单选题Where goods are stowed on deck without the shipper’s consent,the()is alone responsible for its loss by jettison,because he has placed them in a dangerous position in violation of his undertaking to carry them safely.AChartererBShipownerCCargoownerDMerchant

Where goods are stowed on deck without the shipper’s consent,the()is alone responsible for its loss by jettison,because he has placed them in a dangerous position in violation of his undertaking to carry them safely.









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Timber can be stowed ________A.both on deck and in holdsB.only on deckC.only in holdsD.either on deck or in holds

If the shipper wants to get the payment for his goods,he has to forward ________ to his bank.A.the original bill of ladingB.a letter of creditC.a mate's receiptD.a letter of indemnity

The Chief Mate must ascertain that the deck loads are stowed in such a manner as ______.A.not to affect the draught trimB.not to affect the cargo ventilationC.not to affect the free surfaceD.not to affect the vessel's stability

The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck ______ there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.A.whetherB.ifC.unlessD.that

Goods stowed in containers ______ without notice.A.Shall be carried on deckB.Shall be carried under deckC.May be carried on or under deckD.May not be carried on or under deck

Where bulk cargo or goods without marks or cargo with the same marks are shipped to more than one Consignee,the Consignees or owners of the goods shall______ bear any expense or loss in dividing the goods or parcels into pro rata quantities.A.SeverallyB.JointlyC.Severally and jointlyD.Jointly and severally

材料:The contract of carriage of GOODs by sea is usually concluded as between the shipper and the carrier,either directly or through their respective agents.Consequently,by virtue of the historic principle of privity of contract,only the shipper and the carrier have the right to take action against one another under the contract of carriage.The only clear exception to the rule was where the party having the right to sue assigned that right under a separate agreement to another party.On the other hand,when GOODs are sold(as they typically are)prior to shipment,the terms of sale generally result in the risk in the GOODs passing from the seller(the shipper)to the buyer(the consignee or endorsee,in the case of a bill of lading,or the party entitled to take delivery under a waybill)when the GOODs cross the ships rail in the port of loading.Therefore,although the law recognizes that the shipper alone has the right to sue the carrier in contract for subsequent cargo loss or damage occurring while the carrier had charge of the shipment,the shipper is not usually the party who actually suffers that loss.Frequently,also,depending on the terms of sale,the shipper will no longer be the owner of the GOODs at the time when the loss or damage occurs,and so will be unable to sue the carrier in tort.问题:The contract of carriage of GOODs by sea is usually concluded as between ________.A.the seller and the buyerB.the shipper and the consignee or endorseeC.the carrier and the consignee or endorseeD.the shipper and the carrierIt is concluded ________ that only the shipper and the carrier have the right to take action against one another under the contract of carriage.A.by maritime lawsB.by a mainstay of the common law in particularC.by virtue of the historic principle of privity of contractD.by shipping practiceWhen GOODs are sold prior to shipment the risk in the GOODs passes ________.A.from the shipper to the carrierB.from the seller to the buyerC.from the carrier to the shipperD.from the buyer to the sellerWhen GOODs are sold prior to shipment the shipper ________.A.is not usually the party who actually suffers the subsequent lossB.is usually the party who actually suffers the subsequent lossC.will still be the owner of the GOODs at the time when the loss or damage occursD.will be responsible for the loss of or damage to the cargo he shipped请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

