填空题What is the first step for using the machine to wash your clothes?To throw the clothes of ____ into the machine.

What is the first step for using the machine to wash your clothes?To throw the clothes of ____ into the machine.


从文章第一段第二句“throw clothes of similar color into the machine”可知,此处应填similar color。


填空题It is quite difficult for me (decide) ____ who should be given the job.

单选题Soft drink sales in this city have _____ by 8% compared with last year.ApickedBmovedCincreasedDpushed

单选题_____AYes, I like it.BThank you.CYes, of course.DSo do I.

单选题Customers consider location as the first factor when _____ a decision about buying a house.AmakeBmadeCto makeDmaking

填空题Some domestic manufacturers are busy increasing production, losing the chance to develop more (advance) ____ technology.

单选题_____ABooking a theatre ticket.BReserving a room.CBooking an air ticket.DReserving a seat.

单选题This problem is _____ his ability and I don’t think he can solve it.AtoBinCbeyondDunder