


录音中提到的第三点建议是“Another important point is that you need a budget”,因此这条建议是需要预算,故应填入budget。


单选题AThe chance to meet interesting people.BThe opportunity to improve her acting.CThe efficiency of theatre management.DThe entire atmosphere of theatre.

单选题ATo find out if he can change one of his class.BTo ask her for a letter of recommendation.CTo check the time of his registration appointment.DTo learn if he still has required courses to take.


问答题What did Fleming probably die of according to the passage?


单选题He is so kind and generous that he always cast his _____ upon the waters.AstoneBbreadCsandDfish


单选题Which of the following italicized parts indicates a relationship of linking verb and predicative (系表结构)?AHe became a famous pianist at the age of 15.BI took the first place in the competition.CChina belongs to the third world.DThey’ve put up a factory in the village.


单选题“Has he gained weight?”“He would gain weight, but he _____ much.”Adoesn’t eatBdidn’t eatChadn’t eatenDcouldn’t eat

单选题The old gentleman was a very _____ looking person, with grey hair and gold spectacles.ArespectfulBrespectedCrespectiveDrespectable

单选题In fact, as he approached this famous statue, he only barely resisted the _____ to reach into his bag for his camera.AimpatienceBimpulseCincentiveDinitiative

单选题When we started criticizing his work, he saw red. The underline part meansAvery angryBvery upsetCvery sorryDvery sad

单选题Everyone has a right to enjoy his liberty, and _____ his life.AindeedBsoCmuch lessDmuch more

单选题He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. _____ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.AWhat littleBSo muchCHow muchDso little

单选题He gave a _____ smile when the rich girl said she planned to help the poor.AcynicalBcrucialCconfidentialDconspicuous

单选题Within ten years they have turned the _____ hill into green woods.AvacantBbarrenCweirdDwasteful

单选题In less than two weeks, I _____.Awill graduateBam graduatingChave graduatedDwill have graduated

单选题To ensure maximal voter participation in a presidential election, thorough planning and a voter registration _____ are usually required.ArestrictionBencouragementCinvestigationDdrive

单选题AThe general public.BThose wanting rest and recreation.CRisk-takers.DThose who have much money.


问答题What is the more practical issue according to the fifth paragraph?

单选题By calling it “tap-dancing to work”, Warren Buffett thinks the author’s job is _____Aa great challenge to brain power.Bsignificant in the development of technology.Cenjoyable in spite of any possible hardships.Da window through which people are shown a new world.

单选题My brother Joe never learned to swim, _____ intend to start now.Anor he doesBnor does heCnor heDhe doesn’t

单选题We find that some birds _____ twice a year between hot and cold countries.AtransferBcommuteCmigrateDemigrate


单选题What kind of questions can you ask according to the passage?AIf the recruiter will put in a good word for you with the hiring manager.BIf the recruiter can give you some instructions on the job.CThe information of other applicants.DQuestions about the company or industry in general.

单选题AFrom annoyed to appreciative.BFrom frustrated to excite.CFrom surprised to frustrate.DFrom appreciative to surprise.