单选题In 802.1s, how is the VLAN to instance mapping represented in the BPDU?()AThe VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 16-byte field in the MST BPDU.BThe VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 12-byte field in the MST BPDU.CThe VLAN to instance mapping is a 16-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.DThe VLAN to instance mapping is a 12-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
In 802.1s, how is the VLAN to instance mapping represented in the BPDU?()
The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 16-byte field in the MST BPDU.
The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 12-byte field in the MST BPDU.
The VLAN to instance mapping is a 16-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
The VLAN to instance mapping is a 12-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
VLAN Mapping 也称为 VLAN 映射,关于 VLAN Mapping 下面说法不正确的是()。 A.通常在公网的边缘节点设备上配置VLAN Mapping功能B.VLAN Mapping可以节省公网VLAN资源C.当两个不同VLAN的用户私网需要通过运营商公网通信,可以通过VLAN mapping来实现D.VLAN Mapping只能用于用户VLAN处于同一私网VLAN的情况
VLAN mapping可以实现不同VLAN间通信,下面关于VLAN mapping说法不正确的是()。 A.VLAN Mapping也叫VLAN translation,发生在报文从入端口进来之后,从出端口转发出去之前B.VLAN Mapping可以实现用户VLANID和运营商VLANID的相互转换C.VLAN Mapping可以通过配置来实现D.VLAN mapping就是增加一层VLANTag
VLAN Mapping也称为VLAN映射,以下关于VLAN Mapping说法正确的是() A.配置VLAN mapping的端口必须配置成Hybrid类型B.不能在不同的端口上将同一个VLAN映射到不同的VLANC.可以在同一个端口上将不同的VLAN映射到同一个VLAND.配置VLAN mapping的端口类型可以为任何类型
How does ERS use the VLAN tag?()A、to provide service internetworkingB、to support transparency for Layer 2 framesC、as a connection identifier to indicate destinationD、as a mapping to the DLCI in service internetworkingE、to provide a trunk by which all VLANs can navigate from one site to one or multiple sites
以下关于MSTP中MST Instance的说法正确的是?()A、VRP平台支持15个MST Instance,默认所有VLAN映射到MSTInstance 0。B、VRP平台支持15个MST Instance,默认所有VLAN映射到MSTInstance 1。C、VRP平台支持16个MST Instance,默认所有VLAN映射到MSTInstance 0。D、VRP平台支持16个MST Instance,默认所有VLAN映射到MSTInstance 1。
How does the Ethernet Relay Service use the VLAN tag?()A、 to provide service internetworkingB、 to support transparency for Layer 2 framesC、 as a connection identifier to indicate destinationD、 as a mapping to the DLCI in service internetworkingE、 to provide a trunk by which all VLANs can navigate from one site to one or multiple sites
Which three items are configured in MST configuration submode? ()A、 Region nameB、 Configuration revision numberC、 VLAN instance mapD、 IST STP BPDU hello timerE、 CST instance mapF、 PVST+ instance map
In 802.1s, how is the VLAN to instance mapping represented in the BPDU?()A、The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 16-byte field in the MST BPDU.B、The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 12-byte field in the MST BPDU.C、The VLAN to instance mapping is a 16-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.D、The VLAN to instance mapping is a 12-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
What must be the same to make multiple switches part of the same Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)?()A、VLAN instance mapping and revision numberB、VLAN instance mapping and member listC、VLAN instance mapping, revision number, and member listD、VLAN instance mapping, revision number, member list, and timers
The Company network utilizes the Multiple-instance Spanning Tree protocol in its switched LAN. Which three statements about the MST protocol (IEEE 802.1S) are true? ()A、 To verify the MST configuration, the show pending command can be used in MST configuration mode.B、 When RSTP and MSTP are configured; UplinkFast and BackboneFast must also be enabled.C、 All switches in the same MST region must have the same VLAN-to-instance mapping, but different configuration revision numbers.D、 All switches in an MST region, except distribution layer switches, should have their priority lowered from the default value 32768.E、 An MST region is a group of MST switches that appear as a single virtual bridge to adjacent CST and MST regions.F、 Enabling MST with the "spanning-tree modemst" global configuration command also enables RSTP.
