问答题What are the most fashionable clothes in China, now?

What are the most fashionable clothes in China, now?




Alice is always wearing fashionable clothes. We never see her wear clothes_________. A. out of a styleB. out of stylesC. out of the styleD. out of style

In China, Taobao is one of ()e-commerce sites. A.most popularB.the most popularC.more popular

What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?A. The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop.B. Women bargain (讨价还价) for their clothes, but men do not.C. Women stand in a shop, but men sit down.D. The time they take to buy clothes.

Young people in China now_______to travel often. A.driveB.drivesC.drove

They used to()in China, but now he works in London.A.liveB.livingC.livedD.to live

听力原文:Actually, in China by now, the dominant users of smart cards are not banks, but governments and commercial organizations.(6)A.The majority of smart cards users are governments and commercial organizations.B.Many users of smart cards are powerful in governments and commercial organizations.C.The dominant users of smart cards are banks in China by now.D.The dominant users of smart cards used to he banks in China.

---What’s this machine for? ---It can ____clothes.

Q:What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?)

CThey wear the latest fashions with the most up-to-date accessorise(配饰)。Yet these are ginrls in their teens or twenties but women in their sixties and seventies.A gengration which would once only wear old-fashioned clothes is now faouring the same high street looks worn by those half their age.Professor Julia Twigg, a social policy expert , said ,“Wimen over 75 are now shopping for clothes more frequently than they old when they were young in the 1960s .In the 1960s buying a coat for a woman was a serious matter . It was an expensive item that they would puechase only every three or four years — now you can pick one up at the supernnackrt whosever you wish to .Fashion is a lot cheaper and peope fet tired of things more quickiy . ”Fashion designer Angela Barnard ,who runs own fashion business in London ,said older women were much more affected celebrity(名流) style. than in previous years .She said ,“When people see stars such as Judi Dench and Helen Mirren looking attractive and fashionable in their sixties ,they want to follow them . Older women are much more aware of celebrities .There’s also the boom in TV programmes showing people how they can change theiy look,and many of my older customers do roga to stay in shape well in their fifties . When I started my business a fen years ago .my older customers wended to be very rich, but now they are what I would call ordinary women .My own mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would caill ordinsry women .My own mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would never have done ten yeare ago.”59. Professor Twigg found that ,compared with the 1960s,_______.A. the price of clothes has generally fallen by 70%B. the spending on clothes has increased by 5% or 6%C. people spend 30% less than they did on cotothesD. the amount of chothes bought has risen by 5% or 6%

What can we learn about old women in terms of fashion?A.They are often ignored by fashion designers .B. They are now more easily influenced by stars .C. They are regarded as pioneers in the latest fashion .D. They are more interested in clothes because of their old age .

Nancy Liu amved in Sydney from China as a"skilled immigrant"with an economics degree 14 years ago.With her husband,she set up a business consultancy in the suburb in southem Sydney.However,Liu was only an epitome of thousands of Chinese investors.Since then,Chinese investment has transformed the city:many of its shop signs are now in Chinese.Ms Liu was a forerunner of a new wave of Chinese immigrants to Australia's oldest and biggest city.Hong Kong once supplied most of Australia's Chinese settlers,but over the past few years the pattern has shifted.Now it is the rising middle classes from other places of China who go there,looking for a more relaxed life style.About 4%of Sydney's people were bom in China.Currendy,China has become Australia's biggest trading partner,and its largest source of foreign students.

The task now for Scotland is to win their remaining______matches before the competition starts.A.friendlyB.trendyC.stylishD.fashionable

People usually dress up and show off their fashionable clothes and elaborate hats for the social event called()

More and more people in China now()to work regularly.AdriveBdrivesCdroveDhave drive

问答题Task II(20 marks)  Directions:For this part, you are required to write a composition on The Anti-Addiction System. You should write at least 160 words and please write it on the Answer Sheet.  Now in China the anti-addiction system and a “real name checking” system have been adopted in Cyber cafes to prevent players under 18 from becoming addicted to online games. What do students think about this system? What is your opinion about this?

问答题What’s the difference between the clothes at present and ten years ago?

问答题Cars have become household in China. It brings convenience and pollution at the same time. Write a composition of no fewer than 120 words entitled “Cars—a Must in China?”based on the previous opinions and your own one. Now write the composition on the Answer Sheet.

填空题What is the first step for using the machine to wash your clothes?To throw the clothes of ____ into the machine.

填空题People usually dress up and show off their fashionable clothes and elaborate hats for the social event called()

单选题Shanghai is the most largest city by population in the People's Republic of China.AisBthe most largest cityCinDthe People's Republic of China

问答题【参考范例三】Clothes What kind of clothes do you like?

单选题When he first arrived in China, he wondered what the future might have _____ for him. But now all his worries are gone.Ain timeBin needCin preparationDin store

问答题What’s the most popular colour in your country?

单选题ABy decorating our homes.BBy being kind and generous.CBy wearing fashionable clothes.DBy putting on a little make-up.

问答题What is “the Monitor” in Paragraph 1 most likely to be?

问答题◆Topic 9:Keeping Variety of Language and Culture  Questions for Reference:  1) What is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?  2) What are the solutions to the problem of languages and culture dying?  3) What’s the most important thing we should do to save our language and cult/are from now on?

单选题What is China paying more attention to now?ATraditional agriculture.BChemical engineering.CManufacturing industry.