问答题In its more extreme forms persecution mania is a recognizedform of insanity. Some people imagine that others wish to killthem, or imprison them, or to do them some other grave injury.  Often the wish to protect themselves from imaginary persecutors     (1)____leads them into acts of violence which make it necessary to restraintheir liberty. This, like many other forms of insanity, isonly an exaggeration of tendency not at all uncommon among         (2)____people who count as normal. I do not propose to discussthe extreme forms, that are a matter for a psychiatrist.           (3)____It is the milder forms that I wish to consider, since they          (4)____are a very frequent cause of unhappiness, and because, not havinggone much far as to produce definite insanity, they             (5)____are still capable of being dealt by the patient himself,           (6)____provided he can be induced to diagnose his troubleright and to see that its origin lies within himself but           (7)____not in the supposed hostility and unkindness of others.          (8)____  We are all familiar with the type of person, man or woman,who, according to his own account, is perpetually the victimof ingratitude, unkindness, and treachery. People of such kind        (9)____are often extraordinarily plausible, and secure warm sympathyfrom those who have not known them long. Thereis, as a rule, nothing inherently improbable about every separate      (10)____story that they relate.

In its more extreme forms persecution mania is a recognizedform of insanity. Some people imagine that others wish to killthem, or imprison them, or to do them some other grave injury.  Often the wish to protect themselves from imaginary persecutors     (1)____leads them into acts of violence which make it necessary to restraintheir liberty. This, like many other forms of insanity, isonly an exaggeration of tendency not at all uncommon among           (2)____people who count as normal. I do not propose to discussthe extreme forms, that are a matter for a psychiatrist.           (3)____It is the milder forms that I wish to consider, since they          (4)____are a very frequent cause of unhappiness, and because, not havinggone much far as to produce definite insanity, they              (5)____are still capable of being dealt by the patient himself,           (6)____provided he can be induced to diagnose his troubleright and to see that its origin lies within himself but           (7)____not in the supposed hostility and unkindness of others.             (8)____  We are all familiar with the type of person, man or woman,who, according to his own account, is perpetually the victimof ingratitude, unkindness, and treachery. People of such kind        (9)____are often extraordinarily plausible, and secure warm sympathyfrom those who have not known them long. Thereis, as a rule, nothing inherently improbable about every separate       (10)____story that they relate.


解析: 暂无解析


The agency is more () with making arty ads than understanding its clients(客户). A、concernB、concernedC、concerningD、to concern

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .A firm B company C corporation D enterprise

Parallelism is used in ________.A、It sells us instant gratification. It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain.B、Consider the casual assumptions that television tends to cultivate: that complexity must be avoided, that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought, that verbal precisio is an anachronism.C、Television’s variety becomes a narcotic, not a stimulus.D、Everything about this nation – the structure of the society, its forms of family organization, its economy, its place in the world – has become more complex, not less.

For the fuel oil purifier higher throughput and more efficient process can be achieved if the fuel is0 A.viscosity a heated to reduce itsB.cooled to reduce its temperatureC.heated to reduce its densityD.heated to reduce its gravity

To round is to delete or(66)one or more of the least significant digits in a positional(67)and to, or not to, adjust the part retained in accordance with some specified rule. The purpose of rounding is usually to limit the (68) of the numeral or to reduce the number of characters in the numeral, or to do both these things.The most common arithmetic forms of rounding are rounding down, rounding up and rounding off. Rounding down is defined as making no adjustment to the part of the numeral that is retained. Rounding up means adjusting the part of the numeral that is retained by adding 1 to the least significant of its digits and executing any necessary carries, if and only if One or more non-zero digits have been deleted. Rounding off (69) adjusting the part of the numeral retained by adding 1 to the least significant of its digits and executing any necessary carries, if and only if the most significant of the digits deleted was equal to or greater than half the(70) of its digit place.A.simplifyB.reduceC.abbreviateD.omit

The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the ______of merchant ships.A.pollutionB.economizationC.safetyD.efficiency

The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that.The more uncertain an event is, the more inforamtion is required to resovle uncertainty of that event.The amount of information is measured in__(73)__. (73)A.possibilityB.bitsC.bpsD.probability

A squeeze-grip type carbon dioxide portable fire extinguisher has been partially discharged.It should be ______.A.replaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 15%B.replaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 25%C.labeled empty and recharged as soon as possibleD.labeled empty and replaced in its proper location regardless of weight

共用题干Global WarmingFew people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many scientists1the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase2the world's temperatures and are convinced that,more than3before,the Earth is at4from the forces of the wind,rain and sun.5to them,global warming is making extreme weather events,6as hurricanes and droughts,even more7and causing sea levels all around the world to8.Environmental groups are putting9on governments to take action to reduce the 10 of carbon dioxide which is given 11 by factories and power plants,thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in12of more money being spent on research into so-lar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power13.Some scientists,14believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow,we would have to wait15hundred years to notice the results. Global warming,it seems,is here to stay.2._________A: in B: at C: by D: to

The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ()A、possibilityB、bitsC、bpsD、probability

The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms()and its party leader becomes()

How would you express the binary number: 10101010 in its decimal and hexadecimal forms?()A、Decimal=160, hexadecimal=00B、Decimal=170, hexadecimal=AAC、Decimal=180, hexadecimal=BBD、Decimal=190, hexadecimal=CC

填空题The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms()and its party leader becomes()

单选题A squeeze-grip type carbon dioxide portable fire extinguisher has been partially discharged. It should be().Areplaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 15%Breplaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 25%Clabeled empty and recharged as soon as possibleDlabeled empty and replaced in its proper location regardless of weight

单选题The word “mania” (para.2) most probably means ______.AfunBcrazeChysteriaDexcitement

单选题Which of the following is true about email according to the passage?AEmail reduces other forms of contact.BEmail enhances other forms of contact.CAbout 25% of network members are contacted by email weekly.DWith email, people try hard to maintain more relationships.

判断题Recently, people have more and more confidence in the government because of its works.A对B错

单选题The house was sold for $60000,which was far more than its real _____.AmoneyBpaymentCvalueDprofit

单选题The house was sold for $60,000,which was far more than its real _____.AmoneyBpaymentCvalueDprofit

单选题Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _____.Aessential to solve the dog’s behavior problemsBthe foundation for dogs to perform tasksCa good way to teach the dog new tricksDan extreme measure in obedience training

单选题When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner _____.Acan give the dog more rewardsBwill enjoy a better family lifeCcan give the dog more freedomDwill have more confidence in himself

单选题A squeeze-grip type carbon dioxide portable fire extinguisher has been partially discharged. It should be().Alabeled empty and recharged as soon as possibleBreplaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 25%Creplaced in its proper location regardless of weightDreplaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 15%

单选题During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well being.Athe U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well beingBthe U.S. enjoying more than any other time in its history peace and economic well beingCmore peace and economic well being was enjoyed by the U.S. than any other timeDeconomic peace and well being was enjoyed by the U.S. more so than any other ~ time in the country’s historyEthe U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any other time in its history

单选题Life is more like a baseball _____, where even the best team loses one third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance.AseasonBtimeCperiodDyear

单选题Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms---the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse—with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _____ farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.ASouthernBWesternCNew HampshireDNew England