材料:In a bill of lading there might be a clause known as general liberty to carry on deck clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”.This clause frequently gives the carrier the option of stowing the cargo either on or under deck,while also exempting the carrier from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck.A clause of this type is an option,not a statement.The problem arises when the bill of lading contains this clause,but the face of the bill of lading does not state that the cargo was loaded on deck.Under such circumstances,it would appear that deck carriage is unjustifiable for at least two reasons:a)The general liberty to carry on deck clause is merely an option to carry on deck,a choice which the carrier ordinarily does not make.If the bill of lading does not bear a statement on its face giving notice that the cargo is actually stowed on deck,then by default the option has been exercised in favour of under deck carriage.b)The typewritten or handwritten wording on the face of a bill of lading has precedence over the bills printed clauses.And a clean bill of lading,because it implies under-deck stowage,is functionally equivalent to a typewritten or handwritten notation on the face of the document calling for carriage below deck.A clean bill of lading therefore overrides the printed liberty to carry on deck clause.A general deck carriage clause without a statement on the face of the bill of lading that cargo is carried on deck is merely an option not exercised and the deck carriage is therefore a fundamental breach of the contract and the Rules.问题:A clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”contained in B/L is ________.A.a statementB.a problemC.an optionD.a typewritten or handwritten wording on its faceIf there is no deck stowage statement on the face of B/L,it is implied that ________.A.all cargoes are stowed under deckB.all cargoes are stowed on deckC.cargoes are stowed either on or under deckD.it can not be decided whether cargoes are stowed on or under deckIf a handwritten wording on the face of B/L is in conflict with one of its printed clause,________.A.the handwritten wording shall prevailB.the printed clause shall prevailC.both the handwritten wording and the printed clause shall be ignoredD.the B/L shall become null and voidThe deck carriage is justifiable only when ________.A.there is a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L and a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckB.there is either a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L or a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckC.there is neither general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L nor a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckD.only when the carrier is exempted from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

In order to help protect a natural fiber rope from rotting, the line must be ______.A.dried, and stowed in a place with adequate ventilationB.stowed in a hot, moist compartmentC.stowed on deck at all timesD.stowed in any compartment

Country of origin means the country ( ).A. that sells the goods B. where the goods are shippedC. that buys the goods D. where the goods are produced

以下为可加批注的有()。A、Deck cargo at shipper’s risk.B、Not tallied by ship’s crew.C、1000 packages tallied by ship’s crew.990 packages tallied by tallyman.D、Tally said to be.

Paint is stowed in the paint ().A、cabinB、lockerC、roomD、deck

The bill of lading serves as an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods by sea between the().A、carrier and consigneeB、carrier and shipperC、shipper and consigneeD、shipper and receiver

单选题Higher compensation may be claimed only when,with the consent of the carrier,the value of the goods declared by the shipper which()the limits laid down in this clause has been stated in this bill of lading.AincreasesBexceedsCdecreasesDreduces

单选题Mariners must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as().Ato affect the vessel's stabilityBnot to affect the vessel's stabilityCto keep the vessel on even keelDnot to keep the vessel on even keel

单选题If the goods shipped are perishable,low cost goods,live animals,deck cargo,etc.,the freight and all related charges shall be paid().Aat the time of shipmentBon vessel's arrivalCat the time of sailingDat the time the voyage has been accomplished

单选题I’ve already put down the remarks deck cargo()shipper’s risk in the shipping order.AinBonCatDfor

单选题Goods stowed in containers()without notice.Ashall be carried on deckBshall be carried under deckCmay be carried on or under deckDmay not be carried on or under deck

单选题Master must ascertain that deck loads are stowed in such a manner as().Anot to affect the vessel's stability and trimBto affect the vessel's stabilityCto affect the vessel's trimDto affect the vessel's atability or trim

单选题Where should life jackets be stowed?().AIn the forepeakBIn the wheelhouseCThroughout the accommodation spacesDIn locked watertight and fireproof containers on or above the main deck

单选题() is the place to store the goods imported or in transit, without paying under custom’s supervisionABoned warehouseBExported warehouseCImported warehouseDCustoms warehouse

单选题The carrier is entitled to carry the goods on deck only if such carriage is in accordance()an agreement with the shipper or with the usage of the particular trade or is required by statutory rules or regulations.AtoBinConDwith

单选题()are usually stowed both above and below deck.AContainersBTrucksCMachineryDClamps

单选题If the carrier and the shipper have agreed that the goods shall or may be carried on deck,the carrier must()in the bill of lading a statement to that effect.AdesertBdessertCinsertDreseat

单选题The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck()there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.AwhetherBifCunlessDthat

单选题What is NOT an advantage of the house-fall system when compared to a married-fall system using two of the ship’s booms? ()AThere is a steady spotting area under the dockside blockBLoading can be accomplished from a narrow apron without endangering the inboard boomCThe system can be used for working the second deck of a warehouseDThere is more accurate control of cargo drafts required to be stowed in the wings

单选题Containers are stowed both ()deck.Aon top ofBon and alongCabove and belowDbelow