单选题The height of a wave is the vertical distance().Afrom the still water plane to the crestBfrom the still water plane to the troughCfrom crest to troughDbetween water levels at one-quarter of the wave's length

The height of a wave is the vertical distance().

from the still water plane to the crest


from the still water plane to the trough


from crest to trough


between water levels at one-quarter of the wave's length


解析: 暂无解析


Do they always ( )in this informal way? A.wave to you goodbyeB.wave goodbye to youC.goodbyeD.wave

The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the______.A.height of tideB.charted depthC.actual water depthD.range of tide

Clearance gauges at bridges indicate ______.A.the height of the tideB.depth of water under the bridgeC.charted vertical clearance at mean low waterD.distance from the water to low steel of the bridge

Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideB.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomC.average height of water over a specified period of timeD.average height of all low waters at a place

Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideB.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottomC.average height of water over a specified period of timeD.average height of all low waters at a place

What should you expect when you encounter a tsunami in the open ocean ________.A.Violent seas from mixed directionsB.No noticeable change from the existing sea stateC.Winds increasing to gale force from the northwest in the Northern HemisphereD.A major wave of extreme height and length

Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the ______.A.Still water levelB.Wave crestC.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correctionsD.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge

Spreading oil on the open sea has the effect of ______.A.Diminishing the height of the seasB.Lengthening the distance between successive crestsC.Increasing the height of the seasD.Preventing the wave crests from breaking

If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave distance,there is an area in which no signal is received.This is called the ______.A.Skip zoneB.Blackout zoneC.Diffraction zoneD.Shadow zone

______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.A.BuoyancyB.FreeboardC.DraftD.Displacement

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the vertical moments by total weight yields the vessel’s_____.A.height of the center of gravityB.vertical momentsC.righting momentsD.inclining moments

For a floating vessel, the result of subtracting KG from KM is the ______.A.height of the metacenterB.height of the righting armC.height of the center of buoyancyD.metacentric height

For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ______.A.waterlineB.freeboard deckC.plimsoll markD.amidships section

If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity, there will always be an increase in the ______.A.metacentric heightB.righting armC.righting momentD.vertical moments


单选题What is the distance from the bottom of a wave trough to the top of a wave crest?()AWave lengthBWave heightCWave breadthDwave depth

单选题What is reserve buoyancy?().AThe amount of buoyancy measured in foot/tonsBThe vertical distance above the waterline inside the hullCThe volune of space that is filled with waterDThe volume of intact space above the waterline

单选题The vertical distance between G and M is used as a measure of().Astability at all angles of inclinationBinitial stabilityCstability at angles less than the limit of positive stabilityDstability at angles less than the downflooding angle

单选题Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the().Astill water levelBwave crestCwave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correctionsDwave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge

单选题The length of a wave is the length().Aof the wave's crestBof the wave's troughCmeasured from crest to troughDmeasured from crest to crest

单选题Clearance gauges at bridges indicate ().Athe height of the tideBdepth of water under the bridgeCcharted vertical clearance at mean low waterDdistance from the water to low steel of the bridge

单选题If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave distance,there is an area in which no signal is received.This is called the().ASkip zoneBBlackout zoneCDiffraction zoneDShadow zone

单选题For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ().AwaterlineBfreeboard deckCPlimsoll markDamidships section

单选题Spreading oil on the open sea has the effect of().Adiminishing the height of the seasBlengthening the distance between successive crestsCincreasing the height of the seasDpreventing the wave crests from breaking

单选题On mid-ocean waters,the height of a wind-generated wave is not affected by the().Awater depth exceeding 100 feetBfetchCwind's velocityDduration of the wind

单选题Charted depth is the().Avertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideBvertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottomCaverage height of water over a specified period of timeDaverage height of all low waters at a place

单选题Charted depth is the ().Avertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideBvertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomCaverage height of water over a specified period of timeDaverage height of all low waters at a place