boolean m=true; if(m==false) System.out.prinfln("False"); else System.out.println("True");A.假B.真C.NoneD.An error will occur when running

已知如下代码: boolean m=true; if (m==false) System.out.println("False"); else System.out.println("True"); 执行结果是( )。A.假B.TreeC.NoneD.An error will occur when running

When he got out of the manager's office,from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been turned down.A:refusedB:acceptedC:adoptedD:denied

When he got out of the manager's office,from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been turned down.A:refused B:accepted C:adopted D:denied

public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”);  }  catch (Exception ex) {  System.out.print(“C”);  }  finally {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  System.out.print(“D”);  }  public static void badMethod() {  throw new Error();  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 ABCDB、 Compilation fails.C、 C is printed before exiting with an error message.D、 BC is printed before exiting with an error message.E、 BCD is printed before exiting with an error message.

When attempting to boot a PC, the POST process completes without error. The PC then displays,‘non system disk or disk error’. Which of the following would MOST likely cause the issue?()A、Out-of-date BIOSB、Invalid motherboard jumper settingsC、Failing power supplyD、Floppy disk in the drive

What is the default message level configured for IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager?()A、error messages onlyB、disable all messagesC、error and warning messages onlyD、info, error and warning messages

Given the following code:     public class Person{     int arr[] = new int[10];  public static void main(String a[]) {     System.out.println(arr[1]);     }     }  Which statement is correct?() A、 When compilation some error will occur.B、 It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.C、 The output is zero.D、 The output is null.

When a critical error occurs, which module in Enterprise Manager will automatically collect diagnostics data from WebLogic Server?()A、ReportsB、ComplianceC、Support WorkbenchD、Asset DiscoveryE、visual creation of JDBC DataSource object to Oracle RAC

多选题The young clerk was quickly promoted when his employers saw how ______ he was.AindigentBassiduousCautocraticDindustriousEintractableFself-serving

单选题The receptionist ______we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been properly filled in.Awho Bthat Cto whomDto who

单选题Click the Exhibit button.   Given this code from Class B:   25. A a1 = new A();   26. A a2 = new A();   27. A a3 = new A();   28. System.out.println(A.getInstanceCount());   What is the result?()A  Compilation of class A fails.B  Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C  Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D  Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.E  A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.

单选题When a critical error occurs, which module in Enterprise Manager will automatically collect diagnostics data from WebLogic Server?()AReportsBComplianceCSupport WorkbenchDAsset DiscoveryEvisual creation of JDBC DataSource object to Oracle RAC

单选题Given the following code:     public class Person{ static int arr[] = new int[10];  public static void main(String a[]) {     System.out.println(arr[1];)     }     }  Which statement is correct?()A When compilation some error will occur.B It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.C The output is zero.D The output is null.

单选题When the manager pointed out that the error was in the clerk's own handwriting, he curled _____ and admitted his fault.AoutBawayCdownDup

单选题Click the Exhibit button. Given this code from Class B: 25.A a1 = new A(); 26.A a2 = new A(); 27.A a3 = new A(); 28.System.out.println(A.getInstanceCount()); What is the result?()A Compilation of class A fails.B Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.

单选题In a Java EE messaging application, one MDB is consuming a lot of memory at high traffic.    What configuration should you use to prevent possible out-of-memory error at high traffic and at the same time not losing messages?()AConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint.BConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint.  CConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint. DConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint. EConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with both a Maximum Thread Constraint and Minimum Thread Constraint.

单选题In writing up the log book at the end of your watch , you make an error .which of the following is the way to correct the error?().ACarefully and neatly erase the entryand rewrite it correctlyBRemove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean pageCBlot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctlyDCross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly

单选题The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been filled in ______ .AconsequentlyBregularlyCcomprehensivelyDproperly

单选题Click the Exhibit button. What is the result?()A Compilation of class A fails.B Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.

单选题When the PSCO would like to witness a fire drill carried out by the crew, he should consult ()to locate a simulated fire.Athe manager of the companyBthe surveyor of the Classification SocietyCthe master of the vesselDthe chief engineer of the vessel

多选题User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK,or any data definition language (DDL) command:  SQL SELECT job FROM emp  2  WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;  SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database. Which three operations would wait when issued in SCOTT’s second session?()ALOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;BLOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;CDELETE FROM emp WHERE job=’MANAGER’;DINSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Dick’);ESELECT job FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;

单选题Given the following code:     public class Person{     int arr[] = new int[10];  public static void main(String a[]) {     System.out.println(arr[1]);     }     }  Which statement is correct?()A When compilation some error will occur.B It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.C The output is zero.D The output is null.

单选题John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?  Booking clerk: In fifteen minutes.  John: How much is the fare?  Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?  John: ______  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare.AWill it take me straight there?BHow much is it?CWhat’s the difference?DWhat is the fare?

单选题What is the result?()A Compilation of class A fails.B Line 28 prints the value 3 to System.out.C Line 28 prints the value 1 to System.out.D A runtime error occurs when line 25 executes.E Compilation fails because of an error on line 28.