—Which would you like, Coke or tea?—??____________. I prefer coffee.A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None

—Which would you like, Coke or tea?

—??____________. I prefer coffee.

A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None


His grandfather is very healthy.He_____ drinks _____mokes.A.both,andB.neither,norC.neither,or

______ do Americans and the British speak the same language, ______they share a large number of social customs.A. Not only; but alsoB. Either, orC. Neither; norD. Both; and

The amount of freeboard affects the ______.① amount of reserve buoyancy of a vessel ② range of stability of a vessel.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A.Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or

The safety signal used on the marine radiotelephone:Ⅰ.Consists of three repetitions of the word PAN transmitted before the call sign and name of the calling station.Ⅱ.Indicates a message concerning the safety of navigation or meteorological warnings.A.ⅠonlyB.ⅡonlyC.Both Ⅰand ⅡD.Neither Ⅰnor Ⅱ

Freeboard is a measure of which of the following?Ⅰ.The amount of reserve buoyancy.Ⅱ.The initial stability of the vessel.A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Both Ⅰ and ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

A large GM would give a vessel which of the following characteristics ________.① More safety in case of flooding;② Increased racking stresses.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

Deck beams perform ______ of the following functions in the hull structure of a vessel.① They transfer deck loads to the frames;② They help to maintain the shape of the hull.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

GM is a measure of ______.① The initial stability of a vessel.② The rightingness of the vessel.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

In spring it is(  )hot(  )cold here.A.both:andB.either;orC.neither;norD.not only;bu