单选题I prefer tea()coffee.AtoBfromCbyDwith

I prefer tea()coffee.









解析: 暂无解析


—Which would you like, Coke or tea?—??____________. I prefer coffee.A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None

Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ________ tea. A.toB.withC.forD.against

I’d prefer to go in August ______ in July.AbutBexceptCnotDrather than

—Have you ever tried shopping online? —No, never. ____________, especially for clothes and shoes. A I prefer to actually see and touch what I'm buying before I pay for it ;B I prefer not to actually see and touch what I'm buying before I pay for it ;C I would rather surf online and I pay for it immediately

I prefer tea ________ coffee. A.atB.toC.forD.of

— Do you prefer tea or coffee?\n— _______A.Milk.B.Yes, I like tea.C.Coffee, please.D.None.

I can’t stand listening to jazz. It’s just ________ A、A storm in a tea cupB、not my cup of teaC、not for all the tea in ChinaD、a cuppa

I prefer watching TV (). A、to read the paperB、reading the paperC、to reading the paper

– I prefer watching TV. - _____ do I A.SoB.NeitherC.Nor

–– Thad: Gee, Susan. I’d like a cup of coffee.–– Susan:______Is instant OK?A: Sure thing.B: Sure I do.C: I ’m sure.D: No kidding.

A:I prefer watching TV. B:So( ) I.A. haveB. amC. do

– What would you like for drink? -- _____________.A、I like tea.B、I drink tea.C、I have a cup of tea.D、I’d like a cup of tea.

I’m afraid we haven’t got any coffee.(翻译)

Most Chinese like to drink tea.But some prefer coffee__________tea.A.toB.forC.withD.against

I prefer tea()coffee.AtoBfromCbyDwith

Can I get you a cup of tea?()AThat's very kind of youBWith pleasureCYou can, pleaseDThank you for the tea

I prefer classic music()pop musicAthanBonCwithDto

Would you like some tea, Mary?().AYes, I'd likeBI'd likeCYes. pleaseDYes. I will

Do you prefer tea or coffee?()AMilkBYes, I like tea.CCoffee, please.DNone.

Would you like some tea, Mary?().A、Yes, I'd likeB、I'd likeC、Yes. pleaseD、Yes. I will

Do you prefer tea or coffee?()A、MilkB、Yes, I like tea.C、Coffee, please.D、None.

Shall we have another cup of tea?()A、Do you like tea?B、Why not?C、Good tea.D、I'm thirsty.

I prefer tea()coffee.A、toB、fromC、byD、with

Can I get you a cup of tea?()A、That's very kind of youB、With pleasureC、You can, pleaseD、Thank you for the tea

I prefer the TV()the radio.A、toB、onC、atD、with

I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.A、wouldrather;thanB、prefer;toC、prefer;than

单选题Do you prefer tea or coffee?()AMilkBYes, I like tea.CCoffee, please.DNone.

单选题I prefer tea()coffee.AtoBfromCbyDwith