单选题Usually it will be()who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.Athe ShipownerBthe shipperCthe carrierDthe Charterer

Usually it will be()who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.

the Shipowner


the shipper


the carrier


the Charterer


解析: 暂无解析


() is an electronic payment system developed by Dr.David Chaum, who is widely regarded as an inventor of digital cash. A、DigiCashB、E-cashC、A and BD、A or B

The terms of payment are important for both the seller and the buyer. For the seller, the best terms would be full payment ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu cash at the time of sale. But the buyer would prefer to have the goods before making payment. Importers and exporters are separated from each other by ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu?of miles. This adds to the difficulties of ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your bu an agreement of payment. However, exporters and importers usually meet each other half-way and agree to payment by a Letter of Credit. A letter of credit (L/C) is a banker’s guarantee that payment will be made, if all the required shipping documents are presented. * In this way, exporters receive a guarantee not only from importers, but also from a bank. * On ________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your buhand, importers are given the guarantee that the bank will not make payment unless all the shipping documents are presented. Nevertheless, the exporter can further require an ________letter of credit. That means the guarantee of payment cannot be cancelled either by the opening bank or the importer.

People's Hospital _____ compensating Zhang Hua. A.is liable forB.is liable toC.is likely to

Cyberbullies are usually weak and uncared-for people who only does it to attract people’s attention.()

听力原文:M: Could your company accept bills of exchange payable 30 days after sight?W: No, we don't accept any draft; instead, we usually make payment at sight.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?(19)A.The man will probably wait for the payment for 30 days.B.The man can get his payment right away.C.The man will send an order to the company.D.The woman will not pay the man at sight.

In the foreign exchange market, which is made up of banks' traders and brokers, prices (61) every minute (62) to supply and demand. For safety's sake, a branch will get a rate from their traders for a big transaction. Therefore the traders give their branches lists of exchange rates (63) they may buy and sell notes and payments in the main currencies.Whenever a bank in Britain makes a payment in foreign currency, or makes a payment in sterling to a non-resident, the payment has first to (64) under British exchange control regulations. The bank itself can usually authorize the payment after seeing a document such as an invoice to show that the payment is due; but cases (65) borrowing and lending have to be referred to the Bank of England.(46)A.alterB.varyC.turnD.convert

Under D/P, all the documents, and usually title to the goods, are released to the buyer upon ______.A.his acceptance of the draft for payment at a specified later dateB.his payment of the amount specified under reserveC.his partial payment of the bill amountD.his payment of the amount specified

Who is not responsible for payment of L/C?A.advising bankB.confirming bankC.buyerD.issuing bank

Who usually adjust the derricks during the loading and discharging?

Charter-party usually contains a clause which states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance, and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to ________ the vessel from the Charterer's service.A.sendB.withdrawC.let goD.take off

Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to ______ the vessel from the Charterers service.A.sendB.withdrawC.let goD.take off

Usually it will be ______ who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.A.the ShipownerB.the shipperC.the carrierD.the Charterer

The person who signs the bill of lading without the authority of the Shipowner stating that goods have been shipped,and they have in fact not been shipped at all,______ liable to an indorsee of the bill of lading,who has relied on that statement,for damages for breach of warranty of authority.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is

People who walk on the grass are liable( )a fine of$5.to

What does“down payment”refer to in the passage? __________A.Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgageB.Money paid to a bank before the mortgages is givenC.Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgagesD.Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage

Only those who worked here for more than five years are eligibie for the special payment.A:encouraged B:enforcedC:expected D:entitled

Who was the first European to discover Canada?()AJohn Cabot.BJacques Cartier.CSamuel de ChamplainDHenry Hudson

We have drawn on you for this amount at sight through the Bank of China who has been instructed to produce the document_______ payment of the draft.A、withB、toC、againstD、on

In consolidation service, it is usually the consignor who issues to each consignee his bill of lading.

单选题We have drawn on you for this amount at sight through the Bank of China who has been instructed to produce the document_______ payment of the draft.AwithBtoCagainstDon

问答题Who do you usually prefer to go with?

判断题In consolidation service, it is usually the consignor who issues to each consignee his bill of lading.A对B错

单选题We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C payable()shipping documents。AamongBbetweenCagainstDabout

单选题The person who signs the bill of lading without the authority of the Shipowner stating that goods have been shipped,and they have in fact not been shipped at all,()liable to an indorsee of the bill of lading,who has relied on that statement,for damages for breach of warranty of authority.AhaveBhasCareDis

单选题Usually it will be()who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.Athe ShipownerBthe shipperCthe carrierDthe Charterer

单选题Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service.AsendBwithdrawClet goDtake off

单选题People who are closely ______ to each other usually have similar appearances because much of their genetic makeup is shared.ArelatedBrelevantCrelationDreliant

单选题Which patients are usually treated with growth hormone?AAdults of smaller statue than normalBAdults with strong digestive systemsCChildren who are not at risk from the treatmentDChildren who may remain abnormally small