




单选题Please stop().It cannot help the situation.Ato shoutBshoutingCto speakDspeaking


单选题Since the road is wet,() last night.Ait must have rainedBitmust rainCit must be rainingDit must have been raining

单选题I prefer classic music()pop music.AthanBtoCwith

单选题The temperatures are somewhat lower than the average temperature in May this year.AratherBveryCa littleDless

单选题A: What does he()? B: He is tall and good-lookingAlikeBlookClook like

单选题Nowadays, the prescribed roles of the man as “breadwinner” and the woman as housewife are changing.AascribedBprevalentCoriginalDsettled

单选题What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organisations?ATo earn high financial rewards.BTo achieve promotion.CTo attain a personal ambition.DTo pursue something stimulating.

问答题Practice 7Directions: You are asked to write in about 150 words about the title of The Week-long Holiday Policy. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1. 7天长假给我们带来了许多好处。  2. 长假也带来了一些问题。  3. 你的建议。

单选题An old lady was living next door. I heard her()as I passed her room last night.Ais coughingBcoughingCto be coughingDto coug

单选题He took()part in the activity.Aan activeBa dynamicCa positiveDenergetic

单选题If you take a bus in a big city in China, you should sit _____.Aon the left side in the busBon the right side in the busCin the middle of the busDat the back of the bus

单选题The rear section of the brain does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.AadvancedBgrowingCfrontDback



单选题You can see()on the tableAa packet of prawnBtwo packets of prawnCa packet of prawns

单选题Is $50 equivalent()about £30?AtoBforCwithDon


单选题I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I()to half a dozen other groups before.Awas givingBam givingChad givenDhave given

单选题There()three plants in the corners of the room.AisBareChave

单选题Either you or the headmaster()the prizes to those gifted students at the meetingAis handing outBare to hand outCare handing outDis to hand out


单选题Father made his son()by the door.AstandsBstoodCstandingDstand

单选题She()to see so many people at the party.AthrilledBthrillCwas thrillingDwas thrilled


单选题It is a good idea()people to take holidays.AofBforCtoDwith

单选题— How's the movie? Interesting? —()AIt was shown late until midnightBIt was starred by a few famous peopleCFar from. I should have stayed home watching TVDI was seated far away in the corner

单选题The reason why man differs from the animals is that _____.Aman has education but animal notBman is higher animal than any othersCman is more susceptible to the environment than animalsDafter education, man will change permanently in the habits of behavior, thought and attitude