











单选题Why did Northern Utah Gas Power write to Ms. Walter?ATo announce recent changes to its available servicesBTo notify her of a new policy regarding late feesCTo apologize for overcharging her accountDTo inform her of penalties she may be subject to

单选题What does this announcement concern?AChanges being instituted in an airline program.BHow to redeem frequent flier miles.CVarious blackout dates for traveling on the airline.DHow to contact the offices of Budget Airlines.

单选题Which of these options is NOT available for the sales staff meeting?AAuditorium 3 on April 15BAuditorium 2 on April 10CRoom 402 on April 10DAuditorium 3 on April 20

单选题What is implied about Mr. Manala's event?AIt is a formal business function.BAt least ten people will attend it.CIts purpose is to celebrate Asian cuisine.DHe has participated in it several times in the past.


单选题Which of the following information should be entered on the form?AAmount of money earnedBName of employerCRemittance method usedDEmployee’s company address


单选题Who has been acting CEO for the last two months?AGerald WallaceBBen HolmesCClive WarrenDBella Haskins

单选题Which dish did the writer NOT eat?AFresh pearBKorean barbecueCFried riceDKimchi stew

单选题What can customers receive from the service center?ATroubleshooting adviceBA repair serviceCA routine maintenance checkDAn extended warranty

单选题What are customers told to do?ARead the warranty carefullyBClean the machine with gentle chemicalsCRefrain from closing the machine by handDDry the machine after cleaning

单选题Who probably wrote this letter?AA landlordBA business ownerCA bank officerDAn accountant

问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture.Practice 1

问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will give your opinion about a specific topic. Be sure to say as much as you can in the time allotted. You will have 15 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 60 seconds to speak.Practice 1  Some employers value education over work experience because they say it gives employees a more complete understanding of a specific field. Other employers prefer work experience, saying it proves the candidate can deal with real world challenges. Which do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


单选题Morale among employees is a major ______ in the success of running a company.AfactorableBfactoredCto factorDfactor

单选题The newly founded company can provide ______ of job openings for both untrained and veteran workers.AhundredsBtotalCsortDmany


单选题The supervisor ______ our company 10 years ago after he decided to retire from military service.AjoinsBjoinedChas joinedDjoining

单选题Who most likely is Mr. Thompson?AThe state Secretary of FinanceBAn executive of Copper Media, Inc.CThe CEO of Freeform ConsultantsDA shareholder of The Times of Dublin


单选题Which topic is Mr. Ruiz asked to research?APossible ways of cutting wagesBThe firm's current hiring plansCChanges to the overtime policyDThe company's marketing agreement

单选题If banks ______ the number of credit cards, the economy would improve.AlimitingBlimitedChad limitedDare limiting

单选题The customer service department had fewer complaints last quarter, which challenges the ______ that the quality of our product is worsening.AattentionBfunctionCexceptionDperception

单选题We need to devise a plan or a strategy that will put us in a comfortable position to be competitive while ______ costs by ten percent.AreducingBpreventingClosingDleaving

单选题The expansion of the public library ______ us to offer patrons many study group rooms.Awas enableBhas enabledCto enableDenabling

单选题Pixwell Corporation’s latest video camera is noted to be far ______ to its first one.AimprovedBexceptionalCsuperiorDincomparable

单选题The word “holds” in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to ______ .ApossessesBconductsCenclosesDaccommodates