单选题Cooling makes the engine metals their mechanical properties().ARemainBto remainCretainDto retain

Cooling makes the engine metals their mechanical properties().



to remain




to retain


解析: 暂无解析


As tissue engineering materials, the drawbacks of metals are _______. A、Mechanical SupportB、CorrosionC、InertnessD、Degradability

There are various kinds of metals, each () its own properties .A、hasB、hadC、to haveD、having

Constant cooling the various components of diesel engine has a number of functions except for ______.A.good lubricationB.low thermal stressC.good mechanical propertiesD.acid corrosion

One cylinder of a diesel engine is persistently knocking and does not cease(停止) when the fuel supply to that cylinder is secured.Which of the following problems may be the cause?A.Low loading of the cylinderB.Excessive cooling of that pistonC.Sluggish ring action on the pistonD.A mechanical defect in a working part

High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ______.A.air in the cooling systemB.an overhauled water pumpC.correct amount of coolantD.no air in the cooling system

Cooling of engines is achieved by circulating a cooling liquid around internal ______within the engine.A.airB.passagesC.pipesD.means

单选题During the running of the diesel engine, if the supply of cooling water is interrupted or the temperature of cooling water out of the cylinder is too high, the duty engineer should ()Anotify the duty officer, reduce the engine speed, take some measures to remove failuresBnotify the duty officer and stop the engine immediately, find the cause and remove failuresCnotify the C/EDnotify the captain

单选题Cooling makes the engine metals their mechanical properties().ARemainBto remainCretainDto retain

单选题Cooling of engine is achieved by circulation a cooling liquid around internal passages within the ().AboilerBheaterCengineDcooler

单选题An over-speed trip serves to ()Astop the engine by cutting off the cooling water supplyBstop the engine by closing the air intakeCslow the engine but not stop itDslow the engine to half of normal load

单选题One of the purposes for water cooling the exhaust manifold in marine diesel engine is to ()Areduce lube oil temperatureBraise exhaust temperature reduceCexcessive heating of engine roomDreduce load on cooling water pump

单选题The purpose of treating the cooling water of the diesel engine is to() Ⅰ. resist the scale formation in the cooling chamber Ⅱ.lubricate the engine part Ⅲ.increase thermal capacity Ⅳ.resist corrosionAⅠ+ⅡBⅡ+ⅢCⅢ+ⅣDⅠ+Ⅳ

单选题If the jacket water temperature in an auxiliary diesel engine cooling system is lower than normal, the probable cause is ()Aair binding of the engine cooling systemBa cracked water cooled exhaust manifoldCblockage in the heat exchangerDfaulty operation of the thermostat

单选题Where is the cooling water from the compensating tank in the cooling water system of main engine lead to?()Adischarge side of the centrifugal pumpBsuction side of the centrifugal pumpCthe lowest point of the cooling water systemDinlet of the main engine

单选题The main purpose of inspection for a running diesel engine is()Atesting for the mechanical load and the thermal loadBinspecting thermal and mechanical condition of the engineCinspecting each system and exhaust temperatureDtesting for compress pressure and explosion pressure

单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().Aair in the cooling systemBan overhauled water pumpCcorrect amount of coolantDno air in the cooling system

单选题The major cause of trouble in a mechanical-hydraulic governor is contamination of the hydraulic fluid by ()AdirtBfuel oilCgovernor cooling waterDfuel oil tars

单选题Corrosion inhibitors and/or soluble oils are added to diesel engine cooling systems to ()Amaintain low pH in the cooling waterBreduce the cooling water temperatureCincrease cooling water hardnessDform a protective film on metal surfaces

单选题Cooling enables the engine metals () their mechanical properties.Ato retainBto remainCto maintenanceDto have

单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning diesel engine cooling water systems?()AEach engine must have its own engine driven cooling water pump capable of providing cooling for all ranges of operationBpropulsion engines with bores exceeding 200 mm are to be fitted with a means to display the cooling water temperature of each cylinderCAt least two independent sea suctions are to be provided for supplying water to the engine jackets or to the heat exchangersDSuitable strain are to be fitted between the circulating pumps and heat exchangers when sea water is used for direct cooling

单选题Cooling () the engine metals retain their mechanical properties.AforcesBenablesCmakesDis able to

单选题Increasing the load on an engine equipped with a constant speed mechanical governor, will cause the engine speed to initially ().AincreaseBdecreaseCfluctuateDremain constant

单选题Which of the following problems can cause fluctuating pressures in the closed cooling system of a main propulsion diesel engine?()ADefective temperature controls in the systemBCavitation in the cooling water pumpCOpened vent in the cooling systemDRestricted water passages in the engine

单选题Diesel engine piston seizure can be caused by ()Apoor cooling of cylinder wallsBimproper cooling of the pistonCinsufficient piston lubricationDall of the above

单选题In the process of the stand-by, warm-up the engine usually through give preheat of which parts of the diesel engine?()Acooling water of the cooling systemBfuel of the FO systemCLO of the LO systemDcooling water of the cooling system and LO of the LO system

单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().Aa worn water pumpBnot enough coolantCair in the cooling systemDall of the above

单选题The jacket water temperature in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is normally controlled by ()Aregulating the level of corrosion inhibitor in the primary cooling systemBthe level of the freshwater expansion tankCvarying the engine load to meet temperature requirementsDthe operation of the thermostatic valve

单选题Constant cooling the various components of diesel engine has a number of functions except for ().Agood lubricationBlow thermal stressCgood mechanical propertiesDacid corrosion