









词义辨析题。current现在的,当前的;temporary临时的,暂时的;conditional有条件的;transient短暂的。根据词义和后面的“up to five years(多达5年)”,应选B。


单选题Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.Athe; theB/; /Cthe; /D/; the


单选题According to the passage, man’s intelligence _____.Astays the same throughout the yearBvaries from day to dayCchanges with the seasonDchanges from year to year


单选题She found herself _____ forward more eagerly to the holiday at home.AlookingBbringingCdesiringDexpecting

单选题Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and _____.Ashe did soBso she didCso did sheDshe did such

单选题This is the biggest laboratory _____ we have ever built in our school.AwhichBwhatCwhereD\


单选题Final grades should be _____ plenty of good evidence.Abased onBbasis onCadjusted toDon foundation of

单选题We secured the contract in the face of _____ from several foreign firms.AcomparisonBcompetitionCcorporationDcontradiction

单选题According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?AMany employees don’t like a conservative dress code.BComfortable clothes make employees more productive.CA casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.DAll the employers in the U. S. are for casual office wear.

单选题I have bought the same dress _____ she is wearing.AasBthatCwhichDthan

单选题I’m _____ that he didn’t come.AastonishedBastonishingCastonishDto astonish

单选题His Selected Poems _____ first published in 1965.AwereBwasChas beenDis

单选题You must have stayed up late last night, _____?Amustn’t youBdon’t youCdidn’t youDneedn’t you

单选题The author believes that _____.Aart is useful only when it is made into a money earnerBthe promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s societyCuniversities should not provide literature or art coursesDthe society needs both technical skills and arts

单选题The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that _____.Athey want to see historic remains or religious spotsBthey are interested in different cultural traditions and social customsCthey would like to take pictures in front of famous sitesDthey wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home

单选题Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.AwhichBitCwhatDthat

单选题The dam was built along the river _____ floods.Ain any caseBin case ofCin no caseDin case


单选题The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.AcameBcomeCto comeDhave come


单选题I _____ the stand you take.AwishBadmireChopeDenvy

单选题_____Abe doneBdoneCto doDto doing

单选题In this book the writer gives us a(n) _____ picture of social history.ApreciseBexactCaccurateDcorrect

单选题_____Aat lastBneverCabove allDat once


单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.Abeing takenBtakingChave been takenDto have taken