单选题Goods will be shipped ( )30 days after receipt of the L/C.AtoBforConDwith in

Goods will be shipped ( )30 days after receipt of the L/C.







with in


解析: 题目中文意思“货物在收到信用证30天内装运”,因此表示时间“在…(期间)之内”,用“within”。


The goods ()shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of December last.A、would beB、must have beenC、had beenD、would have been

Our time of delivery is 30 days after receipt of your L/C.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

No ______ payable for loss resulting from delay or delivery unless a notice has been given in writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after the day the goods were handed over to the consignee.A.is compensationB.are compensationC.compensation isD.compensation are

How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board ________.A.At least two years after the last entryB.At least one year after the last entryC.At least 90 days after the last entryD.At least 30 days after the last entry

The seller should lodge any claim for this consignment against the sellers ( ) 30 days ( ) arrivalof the goods.A. within ; in B. within ; atC. after ; in D. after ; on

The goods must be ( ) in strong wooden cases.A. packing B. packedC. shipped D. shipping

下列几种付款方式中,对出口方来说最不安全的是()A、100%T/T in advanceB、30%T/T in advance,and the balance to be paid by L/C at sightC、10%T/T in advance,and the balance to be paid by L/C at 90 days’ sightD、40%T/T in advance,and the balance to be paid by T/T after receipt of goods

Goods will be shipped ( )30 days after receipt of the L/C.A、toB、forC、onD、with in

下列属于近期交货术语的为()A、Immediate shipmentB、Prompt shipmentC、shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/CD、shipment within 30 days

下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A、Payment byD/P30days after sightB、Payment at sightC、Payment by sightL/CD、PaymentD/A30days after sight

A () is a receipt for the goods shipped and a document of title to the goods, the possession of a() is equivalent in law to possession of the goods.A、Seaway billB、Bill of ladingC、Letter of creditD、Sales confirmation

The bill of lading serves as a document of title enabling the goods to be transferred from the shipper to the consignee or any other party by endorsement.The()can not be transferred to the third parties by endorsement.A、shipped B/LB、clean B/LC、straight B/LD、order B/L

A bill of lading, severing as a document of title to the goods, transfers the title to the shipped goods from the consignor to the buyer.

Shipped bills of lading state definitely that the goods have been loaded.They confirm that the goods are actually on board the vessels.

Which of these is an optional feature,requiring the purchase of a separate license after 30 days?()A、 HTTPS ProxyB、 Data SecurityC、 L4TMD、 Web Reputation filtering

表示装运时间的交货术语,根据UCP600银行将不予置理的是()。A、shipm ent not later than Jan.31B、shipm ent during AprilC、shipm ent within 30 days after receipt of L/CD、shipm ent ASAP

单选题The freight will not be payable()the goods are delivered in such a condition that they are substantially and in a mercantile sense the same goods as those shipped.AifBwhetherCwhenDunless

单选题The bill of lading is prima facie evidence()the quantity of goods alleged to have been shipped has been shipped in fact.AthatBwhichCwhereDwhile

多选题下列属于近期交货术语的为()AImmediate shipmentBPrompt shipmentCshipment within 30 days after receipt of L/CDshipment within 30 days

单选题Which of these is an optional feature,requiring the purchase of a separate license after 30 days?()A HTTPS ProxyB Data SecurityC L4TMD Web Reputation filtering

单选题()the Charterer is also the shipper,the bill of lading is usually only a receipt for the goods and a document of title.AWhichBThereCWhereDWhile

判断题Shipped bills of lading state definitely that the goods have been loaded.They confirm that the goods are actually on board the vessels.A对B错

填空题When will the goods be shipped?In ____.

单选题No()payable for loss resulting from delay or delivery unless a notice has been given in writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after the day the goods were handed over to the consignee.Ais compensationBare compensationCcompensation isDcompensation are

单选题A discount of 2 percent is offered for payment within l0 days, and l percent for payment within 20 days.ACustomers will save more money if they pay within l0 days.BNo discount is provided for a payment within l 5 days.CCustomers will not save any money by paying immediately after purchasing.

单选题下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。APayment byD/P30days after sightBPayment at sightCPayment by sightL/CDPaymentD/A30days after sight

判断题A bill of lading, severing as a document of title to the goods, transfers the title to the shipped goods from the consignor to the buyer.A对B错

单选题Goods will be shipped ( )30 days after receipt of the L/C.AtoBforConDwith in