




单选题Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their _____ for world conquest.AadmirationBambitionCadministrationDorientation

单选题AThe chance to meet interesting people.BThe opportunity to improve her acting.CThe efficiency of theatre management.DThe entire atmosphere of theatre.


单选题Everyone has a right to enjoy his liberty, and _____ his life.AindeedBsoCmuch lessDmuch more

问答题According to Professor Cappuccio, what makes modern people sacrifice their sleeping time?

单选题AThey will be the first tours that get out of the earth’s orbit.BThe number of tourists will be reduced.CThey are less dangerous than travelling to Mars.DThe number of tourists will not be too large.



单选题That our environment has little to do with our abilities, characters and behavior _____ central to his theory.AisBareChas beenDhave been


单选题Jim looked over the engine again _____ it should go wrong on the way.Ain case ofBsoClestDas

单选题What’s the function of the last four paragraphs in the passage?ATo illustrate a problem with examples.BTo provide tips for solving a problem.CTo indicate the results of a problem.DTo reveal the causes of a problem.

单选题AInhabitants on an isolated island.BThe Ancient Greeks.CA great psychologist.DA scientist.

单选题What’s the central topic of the passage?AThe recruiters and the interviewers.BFour don’ts when dealing with recruiters.CDon’t request special treatment.DDon’t ask for insider information.



问答题Why did the writer get angry with his colleague?

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as an object?AShe was the first to learn about it.BThe third tree that I planted was cut down by someone again.CThis was the first increase since the second quarter of 2008.DHow many do you want? —I want two.

单选题Many countries have adopted systems of _____ education in order to promote the average level of education.AconstrainedBcompulsoryCcardinalDconventional

单选题Though the young lady was very pretty and gracious, she was none _____ happier for her beauty.AtheBmuchCmoreDenough

单选题If we _____ the oil company to build this paper mill, we _____ water pollution now.Ahad not allowed, would not haveBhad not allowed, would not have hadCdidn’t allow, would not haveDdidn’t allow, would not have had

单选题The phrase “a ticking time bomb” in the second paragraph is used to stress _____Athe risk of sleep deprivation.Bour concern about good health.Cone possible cause of early death.Dour ignorance about the lack of sleep.

单选题—“Will you go home tomorrow evening?”—“No, I am going to a lecture, or at least, I am planning _____.”AonBtoCsoDit

单选题I wrote back to Charles _____ I received his letter.Awhen immediatelyBsoonCimmediatelyDsuddenly

单选题AOne that has a shocking beginning.BOne that challenges the readers to think.COne whose title is listed on the cover.DOne that has a good ending.

问答题What does the term “usher in” (Line 5, Para.4) mean?


单选题Which of the following could NOT get benefit from the devaluation of US dollar?AForeign visitors in the US.BForeign investors.CExporters of America.DAmerican visitors to other countries.