以下关于MSTP中MST Instance和VLAN的映射关系的说法正确的是?()A、每个VLAN只能映射到一个MST Instance。B、每个MST Instance只能包含一个VLAN。C、每个MST Instance最多包含16个VLAN。D、每个VLAN可以映射到最多16个MST Instance。
关于S7800灵活QinQ和vlan mapping功能描述正确的有()。A、S7800交换机支持1:1VLAN MAPPING和2:1VLAN MAPPING功能B、S7800交换机只有SC类型单板支持2:1VLAN MAPPING功能C、S7800交换机只有NNI端口(没有使能qinq enable的端口)支持2:1VLAN MAPPING功能D、使用7800系列交换机的灵活QinQ功能时,不需要将设备设臵运行在l2-enhanced模式
The network administrator maps VLAN 10 through 20 to MST instance 2. How will this information be propagated to all appropriate switches?()A、 Information will be carried in the RSTP BPDUs.B、 It will be propagated in VTP updates.C、 Information stored in the Forwarding Information Base and the switch will reply on query. D、 Multiple Spanning Tree must be manually configured on the appropriate switches.
While logged into a Company switch you issue the following command: CompanySwitch(config-mst)# instance 10 vlan 11-12 What does this command accomplish?()A、 It enables a PVST+ instance of 10 for vlan 11 and vlan 12B、 It enables vlan 11 and vlan 12 to be part of the MST region 10C、 It maps vlan 11 and vlan 12 to the MST instance of 10.D、 It creates an Internal Spanning Tree (IST) instance of 10 for vlan 11 and vlan 12 E、 It create a Common Spanning Tree (CST) instance of 10 for vlan 11 and vlan 12F、 It starts two instances of MST, one instance for vlan 11 and another instance for vlan 12.
Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1s defines the ability to deploy which of these? ()A、one global STP instance for all VLANsB、one STP instance for each VLANC、one STP instance per set of VLANsD、one STP instance per set of bridges
单选题VLAN Mapping 也称为 VLAN 映射,关于 VLAN Mapping 下面说法不正确的是()。A通常在公网的边缘节点设备上配置VLAN Mapping功能BVLAN Mapping可以节省公网VLAN资源C当两个不同VLAN的用户私网需要通过运营商公网通信,可以通过VLAN mapping来实现DVLAN Mapping只能用于用户VLAN处于同一私网VLAN的情况
单选题What must be the same to make multiple switches part of the same Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)?()AVLAN instance mapping and revision numberBVLAN instance mapping and member listCVLAN instance mapping, revision number, and member listDVLAN instance mapping, revision number, member list, and timers
单选题VLAN mapping可以实现不同VLAN间通信,下面关于VLAN mapping说法不正确的是()AVLAN Mapping也叫VLAN translation,发生在报文从入端口进来之后,从出端口转发出去之前BVLAN Mapping可以实现用户VLAN ID和运营商VLAN ID的相互转换CVLAN Mapping可以通过配置来实现DVLAN Mapping就是增加一层VLAN Tag
单选题How does the Ethernet Relay Service use the VLAN tag?()A to provide service internetworkingB to support transparency for Layer 2 framesC as a connection identifier to indicate destinationD as a mapping to the DLCI in service internetworkingE to provide a trunk by which all VLANs can navigate from one site to one or multiple sites
单选题Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1s defines the ability to deploy which of these?()A one global STP instance for all VLANsB one STP instance for each VLANC one STP instance per set of VLANsD one STP instance per set of bridges
单选题How does ERS use the VLAN tag?()Ato provide service internetworkingBto support transparency for Layer 2 framesCas a connection identifier to indicate destinationDas a mapping to the DLCI in service internetworkingEto provide a trunk by which all VLANs can navigate from one site to one or multiple sites
单选题VLAN mapping可以实现不同VLAN间通信,下面关于VLAN mapping说法不正确的是()。AVLAN Mapping也叫VLAN translation,发生在报文从入端口进来之后,从出端口转发出去之前BVLAN Mapping可以实现用户VLANID和运营商VLANID的相互转换CVLAN Mapping可以通过配置来实现DVLAN mapping就是增加一层VLANTag