单选题AIn a party.BAt a bookstore.CAt a school meeting.DAt a crime prevention fair.


In a party.


At a bookstore.


At a school meeting.


At a crime prevention fair.


  Movies often portray criminals as masterminds with complex plans and clever senses of humor. In reality, however, the opposite seems to be closer to the truth—many criminals are inconceivably stupid. Here are three stories of criminals who weren’t as smart as the ones in the movies.
  In Belgium, a man who was suspected of robbing a jewelry store was tracked down and captured by the police. At the time he was arrested, he insisted that he could not possibly have been the robber, because he had been somewhere else the entire time. The police asked where he had been, and the man admitted that he had been in a completely different neighborhood that night, breaking into a school. Upon hearing this, the police officer grinned, checked police records, and found out that the school had indeed been broken into, and a great deal of expensive damage had been caused. The officer went back and wrote up a new arrest report for the criminal for the school break-in.
  The second one took place in England. A British man with an intense hatred of a particular American couple created a website announcing that he would pay a reward to have the couple murdered. The website was quite detailed, with photos of the American couple and specific information about where to find them. It also included the British man’s contact information and instructions on how to collect the reward. The officers followed the instructions exactly, which made it easy for them to “collect” the man for attempted murder.
  Now we come to the last one. At a “crime prevention” fair in the United States, the police were showing some children how they used the computer in their car to access the database at police headquarters. A man came up and listened to their conversation. As the police explained more about the computer system, the man inched closer and closer. Finally, his curiosity was too much, and he asked the police to demonstrate how the computer worked. The officer took his driver’s license and entered in the ID number. A few moments later, the screen lit up, showing that the man was wanted for armed robbery. The officer put handcuffs on him, asked him to sit in the back seat of the car, and took him for a drive to the headquarters.
Questions 50 to 52 are based on the passage you have just heard.
50. What did the criminal in Belgium do?
51. Who did the English man want to murder?
52. In what occasion was the third man arrested?


已知某国国际收支平衡表中,经常项目差额160亿美元,资本和金融项目差额为-100亿美元,误差与遗漏为1o亿美元,则该国储备资产增减额为(  )。A.70亿元B.-70亿美元C.+60亿美元D.+270亿美元