单选题I have made an _____ for you to see the doctor at eleven this morning.AappointmentBarrangementCopportunityDassignment

I have made an _____ for you to see the doctor at eleven this morning.











27. --- Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight?--- Thank you, but I ______ it already.A. saw B. have seenC. see D. will see

I'm glad to have you here. Do drop by if you have time.- ____________________________ A.Thanks, I will.B.See you tomorrow.C.Well, take care of yourself.D.Hope to see you soon.

Lily, nice to see you ! ______ to England ?---- Yes. And I will come back in a week. ( ) A、 Have you goneB、 Are you goingC、 Have you beenD、 Did you go

In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have to fill in a form. and the doctor examines you. Families often all register with the same doctor. Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's Surgery. The government pays for this system, and it is free to go to see your doctor. If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine --- but you don't have to pay the full price.(1). British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(2). Some rich British families don't register with the same doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't way.(3). British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(4). Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor's Surgery.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.(5). British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's.A、 Right.B、Wrong.C、Doesn't say.

I have to see the doctor because I a lot lately. ( )A. have been coughingB. had coughedC. coughedD. cough

Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning?Nurse: _________. He won't be free until 12:00.A. You can call laterB. You're unluckyC. I can't do thatD. I'm afraid not

If I hadn’t listened to you, I would _have made_ (make) such a silly mistake.

-Where()the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.-I()it right here, but now it’s gone. A、did you put; have putB、have you put; putC、had you put; have putD、were you putting; have put

I am sorry(). A、to keep you waitingB、to make you waitingC、to have kept you waitingD、to have made you waiting

阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(T),还是错误(F)。In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have to fill in a form. and the doctor examines you. Families often all register with the same doctor.Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctors Surgery. The government pays for this system, and it is free to go to see your doctor.If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemists, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine but you dont have to pay the full price.()21. British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.()22. British families often register with the same doctor.()23. Doctors always work alone in their own Doctors Surgery.()24. British people dont have to pay when they see their doctor.()25. British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemists.

My stomach hurts. I feel sick. —For safety's sake, ( ).A. go to see a doctor tomorrowB. Better to go to hospitalC. you'd better see a doctor at onceD. Quick go to hospital

I will go to see you()I have finished. A、as soon asB、whileC、beforeD、as far as

A:I have got a pain in my chest. B:You ( )see the doctor.A. haveB. needC. should

“Have you gone to see the doctor?” “No, but______.”A、I goB、I’m going to seeC、I go to seeD、I’m going to

I have a ( ) headache. I have to see the doctor. A.lightB.gentleC.trivialD.slight

1. —1 have a sore throat.—__________ you should see a doctor.A.MayB.MaybeC.CanD.Maybe

―――I feel sick,doctor.――____.―――I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache.A.How long have you been sick?B.I'm sorry to hear thaC.How are you feeling now?D.Do you have a fever?

--Have you gone to see the doctor?--No, but __________.A.I go B.I' m going to seeC.I go to see D.I'm going to

-That’s a beautiful dress you have on! -()A、Oh,thanks.I got it yesterdayB、Sorry,it’s too cheapC、You can have itD、See you later

Come and see me if you have time.()A、I can't.B、I'll think it over.C、Thank you.D、I will.

客人生病卧床,服务员应主动关心,请医生时要征询客人意见()。A、May I help you?B、Plese take a good restC、Would you like to see a doctor?D、Do you want a doctor?

单选题—How are you feeling?—I have been feeling better since _____.Athe doctor has comeBthe doctor will comeCthe doctor had comeDthe doctor came

单选题Neil: I can’t see very well. Or at least I can’t see to read.  Maurice: Well, you should have your eyes tested, and have some glasses made.  Neil: ______  Maurice: Right. But you probably need them now. We all get older, and…AThere aren’t any glasses.BI’ve never worn glasses.CI don’t believe it.DThank you. I’ll do that.

单选题A: ______, if I may.  B: I’d rather you didn’t, because there is too much work to do in the office.AI’d like to have a good time BI’d like to have a day offCI want to have a try DI want to see a doctor

单选题Husband: Oh, dear, my eyes are really sore.  Wife: ______.  Husband: Yes, and I’ve got a runny nose, too.  Wife: Hmm, I can see that. Do you suffer from hay fever?  Husband: Not usually, no. Maybe I should go and see the doctor.  Wife: Yes, then she can give you a prescription for the chemist’s.AWhat’s the reason?BHow long have they been?CAre they?DNever mind.

单选题If I hadn’t attended an important meeting yesterday, I _____ to see you.Awill have comeBwould have comeChave comeDhad come

单选题You are coughing so badly, and I really think you ______go and see a doctor. But it’s up to you.AshouldBcanCwouldDwill