单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-task activity?AIntroducing the topic.BDividing students into several groups and assigning task to them.CWorking in groups to recite the text.DOffering important words and phrases related to the topic.

Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-task activity?

Introducing the topic.


Dividing students into several groups and assigning task to them.


Working in groups to recite the text.


Offering important words and phrases related to the topic.




● Which of the following impacts the critical path?A Changing the task duration.B Reduce the free float of an activity.C Executing a backward passD A or BE None of the above.

which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work?() A. Guessing gameB. Information-gap.C. Story tellingD. Drama performance.

among the following activities, which belongs to the listening activity? () A. Skimming for the main ideaB. Describing and arrangingC. BrainstormingD. Picture dictation

Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity?A.Demonstrating "skimming" and "scanning" techniques.B.Writing a similar text.C.Introducing the elements of the reading text.D.Writing questions about the topic.

Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity A.Writing a similar text.B.Discussing a relevant picture.C.Writing all the main knowledge about the topic.D.Do some exercises about the difficult vocabulary with the topic.

Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity?A.Writing a similar text.B.Discussing a relevant picture.C.Writing all the main knowledge about the topic.D.Note-taking and gap-filling.

Which of the following bottlenecks would MOST likely cause excessive hard drive activity?()A、Inadequate RAMB、Slow processorC、PCI busD、Excessive network traffic

Which of the following should be documented when transferring ownership of a PC suspected ofprohibited activity?()A、List of prohibited contentB、DateC、AgeD、Prohibited activityE、Name of receiving party

Which of the following storage protocols would be suitable for transport across an IP network?()A、 SASB、 SCSIC、 iSCSID、 SATA

单选题Which of the following is more suitable for bagged cargo?().AHydraulically operated pusherBSpread beam slingCRevolving roll clamping deviceDPlatform sling

单选题For which of the following campus LAN Areas is the Cisco Catalyst 500 Series switch most suitable?()AAccess AreaBBackbone AreaCCore AreaDDistribution Area

单选题Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?ASentence-making.BCue-card dialogue.CSimulated dialogue.DLearning syntax.

多选题Which of the following L/C is suitable to ask for a draft?()AAvailable by negotiationBAvailable by deferred paymentCAvailable by acceptanceDAvailable by payment

单选题Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? _____ARearranging the materialsBBrainstorming the topicCWriting a similar textDGiving summary and comment

单选题Which of the following activities is most suitable for individual work?APresenting new language.BRole-play.CInformation gap.DWriting summaries.

单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-task activity?AIntroducing the topic.BDividing students into several groups and assigning task to them.CWorking in groups to recite the text.DOffering important words and phrases related to the topic.

单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity?APredicting the content.BDiscussing a relevant picture.CAssociating vocabulary with the topic.DSelecting titles for the reading material.

单选题Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work? _____AGuessing gameBStory tellingCInformation gapDDrama performance

单选题Which of the following is suitable for bagged cargo?().Ahydraulically operated pusherBspread beam slingCrevolving roll clamping deviceDplatform sling

单选题Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?AThe Evolution of Insects.BEnvironment and Heredity.CEducation: The Influence of the Environment.DThe Instincts of Animals.